Why is my Raptor so slow?


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2001
*I also noticed it doesn't like my other SATA drive. So far I haven't been able to get the missing operating system or NTLDR with the other drive unplugged, its still uber slow though*

I just reformatted my computer because my game performance was very low for my system and I couldn't figure out why, I thought a format might help. After I installed all the needed drivers I benched with 3dmark05 and got ~3800 only 200 up from before.

My computer locked up and I had to restart. Just before it got into windows it gave me a "Operating system could not be loaded" error, or something like that. I reboot again and it gave me a "NTLDR is missing" error. I rebooted a couple times, ran chkdsk which said it found an error, re-wrote the boot sector, did a couple more reboots and then it finally started working again.

I figured something must be weird with my HD so I downloaded SiSoft Sandra and benched my HD. Turns out I got 55MB/s compared to the 144MB/s the Raptor in the Sandra database gets. Whats up with this drive? I've had it for about a year now, did it crap out that quickly?

One more quick question. For my SATA drives I have an option to "Safely Remove" them in the systray, why is that there? Anyway I could get rid of the icon? Thanks

Its a 74gig Raptor and I'm on a MSI K8n Neo2 Plat motherboard
I wouldn't recommend SiSoft for hard drive tests, they do fine with CPU whet/dhrystones and memory, but the drive test isn't repeatable or based in reality. HDTach is a good starting point; see what your transfer rates and latencies are like in that.

ok well I downloaded hdtach and ran that. Everything seems ok except I have a couple dips in the graph, anything to worry about?