Why is the COD4 community so lame?

Technoob, I hate to break it to you buddy, but you're not telling him or anyone else anything they don't already know. If everyone acted like you're suggesting, it would be such a different world. This is the internet, he is playing a computer game, not applying for employment. If I were in that server, I'd be the first to say "Nothing wrong with his name, play the game and shut the fuck up", I know where that will take me in that particular server, but just having the balls to back someone up when they're being picked on, will be worth the ban or kick.

Grow up Technoob, I'm not sure if there is a parenting sub-forum here on the [H]ard.

If it's something they already know, then maybe they should not whine about it. Seems the one who should be shutting the fuck up and playing the game is the person whining about admin policies, not the ones enforcing them. If standing up for someone breaking server rules is worth the ban, then get banned, stfu about it, and find a server where you can debate in chat rather than play the fucking game.
If it's something they already know, then maybe they should not whine about it. Seems the one who should be shutting the fuck up and playing the game is the person whining about admin policies, not the ones enforcing them. If standing up for someone breaking server rules is worth the ban, then get banned, stfu about it, and find a server where you can debate in chat rather than play the fucking game.

I don't think the original poster is whining, he's just venting. There is nothing wrong with a name like Chronic, obviously the original poster made a note to the admins that it isn't bothering the players, which is what the fucking admins should be there to please, no players in your server = no fun. The fact that the player got kicked from the server for making the admin aware that it isn't an offensive name, shows no maturity on their part. Do you even play computer games?:confused:
It's a name the admin doesn't want. If the admin doesn't want the name fluffy bunnies, then guess what....find another server. "Making the admin aware that its not an offensive name"? Sounds like someone wanting to get into a rhetorical debate, rather than just play the effing game. If I was an admin with set rules, and some joker started wanting to get into a goddamn debate about the merits of various names, he'd be gone just for talking about useless shit rather than playing the game, which you previously said was what was most important.

So which is it? Play the freaking game, or debate about the enforcement of rules that aren't even yours to set in the first place?
Far too many servers have ego filled admins and mods who think they are gods, as soon as i hear crap like that i walk out, post the server on my clans forums to let everyone know and leave it at that

This is how alot of clans servers get no traffic, word spreads if they are abusive and a**holes and soon enough, no Rangers, there is no one to take their places, no one mature at least, then they get stuck with more people who do stupid crap.
Far too many servers have ego filled admins and mods who think they are gods, as soon as i hear crap like that i walk out, post the server on my clans forums to let everyone know and leave it at that

This is how alot of clans servers get no traffic, word spreads if they are abusive and a**holes and soon enough, no Rangers, there is no one to take their places, no one mature at least, then they get stuck with more people who do stupid crap.

See, that's the remedy: if you find a particular ruleset or administration to be overbearing or bad, then you get to leave. Ranting about it inside that server won't change their mind, and will just get you booted. Why stay long enough in a server you hate so much in order to complain anyway?
Keep in mind these servers are not free. The admins pay the costs, the least you can do is respect their rules, no matter how lame you think the are. Which makes a second important point. If you don't like their rules, don't play there.
think you and technoob are really missing the point with respect to the language rules that a lot of servers try to enforce. I haven't seen anyone saying to allow the 14 year olds and asshats to ruin a server by cursing endlessly or spamming hack hack hack everytime they get killed. I've encountered them and they do ruin servers If I was running a server I would kick/ban them in an instant. There is a big difference between them and some one saying the occasional fuck, shit, asshole, etc.

This is true and I guess I kinda missed the OP's point which I felt was the entire community is at blame. I rarely encounter these types of servers since my buddies and I have our own and the main rule is, well to quote Dan, don't be a nutsack.

We rarely have any problems, occasionally we'll get a douche that starts abusing peoples patience and tolerance, and they'll get a warning. If it keeps up then ya they'll get a big 'ol boot on the way out.
this game does have a pretty crappy community. its one of those games I will play every now and then.
Why are people bitching about a Admin rules? Its their server they can do what they want on it, If you happen to dislike ther rules then find a different server without the restrictions.
If it's something they already know, then maybe they should not whine about it. Seems the one who should be shutting the fuck up and playing the game is the person whining about admin policies, not the ones enforcing them. If standing up for someone breaking server rules is worth the ban, then get banned, stfu about it, and find a server where you can debate in chat rather than play the fucking game.

I'm not sure where you think you are, but as far as i know, this is a forum, where we DISCUSS shit.

You seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time on this issue. I'm thinking you're one of these douche admins they're talking about (to be clear, i don't play any of these games).
While I agree that it's their rules and you can play or leave, some of the rules themselves are pretty dumb. No sprinting and no shooting from the hip really bother me. If the gameplay elements can't be turned on or off by a mod or the config file then they should be allowed, otherwise it just turns into a bitch-fest on the server. What's next, only shoot in 3 round bursts or get banned for spraying and praying?
this is what happens when 15 year old kids can get a hold of their parents credit card.
No running in server? Yea don't run while your getting shot at or you have a grenade thrown at you.

Can't fire while not in scope? CQB people

No cursing? I'm sure the people in Iraq are having a hard time with this one.

How is that realisim? If I am missing something please explain. I find it funny that certain things affect people but they don't find it wrong to run around and kill people.

Reading the chat box or chatting in a game is pointless unless you have a friend on there, even then I use a mic.

For the most part, they or someone did pay for the server so they can have whatever rule they want. Just don't play in those servers. If the server is that bad, sooner or later it will start to die down and they will wonder why or change some of the rules.

I like some realism in a game but not to much because it wouldn't be a game anymore and I wouldn't of last vary long if I had only one life.
I'm not sure where you think you are, but as far as i know, this is a forum, where we DISCUSS shit.

You seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time on this issue. I'm thinking you're one of these douche admins they're talking about (to be clear, i don't play any of these games).

I'm not discussing the original post?
None of this really bothers me as long as it is text based. Voice chat can be annoying if people are going crazy. I had to mute almost every player one time, not fun.
I never use the voice option. This is what ventrillo and ts are for. There is a need for admins in the sense that when someone just goes off the deep end in a drunk, racist rampage that they need to be banned. Other than that, just let ppl go within reason. I play on servers where they have admins that do not kick for "hacking" regardless of your score but do kick ppl for being stupid.

There are good, bad and LOL communities in COD4. Same as every other game. At least the gameplay is fast and fun when there are decent, NOT HACKING AND LAGGING THE fuck out of the server idiots. Then I just leave.
Our group prides itself in running servers with no rules.

Our 2142 server has two rules... and both are common sense, but seem to need to be said:
1) No Tking for Vehicles
2) No cheating.

Our COD4 server has zero rules, but like Dan said, don't be a nutsack.

Man I hate gameplay rules. The worse community for gameplay rules is BF2 hands down. God I hate playing that game nowdays.
As much as I hate to say this.
Its their server and their rules.

ps I won't mention the name of the clan but I like it that they have rules they dont' follow.
SO I can do it because its my server is a bit of BS.
No running in server? Yea don't run while your getting shot at or you have a grenade thrown at you.

Can't fire while not in scope? CQB people

No cursing? I'm sure the people in Iraq are having a hard time with this one.

How is that realism? If I am missing something please explain. I find it funny that certain things affect people but they don't find it wrong to run around and kill people.

I bought the game last week and tried out the multiplayer, and I'm finding that all these bizarre rules are really making the community seem kind of... stale, I guess.

I've also seen servers that ban you for using certain perks or weapons, as well (ex. the grenade launcher or Martydom perk). What really bugs me about these sorts of restrictions, is that they're banning people for using the normal game features, as intended by the developers. If they don't like those features, can't they disable them with a server mod instead of policing servers like this?

And I agree, junglicious, there's something wrong with people playing casually playing a game with bloody battle scenes and realistic-looking weapons, but being kicked for dropping an occasional "fuck" or "shit". Give me a break.

:D Tongue firmly in cheek, here's my suggestion: I want someone to host a server where players must have a name that is offensive to at least one religious or ethnic group, and where all voice and text communication must have at least two instances of profanity. Take that, you stodgy mommy's boys! :D
WTF? There are too many servers out there to tolerate this BS. I play on tons of servers that have no gameplay rules. The only thing I don't like is the rules about swearing. That rule seems to be present on a ton of servers and though I don't like that in principal I don't ever talk to anyone while I'm gaming so I couldn't give two squirts of piss if others can or can't swear without getting kicked.

When I go online I'm there to get body count, not to socialize.
Technoob you sure like to say "fuck" and "stfu" a lot for being someone who is talking about people being "children" on servers.

After reading 3 of your replies, i think i can safely say you're someone whos mid 20's and got picked on in school and now you own a COD4 server and boot people out of it who contest your authority.

grats brah.

As much as I hate to say this.
Its their server and their rules.
No one is arguing that admins can't do what they want with their servers. The OP is simply asking why there's a disproportionate number of COD4 admins with hairs up their asses. He never implied admins aren't entitled to have hairs up their asses.

As someone mentioned earlier, it's likely an over-zealous backlash against what happened to the CS community. At least the behavior rules. I have no explanation for the bizarre gameplay rules.
Agreed. People jumping on the OP are taking his words out of context. There definitely is something disproportionately wrong with all these stupid rules in the COD4 community. I have been playing online shooters since Quake 1 and I have never seen so many servers with ridiculous rules like no jumping, no cursing, no this, no that. Some guy told me my name was offensive (same name as here) and when I politely asked why he thought that, I was banned. And its usually some joker who has "Sgt. 1st class" or some shit like that in his name but has never been in the military or even remotely close to a real war. There definitely are people who have a cult obsession with the army (but don't want to enlist) and are trying to recreate that environment in the game, and for some reason they feel ridiculous rules are part of that. I'm just waiting for the first server to mandate PT time where we run around the level 4 times w/o shooting before we can actually play.

Edit: I forgot to add that most of the time these same clowns SUCK at call of duty, which is probably their motivation for stupid gameplay rules in the first place. And these are the same clowns pushing hardcore mode saying that it's more realistic, when in fact they can't cut it in regular. I would love to see the river of tears from these people bitching if they had to play a game like Tribes, they wouldn't have a chance.
I've always said the worst part of multiplayer games is that you have to play with people.

Honestly though, how important is it really to be able to drop f-bombs? I don't play CoD4 multiplayer, but I remember playing BF2 and I couldn't believe the amount of excessive profanity. If I ran a server I would kick for excessive swearing.

As far as restrictive rules, its an arcade game and the admins are trying to create realism in a game that does not have it. Based upon what some of you are saying the rules themselves aren't even realistic.

One thing that always irked me with video game weapon optics was how red dots are used. I wish a game would impliment them correctly so you could actually view through the sight while the gun is shouldered, that way you could CQC the way its designed. In fact you're not even supposed to use them like a scope since there is no magnification. Plus most of the ones in game are either EOTech or Aimpoint and the paralax is neglible anyway.
Why is everyone such a rule nazi in cod4? Is this game played by a bunch of 45 year old prunes? Every server I join its DON'T SAY THIS, DON'T USE THAT, DON'T JUMP, DON'T DO ANYTHING.

I've been kicked before for dropping a cussword not aimed at anyone in particular. I thought that was lame. Tonight was the lamest though. This clan =EID= are whining over and over about this guy named "Chronic". They want him to change his name so bad. The dude just ignores them. After five minutes of them just typing away, I type my one and only comment of the game, "Who cares what his name is?". The admins then get on me "DON'T GET INTO IT WITH US" and then literally, as soon as I'm done reading that comment I get kicked. If I wanted to "get into it with them", I wouldn't have even had a chance lol.

Does anyone have an ip to a server that isn't so ridiculously strict? Where I don't have to be scared of getting kicked for looking at someone funny?

Because some of us don't want to play with immature players such as yourself. Not all of us have to cuss every other word.

Realize that servers are payed for by their owners, and they have the rights to enforce whatever rules the want. Myself, I like to play in Hardcore servers with no grenade launchers or grenade spamming, if you can't respect that, then go play elsewhere.
WTF? There are too many servers out there to tolerate this BS. I play on tons of servers that have no gameplay rules. The only thing I don't like is the rules about swearing. That rule seems to be present on a ton of servers and though I don't like that in principal I don't ever talk to anyone while I'm gaming so I couldn't give two squirts of piss if others can or can't swear without getting kicked.

When I go online I'm there to get body count, not to socialize.

You know...there are team based game modes in this game, right? Or are you one of the incooperative lone wolfs that end up costing their team a victory because you only want to focus on getting kills?
Because some of us don't want to play with immature players such as yourself. Not all of us have to cuss every other word.

Realize that servers are payed for by their owners, and they have the rights to enforce whatever rules the want. Myself, I like to play in Hardcore servers with no grenade launchers or grenade spamming, if you can't respect that, then go play elsewhere.

What do you have against grenades and grenade launchers? Can't hack it on a server where people are free to do as they please? Grenade launchers aren't a big problem as far as I am concerned. You only get two shots with it. If you are playing hardcore mode you can die just as easily by regular fire as you can by grenade. To each their own I suppose.

Servers admins can do as they please, but I think that many of the server admins are far too fucking uptight. That's what the original poster is getting at. Most games don't have so many uptight asshole admins in the community. I've never seen a game where people whine so much about gameplay mechanics and swearing. This is an adult game and adult language generally goes a long with that. It is in the single player game fairly often. Do you think that no swearing rules create more mature players or somehow exclude the less mature nutsacks out there?

You know...there are team based game modes in this game, right? Or are you one of the incooperative lone wolfs that end up costing their team a victory because you only want to focus on getting kills?

Yeah I knew that. :rolleyes:

I generally prefer free for all mode but I do occasionally play Team Deathmatch. When I do play Team Deathmatch I play it differently than I would play in a Free-For-All game.

So true. If CoD4 had bots I would not ever connect to another server ever again.

I wish it supported bots but mostly for LAN play and so that I could populate my dedicated server with them so that the server could always have opponents on it.
Reminds me of a server I played on in TF2, Texas Team Players I think it was. It's usually a decent server but this admin was being a fucking jackass and took issue with the fact that I was trying to build a teleporter exit near the enemy base and told me to play the game "properly". Later, as I was capping the last point on the enemy team alone he slayed me without any warning, and then later said scouts supposedly don't take teleporters. Now I know his reason, I never take teles as a spy or scout if anyone is around and usually let slow chars take the tele first, but first off no one was around, and second this was around 2-3 minutes after I actually took the teleporter. :rolleyes: It's strange because I'm pretty sure their server rules basically tell you to just play the game without any stupid rules; but no matter, I won't be going on there again.
Technoob you sure like to say "fuck" and "stfu" a lot for being someone who is talking about people being "children" on servers.

After reading 3 of your replies, i think i can safely say you're someone whos mid 20's and got picked on in school and now you own a COD4 server and boot people out of it who contest your authority.

grats brah.


Psychoanalyzing people over the internet is obviously a science in its infancy.

I don't in fact own or play COD4, so you'd be wrong about that. The logic is clear on its face: The remedy for a player who is on a server with rules they find to be bad is to find another server, not whine about that server while you're still in it to the admins.

How immature of me to point out the glaring logic that apparently escapes you.

The server and clan I run with is a much older crowd. Also our rules system was the same from the beginning. No swearing, cheatin' or anything else. At the time the clan played mainly Black Hawk Down, the Delta Force series and Joint Ops. Many of the members kids would play. The main thing was not to swear cause many of the members had speakers on or the PC was in the main area of the home. From my understanding it was more of courtesy thing for the families. We welcome anyone in. We are not a church group server by far. Many people stop by the server regularly to play. As long as you don't type F this or F that and don't cheat, we are more than happy to have you play on the server. We warn for language and most of the time it is heeded.


We pay for our server space through donations by our clan members. They enjoy the time spent every night. We should have a right to kick foul play and or language users. Come as you are and play fair that is all we ask of you. Just respect the people in the server.

Because some of us don't want to play with immature players such as yourself. Not all of us have to cuss every other word.

Realize that servers are payed for by their owners, and they have the rights to enforce whatever rules the want. Myself, I like to play in Hardcore servers with no grenade launchers or grenade spamming, if you can't respect that, then go play elsewhere.

How am I immature? I started a discussion about admins who go above and beyond keeping the game clean and power tripping over nothing. You come in from left field calling me immature. Oh yeah, you're the big man here.

Grow up.
Psychoanalyzing people over the internet is obviously a science in its infancy.

I don't in fact own or play COD4, so you'd be wrong about that. The logic is clear on its face: The remedy for a player who is on a server with rules they find to be bad is to find another server, not whine about that server while you're still in it to the admins.

How immature of me to point out the glaring logic that apparently escapes you.

Why do you insist on putting down all these people in this thread who actually play COD4 with your condescending tone, when you yourself just admitted that YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT?
I always thought it was silly to have a no profanity rule in a m rated games. That being said, people who pay for the servers should have their own rules.

Im fine with a little profanity but some people go overboard. if you drop a bomb here and there, thats fine with me but every other word gets a little excessive.
Food for thought, if I walked into a kindergarten classroom or a church at full capacity and asked "whats wrong with his name?", would I get scolded and kicked out?

Why do these same words get me kicked on a violent game intended for mature adults?!
Trying to make himself feel superior when he has no idea what he's talking about, which in the end invalidates everything he has said.