Why most LCD's have bad color accuracy


Aug 1, 2006
I thought I'd make this post to inform those who are worried about color accuracy and wonder why they should pay price premium for certain types of display.

You might have seen these pictures on Behardware and other review sites:




Maybe you have even based your purchase upon this? Well, you have been deceived.

Probes like Spyder 2/3, Eye one and all the other types that are on the mainstream market are measuring colors from a couple of mm from the display.

Problem is, the LCD's are based upon crystals and the different matrices like TN, VA and IPS are spreading the light differently. So, from where you sit, the results can differ very much.

Check out ToastyX's post here:

His probe told him that the screen was properly calibrated. But thats only correct a couple of mm from the display.

Take a look at these pictures:




As you can see, the light would travel in a different direction after it has left the panel itself. Only IPS matrixes have high enough image consistency to display the colors accurately from where you sit as well. Consider this the next time you see a "color accuracy comparison" between two different panels. Those reviews are deceiving you (unless you are editing colors with your eyes a couple of mm from the display as shown in the reviews).

Even a properly calibrated crappy CRT can have better color accuracy then a properly calibrated mainstream LCD because of this.
To add to the fun, most manufacturers use different panels from dif manufacturers. And they use 1 color profile you can download off their website. Yep - it makes that much sense. I guess they took an avg of all the dif profiles from each panel and the result is what you see.
How true! :D Samsung 226BW had A, C and S panels and though they all were TN panels, they still were from different manufacturers and people could see the differences with eyeballing them. Only one type of monitor profile, 3 panels.

Dell 2007WFP comes with to different panel matrices even. PVA and IPS. Only one profile there. Many (if not all) got the 3007WFP-HC (wide gamut) with a 3007WFP standard gamut profile... :p