Why Sex Matters In Witcher 3

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I guess they couldn't let all that motion capture data go to waste, now could they?

But the development team behind forthcoming fantasy adventure title The Witcher: Wild Hunt seems unfazed by either moral or technical concerns. The game, due for release in May, contains sex scenes constructed from over 16 hours of motion capture data.
Why has violence dominated over sex in video games? If I really wanted porn I'd buy porn and wouldn't need a $400 graphics card to make it half-convincing.
The US is way too uptight about this stuff. These are adult games. I say bring on the poonanie. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
Real neckbeards will hit ESC to skip the scenes and get back to the gameplay.
Weirdly, I kinda agree that there's this weird societal aversion to anything even vaguely humping-related in the US, but a freakish fascination with guts and gore. It's totally okay to decapitate someone and broadcast that on evening TV for little kids to watch but the entire nation loses its mind over Whatsherface Jackson's nipple. Sex might be boring and pointless, but what's socially acceptable compared to gore is really dumb. I blame scientology mostly for causing that and what little wasn't their faults is probably easy enough to dump in the lap of Wesley Snipes.
Damn, 16 hours worth of motion capture. I wonder how many positions they included.
They should have hired me for the scenes, I could have done them all in a few minutes, saved them a ton of money and editing costs
was hoping to see some motion capturing in that link.
CDProjektRed cranking the dial on the political correctness meter all the way to "IDGAF"

Seriously, name one other AAA developer that is so unwilling to compromise on their artistic vision of a game. That's the real takeaway here. At one point Warner Brothers was attached to this project for distribution in North America, but it seems they parted ways with CDProjektRed at some point, I suspect things like "16 hours of sex mo-cap" would have sent a pub like WB into a tizzy but CDPR is big enough and confident enough to say "we're not compromising" :

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is effectively releasing in 2015 without a publisher, and while he hasn’t slammed agencies outright, CD Projekt RED CEO Marcin Iwiński has explained why he fears too many studios are sacrificing their vision when working with publishers.

“There are good publishers and there are bad publishers,” he warned, “but only the developer can change their reality. They are the vision holders, they are the passion holders. With a middle man, they tell your story and you lose, what, 50 per cent of that message. If you’re doing it through a bigger company you might have two layers of those people.

The hype is real, ladies and gentlemen.
They better remove the quick time events they introduced in Witcher 2.

Tap "B" quickly. Hold "C" to finish.
Can't wait to see which groups are going to call this oppressive and offensive.
Can't wait to see which groups are going to call this oppressive and offensive.

It's racist (no black people?), transphobic (no trans people), ableist (for some reason), sexist (discriminatory towards non-womyn females), genderphobic (no otherkin representation) and... uhm,...Patriarchy™!!1
Can't wait to see which groups are going to call this oppressive and offensive.

Which will only serve to sell more copies. Rockstar for example practically depends on political correctness idiots coming out of the woodwork to help boost their sales of G2A into the stratosphere.

Literally the only thing that the headlines and the controversy generated by the SJW tards will accomplish is helping sales.
Any idea how much of those 16 hours are included in the game?
Virtual violence provides hours of entertainment. Virtual sex provides, err . . . significantly less than an hour's worth entertainment, ties up one hand, and voids the warranty on most mainstream models of girlfriend.
Wonder if it'll use PhysX for proper booty jiggle and fluid physics for the money shot.
Wonder if it'll use PhysX for proper booty jiggle and fluid physics for the money shot.

No PhysXXX joke? I think I have interneted too much today.

I'll probably buy this game on GOG like I did with The Witcher 2. Nice not having steam running while gaming.
The US is way too uptight about this stuff.

in a country where a 18 year old can legally buy a .50 cal but not watch Triss Merigolds boobs since thy can not as far i know split a man in half
Weirdly, I kinda agree that there's this weird societal aversion to anything even vaguely humping-related in the US, but a freakish fascination with guts and gore. It's totally okay to decapitate someone and broadcast that on evening TV for little kids to watch but the entire nation loses its mind over Whatsherface Jackson's nipple. Sex might be boring and pointless, but what's socially acceptable compared to gore is really dumb. I blame scientology mostly for causing that and what little wasn't their faults is probably easy enough to dump in the lap of Wesley Snipes.

You're doing it wrong ;)

The problem I generally have with sex on TV or in video games is that it generally seems like filler rather than actually advancing the story/plot. I have pretty much stopped watching anything on Showtime because of this. Excessive gore often accomplishes very little as well, but at least sometimes it can be funny (think 80s slasher flicks). When I want to watch other people have sex, I watch porn.
Excessive gore often accomplishes very little as well, but at least sometimes it can be funny

i like your reasoning, smearing body entrails all over can be funny but you cant laught when you see some good ole penetration

you must be an American
You're doing it wrong ;)
Give it 10 to 20 more years. Or maybe try menopause, I dunno. Never pictured him as a 60 year old women, aaaaand now I need the brain bleach.

The problem I generally have with sex on TV or in video games is that it generally seems like filler rather than actually advancing the story/plot. I have pretty much stopped watching anything on Showtime because of this. Excessive gore often accomplishes very little as well, but at least sometimes it can be funny (think 80s slasher flicks). When I want to watch other people have sex, I watch porn.
This. I'm all for giving devs full freedom of expression, but I regret what the cost will be: boring, crappy porno. Lifeless digital mannequins banging each other. So sexy. :rolleyes: Triple A games will be like Second Life without the furries on release, and the furry mods will follow within the first week. Enjoy, folks.
It's culture... and it's sad. GTA:SA as much killing and stuff there is in the game, the thing most people remember from that game as being "the most controversial" is the "Hot Coffee" mod/code.
Sex,Gore and Shocl is what got everyone's attention for GOT... character development is what turned it into lasting fantasy crack. Why should games be any different.
i like your reasoning, smearing body entrails all over can be funny but you cant laught when you see some good ole penetration

you must be an American

I seriously hope you're not from Europe.

Considering that the gigantic bulk of all the wars this world has ever known have been started by European countries (and fought on European soil), anyone from there has literally zero room to criticize the US for being warhawkish. We've only been at it for ~75 years, if that. Europe has been at it for 2000 years and then some.

Now, back on topic.
I seriously hope you're not from Europe.

Considering that the gigantic bulk of all the wars this world has ever known have been started by European countries (and fought on European soil), anyone from there has literally zero room to criticize the US for being warhawkish. We've only been at it for ~75 years, if that. Europe has been at it for 2000 years and then some.

Now, back on topic.

So much ignorance, I can't... I can't even form a coherent reply.
Considering that the gigantic bulk of all the wars this world has ever known have been started by European countries

indeed, like the Crusades for example

We've only been at it for ~75 years, if that.

that actually made me laugh

And next time when you have a school massacre on your hands , you can blame it on the boobs in videogames
Let's be honest here. Most if not all sex scenes are immaterial to almost every medium unless they are an integral part of the story, where the sex is actually a part of the story like a romance novel (and even then you can write something erotic that doesn't even involve sex) or a story of sexual abuse. Most sex scenes in movies and games are gratutitious and are nothing but cheap marketing ploys for the neckbeards who will never know or understand the touch of human contact. Yes, I'm looking at you Sir Cornelius McFedora Fatty Neckbeardonton (you reddit/4chan scumbags. You know who you are).
I thought that the "bed a girl, to get trophy picture card" thing was pretty juvenile in Witcher 1. I guessed they were aiming for the 16 year old, horny, high school kid demographic and this article really proves that. It's not about art, it's just Calvin Klein-style "sex sells".
I dunno. I think sex has its place in video games, as long as it's in context. Just like violence does, but in context.

Take Wolfenstein: The New Order. There's some sex; it fits in with the story. They don't blow it out of proportion or make it more than it needs to be.

I admit that if a game had sex on the level of Game of Thrones, I probably wouldn't be interested, because I think it would likely be gratuitous and not lend itself well to the plot of a game.