Why should I buy an Xbox 360 vs PS3?

Oct 2, 2001
First, I have an HDTV- in this case it would be running on a 100" screen @ 720p with surround sound :) Plus I have some gift money burning a hole in my pocket- and a local MicroCenter ($100 MIR!)

I'd need a Premium (Component cables are a must)

But why should I buy an X360? OK it has updated graphics from the last gen, native wireless controllers and an hdd. I'm not really interested in online games (lack of time and consistency to be able to get good online) but it seems that you really need a live sub to get the best out of things, and I'd need to buy a wireless adapter. Just to give an idea, I just beat Max Payne- Last week!

Right now there area only a few titles that rally are interesting at all to me, but that's not to say that it would change at any time (mostly lack of knowledge of other titles)

ST: Legacy- Looks a load of fun, but I can get this on PC
Indiana Jones- Both platforms
Assassin's Creed- same
Forza- same
MGS4- PS3 only
GT5- PS3 only (as long as they do not have microtranscations!)

I've never played GRAW- or any Clancy titles for that matter (love his books though) GOW is meh right now, but I'd probably rent it.

I want a PS3 for the BluRay player first- it just happens to play games too, but that will be some time before I can get one and they're expensive. My wife's pregnant, so there are budgetary concerns. Plus there are few titles for the PS3 right now- this will change in time. The 360 has a year on the PS3 for releases. (and used games/ greatest hits), but ps3 has BR.

Both is not an option.

Opinions, please
Personally I'm all about the 360. Sounds like you'd be best off with a PS3 though.

As with any gaming platform, it just comes down to the games you want to play.
My opinion is look at the other 100 threads about this topic and pick from those instead of making another one. But thats what I would do. Hope this helps!
If you want a PS3, get a PS3. If money and availablity are an issue, wait and save money in the mean time. What's the debate?
Premium 360+ HDDVD drive = Premium PS3, without the wireless deal you need. The PS3 also has a larger HDD. Sounds like a PS3 would give you a better deal

Then again, BR movies are more expensive than HDDVD movies.

I honestly think BR is going to lose the HD format war. But thats just me...
I don't know if Blu-ray will "win" the format war, and the same goes for HD-DVD.

But if you actually want the blu-ray player, in your case the PS3's price is not a bad one. Go ahead and get it. If you're more interested in PS3 games, then there really isn't any decision to be made here.
You should probably figure this one out for yourself as opposed to having various fans of the systems spout out stats to you. Figure out what you want from a system and don't listen to the hype, then make an educated decision. You're not going to hear any new info here that you couldn't read in one of the other 500 posts about this very topic...

Personally, I like the 360 but that's because it fits my desires for a console more. Go with what you want. If you like the game selection and Blu-Ray of the PS3 and that's what you want then get it, no one here should have to justify your decision.
And IV, there are plenty of PS3's and Wii's bricking too. It happens with any advanced system when you combine it with stupid(ish) consumers.
I would say the PS3 seems to be the better choice for you.

I love my 360 and it gets a lot more play than my PS3 right now, but that is mostly due to the fact that there are just so many more games out. I don't really care about Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, but since that seems to be a big issue for you, I would say PS3 is a better choice for you.

P.S. Forza is coming to the PS3?
the big reason to buy any console is the games. PS2 "won" last generation because of its library. well the 360 has the larger library of the two right now and probably will hold that lead for quite some time. they have a good-sized library of regular titles, not to mention the arcade titles like Geometry Wars, Street Fighter 2, Uno and Texas Holdem. now, if you're looking at specific games that will make or break your 360 experience, i would suggest looking into the following:

Rainbow Six: VEGAS
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Gears of War
Saints Row
Rockstar: Table Tennis

on the subject of xbox live, the one thing that the 360 has is polish. the system just plain works. the games that support co-op are fantastic examples of how online play should work...even the PC has much to learn from the 360 in this regard. you're playing a level, you see a friend is online, you go to their name and click "invite to game" and they're there. xbox live isnt JUST about competition. co-op is just as rewarding as competition..maybe even moreso.

as far as the format wars are concerned, let the formats mature. the prices of the drives will come down in time (remember paying huge bucks for a DVD player? look at them now) and you'll be able to get a drive for reasonable price next year.

that's my opinion and im sticking to it.

PS: Forza is NOT coming to PS3. it's a Microsoft published title.
Ahh, the reason that I'm truly torn and seeking opinions-

Both consoles offer good features. And there are few exclusives that I care about that I can't get on a PC or the console of choice.

I would likely not buy the HDDVD addon for the 360- stand alone layer is more likely.

It may be just too early to decide on the vs battle. The 360 is just more mature and the PS3 is just beginning it's life. Used games are a big draw (small outlay to get in)

BluRay currently has the catalogs that I want in HD (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, James Bond back catalog- but that's fuzzy about distribution)

As for who will 'win' it's still up in the air, and will be for a few years more at minimum.
I like sony consoles, but if I were buying right now I'd buy a 360. It has a library, the ps3 does not. If you can't find more titles currently shipping for the 360 that you'd like to play than are currently shipping for the ps3... you shouldn't buy either, just stick with your pc.

The only reason I would go out and buy a ps3 today would be for Resistance... and I'm not going to do that until I see how good the patch is.
pigpen said:
If you want a PS3, get a PS3. If money and availablity are an issue, wait and save money in the mean time. What's the debate?
I agree completely. Why have other people make up your mind for you. I never have understood how people can turn 12 yrs old at the drop of a hat.
A somewhat harsh but true +1

It's your money, spend it how you please. I shouldn't have to go into used car salesman mode to help you decide.
greyt_Autumn said:
First, I have an HDTV- in this case it would be running on a 100" screen @ 720p with surround sound :)

I always have read that if you go over 42" for HDTV you NEED 1080P to really benefit from the larger screen.

On a 100" screen that is only 720P how does the picture look?
We have a 56" 720p and it really is pretty nice, although I think it could be a wee bit clearer. At almost double that size it's gotta be like looking at a giant 480p the pixels would be so big...
if you can afford ps3 purchase that one but if you have limited finance you should go with xbox360 or possibly wii
kabob983 said:
We have a 56" 720p and it really is pretty nice, although I think it could be a wee bit clearer. At almost double that size it's gotta be like looking at a giant 480p the pixels would be so big...

Good point, maybe thats why he got the 720p projector. If he had bought a 480P it would look like a 240P at that size.
Go with 360 and get a Live membership. It's well worth it, and you can rent/download HD movies to play without getting yourself stuck in the middle of the format war. Particularly right now Bluray isn't doing nearly as well as HD-DVD, for example, so springing the cash for an HD player right now isn't really a good idea. There are only about 150 Bluray movies out right now, and they aren't ramping up as quickly as HD-DVD, either. Joining a format war, IMHO, is a waste of time and of money.
kabob983 said:
And IV, there are plenty of PS3's and Wii's bricking too. It happens with any advanced system when you combine it with stupid(ish) consumers.

I hope that's true, I guess ive been unlucky with my xbox nightmare. Sorry if I am letting a little bit of console bashing through lately. Just been so frustrated.
All I can say is that I'm a former diehard pc gamer (my last console until now was a PS1) that recently got a Xbox 360. I'm enjoying the hell out of it and I don't feel that I'm missing out on anything.....including whatever the PS3 has to offer.
The point is that I'm seeking opinions. Not owning a current gen console, I want to know what others think. All I ever hear bout is Xbox live, and knowing what I know, the online experience is not a factor for me at all. I really can't commit to anything online- unlike the days when I played Tribes and Tribes 2.

I have a 1008I RP CRT in the family room and the FP in the theater. I can see a definite difference between the two- Sunday football being the most telling. One of these days (probably a long time!) I'll upgrade the PJ to a 1080P, but only when the costs come way down. Sure you can get a DLP for a PC for well under 1k, but HT projectors are a bit more.

I really want to go next gen and take advantage of the technology in my displays, but It's a struggle. I'm not 18 with all the money in the world anymore, and I want the console to be something that I use and have fun with.

The Wii is out because Nintendo dropped the ball (IMHO) on taking advantage of my types of setups.- 480x computer output looks kinda lousy on a 100" screen (movies are OK). I used to play the pS2 there, but I've moved it to the bedroom- mostly so my wife cannot complain that I'm locked in the basement all the time!

Pixar movies are amazing experiences.

I loose nothing by waiting, and I don't want both consoles. I'd rather have one and stick with it. Now that exclusives appear to be going away, The 360 looks like a good deal- I just saw that Stranglehold is scheduled for the 360, having thought that it was an exclusive.
greyt autumn..
I'm not really much on playing online either but I've found that Xbox live is seamlessly integrated into most of the games....especially something like Test Drive unilimited. Even when you are playing the single player portion of PGR3 you can see where your scores and times match up to others simply because you're signed in to Live. (but not playing against human opponents) I really was surprised at how well done the online portion is....there are tons of free demos and arcade games to keep you busy for days even if you don't buy a game right away.
greyt_Autumn said:
The point is that I'm seeking opinions. Not owning a current gen console, I want to know what others think. All I ever hear bout is Xbox live, and knowing what I know, the online experience is not a factor for me at all. I really can't commit to anything online- unlike the days when I played Tribes and Tribes 2.

I have a 1008I RP CRT in the family room and the FP in the theater. I can see a definite difference between the two- Sunday football being the most telling. One of these days (probably a long time!) I'll upgrade the PJ to a 1080P, but only when the costs come way down. Sure you can get a DLP for a PC for well under 1k, but HT projectors are a bit more.

I really want to go next gen and take advantage of the technology in my displays, but It's a struggle. I'm not 18 with all the money in the world anymore, and I want the console to be something that I use and have fun with.

The Wii is out because Nintendo dropped the ball (IMHO) on taking advantage of my types of setups.- 480x computer output looks kinda lousy on a 100" screen (movies are OK). I used to play the pS2 there, but I've moved it to the bedroom- mostly so my wife cannot complain that I'm locked in the basement all the time!

Pixar movies are amazing experiences.

I loose nothing by waiting, and I don't want both consoles. I'd rather have one and stick with it. Now that exclusives appear to be going away, The 360 looks like a good deal- I just saw that Stranglehold is scheduled for the 360, having thought that it was an exclusive.

I also see you mentioned that Forza is coming to PS3, which it's not. It's a 360 exclusive, published by Microsoft, so you can guarantee it'll never see PS3 release.

That aside, I also think you've missed something important. Exclusives aren't disappearing--they're going to Wii. Expect PS3 and 360 to be, by and large, offering the same library with the same quality. Wii alone appears prepared to take on a slew of exclusives that simply won't be possible on PS3 or 360.
Honestly the Best reason to get a PS3 at this moment is because it has potential, it showed it can almost look as good as the 360 when it lauched, this tells a lot compared to the 360's first titles. The biggest reason and this is why it appeals to me is being able to play ps1/ps2 library, I have FF7,8,9, tactics and I would love to play em again, I gave away my ps1. I don't own a PS2 but would love to play Metal gear 3, FF10,12, devil may cry 3, soul calibour 3, and kick some rear with a tekken game (360 lacks some of the rpgs and fighters that helped sony stay afloat). With MS releasing blue dragon and square enix saying that they will make games for all platforms tells a lot. The PS3 has a way bigger HD, I don't know but I think MS is ripping ppl off charging $100 for 20gb HD. Now to the 360's point's is best online play in the block, better graphics http://www.gamespot.com/features/6162742/index.html?tag=topslot;title;1&om_act=convert&click=topslot
PS3's developer have still not shown what it's capable of, it make take 2-3yrs to get a hang on things so at this moment 360 has edge. Honestly if your display is 720P I would get 360 now play gear of wars, halo 3, dead rising, blue dragon. If you still got some ps2 games and want to show em love get the PS3. I would wait at least till march/june to see if they iron out some bugs, let some titles come out, btw PS3 can't upscale 720P game to 1080i if you have one of those screens, sometimes if the game is 1080i and does not support 720P it will send it down to 480P. The 360 is guilty of this too, they don't really support 1080P, only a really small percentage of tvs can do 1080P through analog. 360 brike 600,000 units with it's fall 1080P update. They are both great consoles, I got love for the PS3 but you have to let the oven finish baking, I would get a 360 at this moment. If I was to walk in a store and they had a 60GB PS3 system I would not think twice about picking it up PS1/PS2 games need love too, I want to replay FF7 and I just bought FF12.
greyt_Autumn said:
The point is that I'm seeking opinions. Not owning a current gen console, I want to know what others think. All I ever hear bout is Xbox live, and knowing what I know, the online experience is not a factor for me at all. I really can't commit to anything online- unlike the days when I played Tribes and Tribes 2.

I have a 1008I RP CRT in the family room and the FP in the theater. I can see a definite difference between the two- Sunday football being the most telling. One of these days (probably a long time!) I'll upgrade the PJ to a 1080P, but only when the costs come way down. Sure you can get a DLP for a PC for well under 1k, but HT projectors are a bit more.

I really want to go next gen and take advantage of the technology in my displays, but It's a struggle. I'm not 18 with all the money in the world anymore, and I want the console to be something that I use and have fun with.

The Wii is out because Nintendo dropped the ball (IMHO) on taking advantage of my types of setups.- 480x computer output looks kinda lousy on a 100" screen (movies are OK). I used to play the pS2 there, but I've moved it to the bedroom- mostly so my wife cannot complain that I'm locked in the basement all the time!

Pixar movies are amazing experiences.

I loose nothing by waiting, and I don't want both consoles. I'd rather have one and stick with it. Now that exclusives appear to be going away, The 360 looks like a good deal- I just saw that Stranglehold is scheduled for the 360, having thought that it was an exclusive.

FYI: The word you are Looking for is LOSE... /Spelling Nazi
I have been a die hard PC gamer since I quit playing with my Sega Saturn, That Said, My thumb hurts...from playing NHL07 all day on my 360, viewed on my 61" 720p DLP.
The graphics are astounding (you can see how long it's been since they shaved)

I can tell you that on my TV, I can see the pores in Gandalfs nose... with 1080P, I can imagine I would see what is IN the pores of Gandalfs nose...no thanks...
(Seriously though, we have a library of over 500+ DVD's, not changing formats any time soon.)
Bottom line, If you want the old PS game library, and want to follow the release train for the next gen PS exclusives, drive all over Hell...and back...twice...and buy a PS 3. If you Don't walk into your nearest electronics store and buy a 360. I like mine and so do my kids.

Edited to remove idiocy, Beer Good, posting on beer, not so much
CopyThat said:
FYI: The word you are Looking for is LOSE... /Spelling Nazi
I have been a die hard PC gamer since I quit playing with my Sega Saturn, That Said, My thumb hurts...from playing NHL07 all day on my 360, viewed on my 61" 720p DLP.
The graphics are astounding (you can see how long it's been since they shaved)
Also, Keep in mind Regular DVD native resolution ...which is...Anyone?, anyone?, Bueller? 720P
Until you DO go 1080P, there is no point in looking at Blu-ray or HD-DVD...it will downscale to your 720P projector.
I can tell you that on my TV, I can see the pores in Gandalfs nose... with 1080P, I can imagine I would see what is IN the pores of Gandalfs nose...no thanks...
(Seriously though, we have a library of over 500+ DVD's, not changing formats any time soon.)
Bottom line, If you want the old PS game library, and want to follow the release train for the next gen PS exclusives, drive all over Hell...and back...twice...and buy a PS 3. If you Don't walk into your nearest electronics store and buy a 360. I like mine and so do my kids.

i apologise if i have read your post wrong but regular dvds are no way in hell 720p
DVD is 540 lines (really 480p in most cases)

Id di not mean that Forza was on both- It just like GT5 will be single platform.

I'm not too pleased to see that MS is chippinhg away at people- Live subs, need to buy a series of addons in order to get 'full' functionality- $100 for a wireless nic?

I think that the PS3 is probably better for me- if I can ever find one.

It's still funny to see how people get inflamed over this type of stuff. :rolleyes:

It's not like it affects YOU in any real way.
greyt_Autumn said:
DVD is 540 lines (really 480p in most cases)

Id di not mean that Forza was on both- It just like GT5 will be single platform.

I'm not too pleased to see that MS is chippinhg away at people- Live subs, need to buy a series of addons in order to get 'full' functionality- $100 for a wireless nic?

I think that the PS3 is probably better for me- if I can ever find one.

It's still funny to see how people get inflamed over this type of stuff. :rolleyes:

It's not like it affects YOU in any real way.

Every company "chips" away with add-ons for "full" functionality. The $100 add-on features A/B/G; you can easily get one from Belkin or some other provider for half the price, plug it into the USB port, and be ready to go.

Blu-Ray is at its infancy and it isn't seeing very good adoption rates; HD-DVD is doing far better at retail, but even it isn't doing so great.

Metal Gear Solid 4 will be lucky to make it in 2007, considering Konami's track record. I'd also be surprised if it stayed exclusive, given the nature of the industry these days.

The Xbox 360 has a library now and is seamlessly integrated to Live for content/demo downloads. If you're going to get a PS3, wait a year; Resistance and Blu-Ray don't warrant the price tag.
independantvariable said:
I hope that's true, I guess ive been unlucky with my xbox nightmare. Sorry if I am letting a little bit of console bashing through lately. Just been so frustrated.

It is true. The power brick of alot of PS3's has turned them into $600-$10,000 giant paper weights, and the first firmware update for the Wii killed a bunch of 'em. It's the nature of the beast. The more advanced these systems become the more chances there are to have problems.

Also, from what I've heard the PS3 is having ALOT of problems playing PS1/2 games right now, something that was going to be a selling point for several people. I heard about it about a week before the launch or so on Gamespot.

And yes, native DVD resolution is 480p
kabob983 said:
And yes, native DVD resolution is 480p
Native DVD res is 480i. Its just that any player you buy these days will upsample to 480p. 540 lines is for Pal.

Not true of older players.

What have the Wiis being dying from? Mine had a disk loading issue over the holidays, but I just did what I always do when an optical drive has a problem reading vertically... put it on its side. I like it better that way anyhow, and it *always* causes less problems. always.
kabob983 said:
It is true. The power brick of alot of PS3's has turned them into $600-$10,000 giant paper weights, and the first firmware update for the Wii killed a bunch of 'em. It's the nature of the beast. The more advanced these systems become the more chances there are to have problems.

Also, from what I've heard the PS3 is having ALOT of problems playing PS1/2 games right now, something that was going to be a selling point for several people. I heard about it about a week before the launch or so on Gamespot.

And yes, native DVD resolution is 480p

Power bricking PS3s is news to me. There have only been isolated events of PS3 consoles having bricking issues. By and large it has been the most reliable(working wise) of all 3 consoles at launch. PS3 is not having ALOT of problems playing ps1 and ps2 games. The first firmware they released fixed many issues people are having. Thousands of titles work just fine and if you are unsure, you can check Sonys website to verify what issues a particular game may or may not have. There has been great exaggeration as to the depth of this issue.

But to the OP. I own both systems. Right now the 360 is really a much more mature product and if you want instant satisfaction the 360 should be your choice.

On the other hand, playing the demos from Formula One and Motorstorm truly have me excited for what is going to be coming on the PS3. If you want your Gran Turismo and FFXIII, and VF5, Tekken etc, the PS3 is your choice. If you want Forza, GoW, Halo3 the 360 should be your pick. I think they are systems both capable of some amazing things and it comes down to the exclusives you want.
I just got a ps3 (was looking for a wii for a gift and it was in stock so I leaped).

The games available are going to be an issue for a while, I bought Resistance and I am waiting on Sonic and eventually Madden 08. Not sure what else I will buy in the forseable future.

360 is great and mature, especially the online portion. I've played at friends houses and it is great. I did want HDMI to go with my new TV so that was a factor, I also think PS will be better for children in the future (I have a 3 and 5 year old).

Basically I don't think you can go wrong either way, if you want lots of games now go with the xbox, otherwise it really depends on what games you are looking for in the future.
I would get another xbox360 to play "Offline" (if you can even say that anymore) before getting a PS3. Live isn't needed, but once you experience it, you wont be able to game with out it. the price is justifed due to what Live offers and opens up to the gamer. You want single player, but what you really want and dont know it yet, is Co-op. if you've got time for single player, you've got time for Co-op. its like the same thing but better. no more stupid AI teammates.

plus all the updates (even the live arcade games get updated.)

like someone said, you can "rent" HDDVD movies from Live without having to buy a HD player. (i do own the HDDVD player though, and yes, it rocks.)

you can most likely find the wifi adapter (the MS one) for $50 at kmart. or for even less get any ol usb wifi adapter and call it a day.

Will the PS3 down convert your signal to 480p? might want to check that, because im not so sure anyone can deny that without some research... theres been too many posts of PS3 not playing in 720p, but with the 360, you get whatever resolution you set it to that your tv supports.

Theres a 1080p infocus projector for $1000. not sure if its true 1080p or if its upscaled though.

I dont know if PS3 games have achievements, but let me tell you, its only a matter of time before you become an achievement whore. You'll go back and play a game on "Laff, you can't beat me scrub" difficulty just to get those 25 points that dont mean crap to anyone but you, just so you can say you did it and have the proof of it. CoD2 D-day veteran is all i have to say about that. So, the achievement system ultimatly gives 360 games massive amounts of replayability.
JSC450 said:
Live isn't needed, but once you experience it, you wont be able to game with out it. the price is justifed due to what Live offers and opens up to the gamer.

you can most likely find the wifi adapter (the MS one) for $50 at kmart. or for even less get any ol usb wifi adapter and call it a day.

I typically wouldn't pay to play online but you can nab a 13 month XBL gold card on Ebay for $30. I got one 2 days ago for $29. I can justify spending a little over $2/month to play.

As for the Wifi adapter though, I havn't seen one anywhere near $50. Is Kmart having a sale on that too? If so I'm stopping by there after work and that is that.
when i picked mine up there was a sale. It wasnt advertised or anything, they just rung it up, and there was a $50 instant rebate.
Any wireless bridge (or router setup as a wireless bridge) will work with the xbox360. I picked up a $15 router on clearance for this purposes. You can easily find a router that supports bridge connections for $30.