why the dell 2001fp sucks (in pictures!)

mxpxrulzz said:
how about this then :)

lol, posting that pic on hardforum
so the general consensus is that the largest monitor you can get without the horizontal stripes effect is a 19" one?
eabandit said:
so the general consensus is that the largest monitor you can get without the horizontal stripes effect is a 19" one?

Or... you could just not get a Dell monitor. I've been saying for quite some time now that they're overpriced and overrated LCDs. BenQ doesn't even use those same panels (BenQ makes the Dell FP panels) in their gaming LCDs.
Neurofreeze said:
Or... you could just not get a Dell monitor. I've been saying for quite some time now that they're overpriced and overrated LCDs. BenQ doesn't even use those same panels (BenQ makes the Dell FP panels) in their gaming LCDs.
so if i wanted to get a 20" or so monitor to hook up a PS2 to play games on and perhaps one of those viewsonic TV tuner boxes to watch TV on, which monitor should i get?

i do not really play games besides war3, and i do do lots of graphics work so i need a good image quality
Dead pixels suck. My dad has one on his laptop and it is a nice bright green. It doesnt matter what color is around it you can still see the stupid pixel.
tijean said:
Which one is better ? Do you see any difference at all ?

slight differences

look for a review/comparison thread coming soon
Ok guys, I own both these displays (2100fp and 213T) and have had them for a few months now.
Iv got very sensitive eyes and pick up things very easily.
Having owned several TFTs prior to these, and using them at various work locations over at least the last 2 or 3 years, I have a fair idea of how they vary.
Basically that chequered pattern is applicable to them all, just that different displays and sizes mean it is not so apparent on all of them. But frankly its not noticable on any iv ever used, unless you are up against the screen.
However the 2100fp has other issues ontop of this, which is what actualy annoys people.
Firstly the actual screen has some form of coating that makes the overall screen appear fuzzy.
Secondly the screen clearly has faint horizontal lines throught the screen. These are very visible on large areas of plain color (not on dark colors).
And I do sit a good deal away from my screens as otherwise you kill your eyes, using such large screens.
Id definetly be intersted to find out if other brands such as the Viewsonic and Iiyama (16ms 20") have the scan line like issues or not.
Hope this helps guys.
jamadaia said:
Ok guys, I own both these displays (2100fp and 213T) and have had them for a few months now.
Iv got very sensitive eyes and pick up things very easily.
Having owned several TFTs prior to these, and using them at various work locations over at least the last 2 or 3 years, I have a fair idea of how they vary.
Basically that chequered pattern is applicable to them all, just that different displays and sizes mean it is not so apparent on all of them. But frankly its not noticable on any iv ever used, unless you are up against the screen.
However the 2100fp has other issues ontop of this, which is what actualy annoys people.
Firstly the actual screen has some form of coating that makes the overall screen appear fuzzy.
Secondly the screen clearly has faint horizontal lines throught the screen. These are very visible on large areas of plain color (not on dark colors).
And I do sit a good deal away from my screens as otherwise you kill your eyes, using such large screens.
Id definetly be intersted to find out if other brands such as the Viewsonic and Iiyama (16ms 20") have the scan line like issues or not.
Hope this helps guys.
thanks for the analysis. so the 213t has a better picture quality overall, without those annoying horizontal lines?
jamadaia said:
Ok guys, I own both these displays (2100fp and 213T) and have had them for a few months now.
Iv got very sensitive eyes and pick up things very easily.
Having owned several TFTs prior to these, and using them at various work locations over at least the last 2 or 3 years, I have a fair idea of how they vary.
Basically that chequered pattern is applicable to them all, just that different displays and sizes mean it is not so apparent on all of them. But frankly its not noticable on any iv ever used, unless you are up against the screen.
However the 2100fp has other issues ontop of this, which is what actualy annoys people.
Firstly the actual screen has some form of coating that makes the overall screen appear fuzzy.
Secondly the screen clearly has faint horizontal lines throught the screen. These are very visible on large areas of plain color (not on dark colors).
And I do sit a good deal away from my screens as otherwise you kill your eyes, using such large screens.
Id definetly be intersted to find out if other brands such as the Viewsonic and Iiyama (16ms 20") have the scan line like issues or not.
Hope this helps guys.
thank you
Torquemada XP said:
I have the image retention problem (the "Dell Sucks" issue) on my Samsung 213T. It doesn't usually last long, and it's normally only noticeable on grey and grey-blue backgrounds (like the HardForum and SpeedGuide.net's forums).

The main gripe I have with it is that it comes about just after a couple of minutes with the same window open. I can understand if I'd left the screen on for a couple of hours, but only after a couple of minutes? Ugh. I've noticed that this problem and the "screen door effect" usually only plagues LCDs of 20" or larger in size. As for screen door, I don't notice it unless I have to get close to the screen for something; distance plays a big part in that.

I have not experience this anomoly , I suspect your screen as well as the thread starter's are defective
eabandit said:
thanks for the analysis. so the 213t has a better picture quality overall, without those annoying horizontal lines?

Yes, definetly.
Also, The extra 1" actually makes a noticable difference espcially at the 1600x1200 res.
Bascially to sum it up, if your a very heavy gamer, and do relatively small amounts of other stuff on your PC your probably better off with the 2100fp.
However if the above isnt true, then id look at the 213T.
Remember when playing games, the lines issue is far less noticable. What with all the colors, detail and often fast movements. Your more likely to notice the blur in movement in this case.
Now if there was a 213T with the response of the 2100FP, then the 213T would win hands down period.
*sigh* one day, one day. :)
I just recieved a 2001fp from dell as well, and I'm having all the same issues, except for the burn in. The screen door effect is clearly noticable at 2 feet; the colors dont seem solid and feel very very faintly checkered, but noticable. Not to mention the uneven backlighting in the upper right and a dead subpixel. I'll try a replacement before returning it completely to dell.

BTW, im powering this with a 9700 pro via DVI.

Its a shame that this monitor has these problems, yet the 2000fp and the 1800fp were relatively problem free.

You guys are all nuts.

I have one of these monitors and it looks fantastic and has absolutely nothing wrong with it. The "screen door" effect that you guys are whining about is the result of a digital precision monitor that doesn't fuzz up and bleed like CRT monitors do. There are like 1.6 million pixels on this monitor and you expect me to believe that from two feet away you can see spaces inbetween them? I call bull shit.

Maybe you got a lemon. It happens, get over it. There are thousands of posts all over the internet of people who love this monitor. That is why Dell is fantastic in that you can return your monitor for another one if you are a compulsive worry wart who has to have a "perfect" monitor. Your ghosting claims/pixel claims/screendoor claims might be true for you but for the 99% of people out there (including numerous reviews by reputable sites, ie anandtech) the monitor works great.

My opinion, don't have to believe me if you don't want to.
Yeah, I just got mine and it's *perfect*

Seems superior in every way to my 191T.

I have 20/20 vision and see no screen door effect (I've seen something like it on a lot of CRTs), the backlight is *very* uniform and I don't see any burn in whatsoever (had that issue with a Dell laptop). Ran some of those LCD tests and I only see two tiny stuck pixels, which are not noticable AT ALL except when I look for them very close to the screen at a direct viewing angle. Not bad at all :)

I'm very happy :)
particle9 said:
You guys are all nuts.

I have one of these monitors and it looks fantastic and has absolutely nothing wrong with it. The "screen door" effect that you guys are whining about is the result of a digital precision monitor that doesn't fuzz up and bleed like CRT monitors do. There are like 1.6 million pixels on this monitor and you expect me to believe that from two feet away you can see spaces inbetween them? I call bull shit.

Maybe you got a lemon. It happens, get over it. There are thousands of posts all over the internet of people who love this monitor. That is why Dell is fantastic in that you can return your monitor for another one if you are a compulsive worry wart who has to have a "perfect" monitor. Your ghosting claims/pixel claims/screendoor claims might be true for you but for the 99% of people out there (including numerous reviews by reputable sites, ie anandtech) the monitor works great.

My opinion, don't have to believe me if you don't want to.

Why would we bother to lie about something such as this? Do we have anything to gain from it? And what the hell does "digital precision monitor" mean? Are you referring to the DVI interface, because i've used many other LCDs with the dvi interface, and they dont have this problem. And its not the spaces in between them. If you had bothered to look at the screenshots you would see the effect. Maybe you should try reading the read and think a little before calling bullshit.

If I could send this POS back I would. But the thing is they would probably send me another POS that is even worse. My 213T was leaps and bounds better. Why O why did I sell it for this POS.
particle9 said:
You guys are all nuts.

I have one of these monitors and it looks fantastic and has absolutely nothing wrong with it. The "screen door" effect that you guys are whining about is the result of a digital precision monitor that doesn't fuzz up and bleed like CRT monitors do. There are like 1.6 million pixels on this monitor and you expect me to believe that from two feet away you can see spaces inbetween them? I call bull shit.

Maybe you got a lemon. It happens, get over it. There are thousands of posts all over the internet of people who love this monitor. That is why Dell is fantastic in that you can return your monitor for another one if you are a compulsive worry wart who has to have a "perfect" monitor. Your ghosting claims/pixel claims/screendoor claims might be true for you but for the 99% of people out there (including numerous reviews by reputable sites, ie anandtech) the monitor works great.

My opinion, don't have to believe me if you don't want to.

If that is indeed true then my 3 week old 2001FP is "Perfect" on only the upper right hand quadrent...worse, it seems to be getting more perfect by the day.

Just bought a 213T (in black) and it crushes the Dell. I'm not a full time gamer but UT2003 plays just fine, no worse ghosting then the Dell. Dell is going back home, Samsung 213T has a new home :D

I have a 2001fp and it exhibits absolutley none of this, especially the burn in, had it for about 7 months - perfect picture!
ss284 said:
Why would we bother to lie about something such as this? Do we have anything to gain from it? And what the hell does "digital precision monitor" mean? Are you referring to the DVI interface, because i've used many other LCDs with the dvi interface, and they dont have this problem. And its not the spaces in between them. If you had bothered to look at the screenshots you would see the effect. Maybe you should try reading the read and think a little before calling bullshit.


I did read your whining rant. I do sympathize with you getting a bad monitor. If you bothered to "reading the read and think a little" you might see that I was only calling BS on the screen door claim. All I'm saying is that when I get a product that doesn't work right, that happens sometimes, you don't take pictures of it to put on the internet to claim that it is an example of the product line as a whole and label all of them as a POS. Dell has a great warranty to ensure that you don't get screwed on a lemon. I don't know what you have to gain from your claims besides calling attention to your childish retardation. Fin.
particle9 said:
I did read your whining rant. I do sympathize with you getting a bad monitor. If you bothered to "reading the read and think a little" you might see that I was only calling BS on the screen door claim. All I'm saying is that when I get a product that doesn't work right, that happens sometimes, you don't take pictures of it to put on the internet to claim that it is an example of the product line as a whole and label all of them as a POS. Dell has a great warranty to ensure that you don't get screwed on a lemon. I don't know what you have to gain from your claims besides calling attention to your childish retardation. Fin.

First, name calling gets no one anywhere, so let’s don’t do that please ok?

Second, As I read this forum way too many people have experienced this problem with the Dell product in question, including myself. If you look on the Dell site there is certainly no shortage of “refurbished” Dell 2100FPs, so It’s my guess Dell has a problem with this panel and is quite aware of it.

I sit 30” from my screen and my “Screen door effect” became obvious only after about 15 days of use. I tried calling Dell many times only to be greeted by no one who could speak English (topic for another time). When I finally got some one I could deal with they did in fact offer to send me as many as it would take to get a good one. Ok, but, I own 5 LCD’s and got “A good one” the first time on each of them, why can’t they check them before they are shipped? Their web site says they do, but with this many problems obviously that is not the case.

I’m now quite happy with my Samsung 231T, it was worth the additional money.

I have a 213T and have a friend with a 2001 and agree with most of the general sentiment here. The 213T is a virtually perfect monitor in all regards except for response time, while the Dell is better there and marginally worse at everything else. I use my Iiyama VMPro510 CRT for gaming and secondary apps but will be looking at my 213T 90+% of the time for coding, reading, etc. The screen dooring isn't noticeable unless I'm closer than a foot away and trying to look for it. I'm waiting until Samsung puts out their next revision of their 21" UXGA LCDs, with hopefully a 12 or 16ms response time, before buying a second. If a 30+" 2560x1600 monitor drops below $3k and has a response at or below 20ms, I'll probably sell my other monitors and jump on that, though.
BillR said:
First, name calling gets no one anywhere, so let’s don’t do that please ok?

Second, As I read this forum way too many people have experienced this problem with the Dell product in question, including myself. If you look on the Dell site there is certainly no shortage of “refurbished” Dell 2100FPs, so It’s my guess Dell has a problem with this panel and is quite aware of it.

I sit 30” from my screen and my “Screen door effect” became obvious only after about 15 days of use. I tried calling Dell many times only to be greeted by no one who could speak English (topic for another time). When I finally got some one I could deal with they did in fact offer to send me as many as it would take to get a good one. Ok, but, I own 5 LCD’s and got “A good one” the first time on each of them, why can’t they check them before they are shipped? Their web site says they do, but with this many problems obviously that is not the case.

I’m now quite happy with my Samsung 231T, it was worth the additional money.


I am not trying to argue that Dell or the monitor are perfect. I'm just saying that it's a good monitor and that not all of them are broken POS. The tons of refurb's on their site could well be from all the people on HOCP that return their monitor 10 times because there is a few pixels that are stuck on green or something. I don't know, I don't work there. I also thought Dell stopped outsourcing their support staff to India? Am I wrong? I agree, it would be nice if they checked all their products for every kind of defect before they were shipped out but maybe that isn't possible or maybe something happens in shipping. I don't know, I don't care. You know why? Because the one I got the first time was perfect, which is the only point I was really trying to make. Most of these monitors work perfectly, and some don't. But if they don't you can get one that does. I also don't think that saying the Samsung is better is all that great of an arguement because, hey it's probably true I don't know, I didn't have an extra five hundred dollars to find out.
particle9 said:
I am not trying to argue that Dell or the monitor are perfect. I'm just saying that it's a good monitor and that not all of them are broken POS. The tons of refurb's on their site could well be from all the people on HOCP that return their monitor 10 times because there is a few pixels that are stuck on green or something. I don't know, I don't work there. I also thought Dell stopped outsourcing their support staff to India? Am I wrong? I agree, it would be nice if they checked all their products for every kind of defect before they were shipped out but maybe that isn't possible or maybe something happens in shipping. I don't know, I don't care. You know why? Because the one I got the first time was perfect, which is the only point I was really trying to make. Most of these monitors work perfectly, and some don't. But if they don't you can get one that does. I also don't think that saying the Samsung is better is all that great of an arguement because, hey it's probably true I don't know, I didn't have an extra five hundred dollars to find out.

Ok, where to start:

I am not trying to argue that Dell or the monitor are perfect. I'm just saying that it's a good monitor and that not all of them are broken POS.

All I said was that the one I first recieved was a piece of shit. I know most of them arent, but at the same time there are also many people who are recieving defective monitors, more so than most other lcds monitors.

The tons of refurb's on their site could well be from all the people on HOCP that return their monitor 10 times because there is a few pixels that are stuck on green or something. I don't know, I don't work there.

I purchased the monitor new, along with many others who are having problems with their units. Last I checked purchasing a monitor new didnt involve having to get a replacement because of a defect that many other people are reporting.

I also thought Dell stopped outsourcing their support staff to India? Am I wrong?

Yes, they stopped outsourcing it, but all of it is already outsourced, so it doesnt really make much of a difference.

I also don't think that saying the Samsung is better is all that great of an arguement because, hey it's probably true I don't know, I didn't have an extra five hundred dollars to find out.

How is it a bad argument if its true? You arent making any sense.

I don't know, I don't care. You know why? Because the one I got the first time was perfect, which is the only point I was really trying to make. Most of these monitors work perfectly, and some don't.

Yes, you dont know. If that was the only point you were trying to make, why did you bother attacking me? Why did you bother posting anything else other than a confirmation that your monitor was fine?

Anyways, since your point was made, please stop posting in this thread, as you are contributing nothing to it. Your own ignorance is obvious from your posts, as witnessed by the sheer number of statements like "I dont know". That is probably the most applicable statement you made in all of your posts within this thread.

particle9 said:
Will do Steve. No hard feelings I hope.

None taken. Im just pissed at dell for sending me a defective monitor right off the bat. I will post when I recieve my replacement.

I have the 2001FP and have yet to notice the screen door problem. I did return my first monitor due to dead pixles and backlight showing in the top right hand corner. My second monitor is free from dead pixels but does still have the backlight problem in the upper right hand corner. Other than the backlight issue I have no other problems with the monitor as of yet. I have had it since Feb of this year.
particle9 said:
I also thought Dell stopped outsourcing their support staff to India?
Dell made a big noise about bringing it's support for it's big business customers back after several companies had threatened to cut them out of all future business because their IT managers had complained. They also have a premium support level that you can buy into for an additional charge that us US based. Aside from that, their customer service and support remains in India.

I wanted to get this monitor but am scared after I saw thi thread :(

What if I buy this from Dell and get this problem, will they send me a new one no questions asked?

Is there a lemon rule that after 3 or so replacements, you get your cash back?
Where I work we got in 20 of the previous to the 2001FP model about a year or so ago.
Based on satisfaction with those and the fact that a sale brought the price below $700, I ordered, and rec'd, and am using a 2001FP at home.
On day 2 only, but no dead pixels, no "screen door". Black as the bezel.

However last Friday, just after I ordered mine for home, one of the ones at work showed the upper left corner about a 4" by 4" rectangle as ALL stuck on black :(
Dell sent a replacement which arrived today, but DARN, if that had happened before I ordered I would have held off.
carloswill said:
I wanted to get this monitor but am scared after I saw thi thread :(

What if I buy this from Dell and get this problem, will they send me a new one no questions asked?

Is there a lemon rule that after 3 or so replacements, you get your cash back?

im in the same boat man :/ i was sure i wanted this screen but after reading this thread im not so sure. perhaps the vp201b or the 213t would be better options. if anyone knows the return policy on the dells that would be nice to hear thanks.
Looks to me like you just got a lemon. I've heard too much good about the 2001FP to generalize the entire line of product as suck. I'd be furious though and I feel your pain. :(
I love my 2001fp. Best monitor i've ever owned, even better than my 2 sony trinitron monitors. There are some dead pixels but I only see them during boot up when the screen is black. Other than that they are not noticable. And I do not see any screen door either. It's a very good monitor. No ghosting whatsoever.
After reading this thread I am really happy I got my Samsung 193P which has zero dead/stuck pixels (which was my worst fear). Everything about my samsung makes me so happy, except for I very slightly notice ghosting in games.

In every other respect though, I love it. I'm glad I finally decided agains the Dell,
i got a dell moniter too. i wish i had some issues to complain about but mined been 100% perfect. except when i moved. the lcd shifted in the case, and b ackligt got a little off. got a spot in the tlop left corner but ya know how it goes. and its not really bad enough for me to care.
Oh. Man I just ordered the 2001fp last week. I forget when I should be getting this but I hope it isn't as bad as some of the posts I have read here.
I got a 2001fp from my dad's work like 2 months ago or so, I've had not problems. It's has a rather loud power on buzz but then again I'm a silet freak.