Why Vista is better for Gamers

From reading that I get nothing telling me games will run faster on vista than XP, just Vista will run better cuz it uses the video card more.

Did I miss something?
I think I'll wait until Vista is final, with final drivers released for thing like the video cards, and then see some side by side testing before I could agree that Vista is better for gaming.

If the past holds true, it could be another six months or so before we have optimized, fully functional video drivers for Vista as well.
I don't know about how other people are doing, but I can't play games on my Vista system. I tried to play CSS when after installing RC2 and got artifacting like you wouldn't believe, especially after installing Nvidia's RC2 video driver. Then after about a minute or two it just simply crashed.. Idk, maybe just driver incompatibility or i did something wrong, im not sure.
Vista might run 'em better eventually, but right now it's a DOG. I don't blame the OS, but more the drivers and likely the unfinished nature of the release clients.
I'm running on a Core 2 Duo and 7900GT and almost every game is virtually unplayable.
What's strange is that the Source games seem to run REALLY well performance-wise, however there's so much texture corruption they're totally unplayable. It seems like it'll work and then 3/4 of the screen turns into a Picasso painting.
Titan Quest runs...however it runs at about 1/3 of the speed it does in XP.
The Doom-engine games run at about 60% the speed they used to.
San Andreas seems to be the only one that works normally for me.
If you're a gamer, right now I'd avoid Vista like the plague until some good video drivers come out, or game makers start optimizing something.
I was essentially "forced" into an upgrade (I don't have XP any longer and have re-activated my copy too many times) and now I can't play much of anything.
I haven't tested the latest versions of Vista, but I didn't have a problem playing WoW (not the most graphically intensive game) with my AMD 64 3000+ with 6800. I just updated to a core2duo / 7950 GT and I am about to install RC1.

The drivers still have alot room to mature and they will. XP has come a long way in its 5 year life and we will just have to give Vista some time and driver manufacturers to get comfortable with the tweaks etc.
Yeah, I don't have WoW, but my games all run like dogs...although oddly enough re-installing DX9 did help a little bit.
I'm on RC2 and have tried the last 2 Nvidia driver releases with minimal success.
I'd like to think that once the G80's hit the streets (which are DX10/Vista based) they'll have to release some better drivers. Right now I think we're using virtually alpha-level drivers. For instance they're still installing items (like the XP control panel extensions) that don't even exist in Vista. I think the ones out now have been thrown together to work with the OS, but not to do much else.
yeah i like the fact where opengl wasnt even supported in cs 1.6 and i got so much lower FPS with it then xp
djnes said:
I think I'll wait until Vista is final, with final drivers released for thing like the video cards,
When are video drivers ever final?
00ber_m00 said:
By that logic nothing is ever final because all drivers and software is updated continuously. (or should be)
It depends on your definition of "final". At Microsoft, we generally think it's shipping the product; it's the point at when sustained engeering takes over the product. If a game is crashing, the first thing the game vendor will suggest is updating the drivers. The last thing they'll suggest is updating Windows.
I'd settle for a driver that was actually designed to Vista. Take a look at the Vista drivers from Nvidia and make note of how many legacy items they install that don't exist or work in Vista. All of those control panel/MCE/Nwiz items are ported straight from their XP driver but are left dangling in Vista because they don't do anything.
The second we actually get a real driver that actually does something in Vista I'll be satisfied. Right now it's like they took everything from the XP installer and just threw in a couple of items that'll let it work with Vista.
that's why it's still in beta... I guess that as soon as it's officially released to business, nvidia will start working on a WQHL driver for the consumer release in january 2007.
Wouldn't Vista Business customers have the need for good drivers to do video intensive projects? The second page of the article SOUNDED real good from a gamers viewpoint,Maybe they alrteady KNOW how games will run,but didn't put in ALL the required info. I know when I sent an error report about a game.The solution stated that the problem would be taken care of in the RTM. It makes you wonder if older games and software will even be compatible with the new OS , kinda like trying to run a W98 game on XP.
So far everything seems to "work" although it's just not optimized.
This is just an RC, so I'd REALLY hope no serious business customers are using it at the moment.
I don't think the OS is the issue. I think the issue is only drivers, and in particular those from Nvidia.
I was using Win98 and used the XP betas and found similar issues back then...although not QUITE as bad.
I'd guess in Nvidia's eyes, they have several months before they really have to release a real driver for Vista. The current one works for anything except games. For movies, photos, productivity, etc. it's fine.
I have no long term fears about the OS, I just wish Nvidia would hustle and give me a gaming driver soon. I'm stuck with Vista and before I swapped over, I was under the impression I'd take a 10-15% hit for now...not 50-60%.
Aero makes good use of the new video interface, and I am sure once Vista goes public that Nvidia will have drivers ready. After all ,how are they going to sell an $$$$ video card that won't work in XP? The DX10 cards are SUPPOSED to be out this month. I'm betting that new drivers that will work with Vista, won't be far behind.Meanwhile you can see the difference in how Media Player 11,. and Media center work on the new interface.
It's going to be a while before games perform better on Vista than XP. Older games will probably always perform better on XP than Vista as long as they are DX9-only.

In addition, it's going to be tough to get honest benchmarks about Vista vs. XP because Microsoft has wisely worded the Vista EULA to forbid "publishing" benchmarks unless they "follow Microsoft methodology"/are approved by Microsoft.


Interesting article on the benchmarks. Guess we'll see what say tomorrow.