Why won't Vista install on the C drive??


Oct 3, 2007
This has happened twice now. I partitioned a 500 GB drive with 125 GB allocated to the C partition, and 350 GB to the D partition during the Vista 64 setup.

During the partitioning and formating, I highlighted the C partition as instructed to install Vista on, but in both cases it installed it on the larger D partition.:eek:

Arrrgh, what a waste of time! :mad: :mad:

What is going on here? :confused:
Only setup one partition and format during the install. Do the others with disk manager after windows is up and running.
Only setup one partition and format during the install. Do the others with disk manager after windows is up and running.

Clearly that did it! Thank You :D

Amazing, I wonder if I'm the only one who didn't notice what Vista did :eek: I might get to keep my n00bie status forever!
This is an old problem when you have a few drives active during install, it has nothing to do with VISTA only; XP would be the same.
Yep, that's why I usually tell people to only create one partition at a time, and do it during the OS setup. Then, if needed, add the rest of your drives/partitions afterwards using the MMC.
Thanks all!
Another question....I think Vista comes with Net Framework 2.0. Some of the aps I want to run have to use Version 1.1.x.
Will I run into problems if I install version 1.1?
You should be OK because these things want 1.1 or higher:D

One of the aps wouldn't install because it didn't see v1.1, so I loaded 1.1 to see and it installed.
The question I had was really does Net Framework behave like Java, in the sense that more than one version can peacefully coexist on the same Vista machine?
One of the aps wouldn't install because it didn't see v1.1, so I loaded 1.1 to see and it installed.
The question I had was really does Net Framework behave like Java, in the sense that more than one version can peacefully coexist on the same Vista machine?

I've got 1.1 installed on Vista Home Premium and haven't had a single problem that I'm aware of yet.