why xp pro over home?

Only if you need the added network functionality, have a true dual processor system with more than one CPU socket, (IE not just a single dual core processor), or if you need to be able to set file permissions for drives and files.

Otherwise they are the same.
They are identical with the exception of four points:

Pro can connect to domains and workgroups, Home can only connect to workgroup
Pro has the Group Policy editor, Home does not
Pro can have up to two physical CPUs, Home can only have one physical CPU.
Pro can set permissions on file access

Really though, don't get either. Windows XP Media Center Edition is the way to go!
Pro is worth the money for me because of all the little features it gives you. Every time I go round a friend's house with home edition is frustrates me because there'll always be a little something I wanna do but can't.

Desktop sharing is one example. With home, you cannot setup your PC to be remotely connected to at will, you have to send a shitty invite file to another computer and have them open it. Ok, so you might not use that alot, but there are other little niggles that others have mentioned.

Basically, it depends on how much you're gunna really use Windows. If you just wanna play games and surf the net, then why pay more? Just get the home edition. Personally I wouldn't settle for less than Pro edition.
Why can't people not use the search button, or go to MS.com and use the compare feature - are our youth becoming that lazy.....
MrGuvernment said:
Why can't people not use the search button, or go to MS.com and use the compare feature - are our youth becoming that lazy.....

I remember trying to setup a fileserver with Linux using Samba, it was a bitch and a half to get XP Home working halfway decent because it has such crappy networking capabilities. :rolleyes:
Yeah sometimes my sibling's XP Home comp refuses to even acknowledge that it 's even part of a network. All of my other computers, with XP Pro installed, can see the XP Home shares, but not the other way around sometimes.

I'd go with XP Pro. But if you need/want to save cash, go with XP Home but don't expect it to cooperate with you and networking.
May not be a big deal but i think I remember ars reporting that home mainline support would end in '08 with pro continuing until after '11.
Well... You can't allow remote desktop connections to an XP Home machine but you can run the client and connect to any machine allowing RD connections.
tskiller said:
remote desktop protocol is usable only in pro.
I use this all the time. Very useful, especially for F@H boxen and servers that I don't have monitors for (I also don't want 4+ 17" CRTs, keyboards, and mice on my desk - I'd have no room to work)
Spectre said:
May not be a big deal but i think I remember ars reporting that home mainline support would end in '08 with pro continuing until after '11.
Pro is in the Business department so it will get extended support. With Home, you're expected to upgrade to Vista next year (if and when it's ever released).
Zamboni said:
Pro is in the Business department so it will get extended support. With Home, you're expected to upgrade to Vista next year (if and when it's ever released).

I am quite aware of the difference in the two. I was only uncertain in the exact time table.
Being that my box is a dualie, I had no choice but to use Windows XP Professional. Otherwise Home Edition probably would work well enough.