Widescreen in Quake 4

r_mode -1 // "use r_customwidth and r_customheight"
r_customheight 1920 // for example
r_customwidth 1080 // for example
r_aspectratio 1 // 1 for 16:9, 2 for 16:10

No need to change the field of vision; r_aspectratio takes care of it (Only changes your horizontal field of vision, which is a plus). You should add this to your Q4 config file.
Thanks so much, guys! It worked for me at 1680x1050... quake 4 looks fucking sweet
Nihilanth99 said:
r_mode -1 // "use r_customwidth and r_customheight"
r_customheight 1920 // for example
r_customwidth 1080 // for example
r_aspectratio 1 // 1 for 16:9, 2 for 16:10

No need to change the field of vision; r_aspectratio takes care of it (Only changes your horizontal field of vision, which is a plus). You should add this to your Q4 config file.

okay, I'm having a brain fart here.

could you please type exactly what I'd need to add to my config file to run the game at 1920 x 1200?

You mean Q4 doesn't ship with widescreen resolutions selectable by default? Cripes.

Way to go, Raven. You're porting Q4 to a console that demands mandatory 1280x720 support, but you couldn't bother yourself to put wide-aspect support in the PC version.

Ugh. This kind of developer laziness needs to die off. The sooner, the better.
look in your Quake4config.cfg located in your \id Software\Quake 4\q4base\ folder (make a back-up of Quake4config.cfg)

Look for (ctrl-f)
(the numbers will be probably be different)

seta r_mode -1
seta r_customheight 1920
setar_customwidth 1080
seta r_aspectratio 1

and change them to suit your needs.
Da Frechman said:
look in your Quake4config.cfg located in your \id Software\Quake 4\q4base\ folder (make a back-up of Quake4config.cfg)

Look for (ctrl-f)
(the numbers will be probably be different)

seta r_mode -1
seta r_customheight 1920
setar_customwidth 1080
seta r_aspectratio 1

and change them to suit your needs.

would that aspect ratio be 1 even if I'm runing at 16:10?
okay. so to run 1920 x 1200 on my Dell 2405, I would need to have this:

seta r_mode -1
seta r_customheight 1920
setar_customwidth 1200
seta r_aspectratio 2

ozziegn said:
okay. so to run 1920 x 1200 on my Dell 2405, I would need to have this:

seta r_mode -1
seta r_customheight 1920
setar_customwidth 1200
seta r_aspectratio 2


change your height and width around and I'll give you an A+
Nihilanth99 said:
Yeah, here I am playing at 720P on a 17" LCD native to 1280x1024 :D
Not to be a nickpicker but 720p resolution is 1280 x 720 ;)
The easiest way I found to get it to work, was just by making a autoexec.cfg I created it, and added this;

seta com_allowconsole "1"
seta r_customheight "1200"
seta r_customwidth "1920"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectratio "2"
seta g_fov "110"

But it in my Quake4\q4base directory, and it worked fine. Just like with Doom3, doing it the other way didnt always work for some reason. This way works everytime for me.

Terpfen said:
You mean Q4 doesn't ship with widescreen resolutions selectable by default? Cripes.

Way to go, Raven. You're porting Q4 to a console that demands mandatory 1280x720 support, but you couldn't bother yourself to put wide-aspect support in the PC version.

Ugh. This kind of developer laziness needs to die off. The sooner, the better.

You can pick widescreen as an aspect ratio in the options, but it doesnt give you any widescreen resolutions to pick from. It is laziness if you ask me.
Nihilanth99 said:
Yep, meaning I have black bars top and bottom :p

I enjoy widescreen too much...

How do you get it to display in the center of your monitor? On mine it defaults to the top :(
It's a setting in the ATI control panel. Go to the Displays tab, then click FPD, and there should be an option "Scale image to panel size." Make sure this is disabled.
Hopefully this works. I dont know why all games arent widescreen supported by default nown days anyway.
Nihilanth99 said:
It's a setting in the ATI control panel. Go to the Displays tab, then click FPD, and there should be an option "Scale image to panel size." Make sure this is disabled.
Yeah in Nvida there is a setting called "Centered Output" which should allow it to be in the center of the screen but its not, it's pinned to the top! :(
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but:
r_aspectratio 0 = 4:3
1 = 16:9
2 = 16:10

so unless you like the black bars like a movie try the other widescreen setting
If I were you I would always check that site first. Not complaining.... it's all good by me, just 99 times out of a 100 the most useful thing that will come out of the thread is a link there. If I were to right a FAQ on being a widescreen gamer, that site would probably be point 1.