Widescreen sizes=smaller?


Identified Troll
Nov 16, 2005
I understand widescreen are measured differently..examply a 19" widescreen is smaller than a 19" 4X3.

So..going from a 17" 4X3 to a 19" widescreen, the widesreen is still bigger right? I;m thinking of doing that, but I want to be impressed with a larger size screen.

And how is the measuring different? Like how much percent smaller is a 19" widescreen to a 19" 4X3?
Wide screen monitors are measured exactly the same way as standard monitors. Diagonally.

Widescreen monitors are shorter than standard monitors. A 20" widescreen is the same height as a 17" monitor (roughly).

The different aspect ratios make them seem different, but it is the same measurment.
So..a 19" widescreen is exactly the same as a 19" 4X3 in screen area?

Also, the 19" widescreen all run 1440X900..do most games support this?

if I get a wide, it'll probably be 19" for price reasons. And also because that res doesn't require such a monster video card to run as larger widescreens.
Sharky974 said:
So..a 19" widescreen is exactly the same as a 19" 4X3 in screen area?

Also, the 19" widescreen all run 1440X900..do most games support this?

if I get a wide, it'll probably be 19" for price reasons. And also because that res doesn't require such a monster video card to run as larger widescreens.
Go one more inch-- you won't regret it. A lot of new models and favorable prices in 20" W class right now.
Sharky974 said:
So..a 19" widescreen is exactly the same as a 19" 4X3 in screen area?

Also, the 19" widescreen all run 1440X900..do most games support this?

if I get a wide, it'll probably be 19" for price reasons. And also because that res doesn't require such a monster video card to run as larger widescreens.

Screen area isn't the same. The way that they are measured and classified is the same. The length of the diagonal is how the screen size is measured. For a 20" 4:3 monitor, it measures 20" from one corner to the opposite. The same is true for a 20" widescreen, but the aspect ratio is different, so the screen dimensions were different.
If you want to get technical....

The same size widescreen has less viewable screen area than the same size screen in a regular 4:3 ratio.

Viewable screen area is defined as the height of the viewable picture times the width of the viewable picture. If pixel sizes were all completely square and the same size, then you should be able to cram more pixels into a regular 4:3 monitor, but manufacturing doesn't work that way. Pixels can be a little rectangularish at those small sizes (.027mm) and still appear to be square enough.

But this has nothing to do with whether you can see more or less. Resolution determines how much you can see, but the higher the resolution the screen, then the smaller the overall picture of everything is.
4:3 has more area, and also more pixels, taking a 20" as an example. We can compare 1600x1200 vs. 1680x1050. Do the math and you'll see more pixels. Also, think about it logically, and you'll know that a 20" diagonal in a square has greater area than a 20" diagonal in a rectangle.

That said, a lot of things are widescreen nowadays, but it still depends on your preference. I think it's sort of a fad, since there really is nothing "better" about widescreen, but some people like to have more horizontal viewing length than vertical length.
Cyrilix said:
That said, a lot of things are widescreen nowadays, but it still depends on your preference. I think it's sort of a fad, since there really is nothing "better" about widescreen, but some people like to have more horizontal viewing length than vertical length.

There are lots of things better about widescreen. With widescreen you have more area to spread out applications and web pages for viewing across the screen more easily. HD content is in widescreen format and movies in widescreen just look better. Playing games in widescreen gives you a better viewing angle to see whats going on around you. Having more pixels with 1600x1200 vs 1680x1050 may give you a little more screen size but you'll just be getting lower fps in those games. I wont ever go back to 4:3 LCD's after having widescreen monitors now. Widescreen has become so popular that it will be more of the standard with future LCD products in the future.
Not to mention one LARGE factor

the human eye's are meant to view widescreen more so then square, the wider view angles is more in line with what the human eye see's - it is not just a fad like an Apple product.

A widescreen movie - you see MORE on the screen vs a 4:3.