Wierd problem... cat is licking the monitor...

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Newsboys2004 said:
Not the display, the sides of it... What can I do >_<

There use to be something that my aunt used to get my cousin to quick sucking her thumb when she was three. It's a nail polish that's made with cayenne (SP?) powder. When she'd suck her thumb it's burn her mouth a bit and she quickly broke the habit. It doens't dry like regular nail polish so I don't think it'd be a problem on the side of a monitor.
train them. Yell when she does it and she will learn not to do it anymore.
drizzt81 said:
train them. Yell when she does it and she will learn not to do it anymore.

My cat would just look at me funny if I yelled at her. She's the queen and she let's me know it right before I launch her out the front door for the night.
There's some good cat repellent products such as Bitter Apple on the market. Rubbing them on the casing won't hurt. My cat does not like toothpaste so you can try something like that. As well you could try putting double sided tape on your desk around the monitor for a few days. Cats hate getting their feet stuck to it and it drives em nuts. I did this for 3 days on the kitchen counter and he hasn't been up there since.
animasaki said:
Give her a little whap on the head. She'll get it. You can't let her be in charge. ;)

Hitting them is a good way to make them not like you or humans, even a little tap isn't right. Best thing is a stern warning or making a loud noise that bothers them.
Water gun. Not a super soaker, one of those little cheapies. It's fun for you, and the cat will stop quick.
JBavousett said:
Water gun. Not a super soaker, one of those little cheapies. It's fun for you, and the cat will stop quick.

But probably none too good for electronics the cat is near.
Bah, A few drops of water aimed right won't do any damage. Just don't go crazy, and don't miss. ;)
JBavousett said:
Bah, A few drops of water aimed right won't do any damage. Just don't go crazy, and don't miss. ;)

Exactly, a neighbors cat used to like to occasionally curl up behind the rear wheels of my car, making it difficult for me to back out in the morning for work, I would yell at the damn thing and make threatening gestures, but it would just look at me all confused. So I got a tip from a friend, and got a squirt bottle of water, a few shots and it ran off. It comes back time to time, but far less frequently.
NulloModo said:
Exactly, a neighbors cat used to like to occasionally curl up behind the rear wheels of my car, making it difficult for me to back out in the morning for work, I would yell at the damn thing and make threatening gestures, but it would just look at me all confused. So I got a tip from a friend, and got a squirt bottle of water, a few shots and it ran off. It comes back time to time, but far less frequently.

We had a cat that would do that when I was about 16. We definately got it to quit doing that, but we didn't mean to do it.
StaticSurge said:
Hitting them is a good way to make them not like you or humans, even a little tap isn't right. Best thing is a stern warning or making a loud noise that bothers them.
That's why I'm a dog person...they seem to love you more if you give discipline. ;)
I still think using claymores is the most effective solution. Possibly some side issues such as the explosion destroying the house but hey! the cat has to learn right?
I have a cat, so I can say this with certainty:

Squirt bottle + water = successful feline behavior modification.

Hell, my g/f even wrote "Bad Gizmo" on the damn thing!! (lol the bottle, not the cat :p )
Gibzilla said:
i recommend amputation of the cat's tongue.

it'll dehydrate and die. He just wants to stop an annoying behavior, not kill the source.
Not sure whether or not he likes the cat, but he hasn't mentioned a deisire to be rid of it.
I got the best solution that worked for my cats within a week or two....air gun. Yes. Get an air compressor and using the nozzle the blows air really fast and really loud...theyll run like theres no tomorrow. She thinks shes the queen? Not after you blast her with some air. Keeps my cats away from the back door. Works everytime. Do it a few times and shell think twice about jumping up on the desk :D I guarantee it. its safe and effective!
Actually the above poster is sort of right.

Get a can of compressed air often used for blowing the dust out of electronics. A quick burst of air in the cat's general direction will have the following benefits:

1. It will scare the hell out of the cat and after 3 or 4 cycles he will usually learn not to get on the desk.
2. This activity can actually be fun for you, the owner. Call it stress relief or comedy gold, seeing the expression on the cat's face followed by mad scurrying to the opposite side of the house is good for a few laughs. :D
3. Unlike the water gun/squirt bottle approach, which does work quite well by the way, this doesn't have the potential of harming expensive electronics and there is no mess to clean up.

And NO, don't turn the can upside down so you can give the ol' kitty a bit of an arctic blast - that's just cruel. Always spray with the can right side up. :p
Blue Falcon said:
Actually the above poster is sort of right.

Get a can of compressed air often used for blowing the dust out of electronics. A quick burst of air in the cat's general direction will have the following benefits:

1. It will scare the hell out of the cat and after 3 or 4 cycles he will usually learn not to get on the desk.
2. This activity can actually be fun for you, the owner. Call it stress relief or comedy gold, seeing the expression on the cat's face followed by mad scurrying to the opposite side of the house is good for a few laughs. :D
3. Unlike the water gun/squirt bottle approach, which does work quite well by the way, this doesn't have the potential of harming expensive electronics and there is no mess to clean up.

And NO, don't turn the can upside down so you can give the ol' kitty a bit of an arctic blast - that's just cruel. Always spray with the can right side up. :p

#2 is correct and roflmao at the last comment.
Your cat is giving your problems?

For $10 I'll come over and get rid of it.

You won't have any more cat problems.
I love cats, but I can never finish one off in one sitting. I always end up with leftovers...
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