Wierdest thing ever ----- intel RMA and now...


Oct 22, 2006
This is the wierdest thing I think ive ever seen my computer do as of yet. I bought a defective q9550 e0 (I know its rare to get a defective cpu) and after 1-2 weeks from intel's RMA dpt I received a new one back. So I install it and everythings fine, it fires right up, running very cold as expected for a e0 stepping, right click my computer and it says Intel Pentium III xeon.. so im like wtf? Opened cpu-z and it showed q9550, opened coretemp, and it showed q9550.. Is there anyway to fix this?

Heres a picture: http://www.ump4.com/masta/computer/dumb.jpg :rolleyes:
yes. the only one that supports 45nm.. I had a older q9550 a C revision that I replaced this E0 with and it displayed everything normal.. I just booted windows with this thing oc'ed over 4ghz also.. I dont know what intel sent me but its definitely got tons of potential. the load temps dont even hit 50c and thats with intel burn test.

Should I reflash the bios again maybe?
also in bios the cpu displays constant 103C and on the post screen at startup it shows

Main Processor: 2.83GHz (333x8.5 , 4 CPU)
CPU Brand:

Its so wierd.. Its the motherboard reading inaccurate isnt it?
Okay, that's pretty fucked up. What I recommend is that you stress-test the CPU at stock speeds to confirm that it's in proper working order. If it is, then don't worry about it. Although it's certainly strange that your CPU is being detected like that, as long as it works fine, it won't harm anything.
Abit motherboard?
windows? something like that
you might want to look in the BIOS and see if there are any other odd things about it like an unlocked multiplier :D
Sounds like because its now E0 based chip the micro code changed slightly and to the bios, it can't read it. If you got back a C0 based chip, your bios would be fine. :)
I had to block out the speed because I sent the url to intel rma dept to see what they had to say, and almost forgot oc'ing voids warranty lol.. ya the C1 stepping detects fine.. Its so dumb. Im gonna flash bios again and see if that does anything.
heh any stuck thermal sensors? my Q9450 has 2. the other one has none heh
Check to make sure you have not got the option to limit CPUid (or something like that) enabled as that will then report the wrong CPU to the O/S if you have.
You should not be rma'ing items you overclock. It is quite unethical.

Unless the overclocking itself was responsible for causing some damage, I don't see a problem with doing that. Intel CPUs are extremely hardy anyway, so the chances of a chip failing due to overclocking (within reasonable limits, of course) are almost insignificantly small.
Sounds like because its now E0 based chip the micro code changed slightly and to the bios, it can't read it. If you got back a C0 based chip, your bios would be fine. :)

I'll second that emotion.

It's just lack of an updated BIOS.
Does this actually cause any problems or does it just bug you that it has the wrong info in the system properties?

Honestly the solution in this case seems to be to just ignore it...
Update BIOS. But really, who cares what it says? The programs (CPU-Z, CoreTemp) see the right CPU so there's no problem.

It would be much worse if Intel had actually sent you a Pentium 3.
Much weirder if it was a p3 that fit in the lga 775 slot, and booted with ddr2 ram.
something like this happened to me on my older machines i had a PIII 766mhz which was detected as a Celeron 533mhz
I had to block out the speed because I sent the url to intel rma dept to see what they had to say, and almost forgot oc'ing voids warranty lol.. ya the C1 stepping detects fine.. Its so dumb. Im gonna flash bios again and see if that does anything.

Good idea....the guys at Intel will never figure that out....:rolleyes:
I havent checked this thread in awhile, I see tons of replies.. some I dont care for.. No the oc'ing did not cause the issue.. I dont care if intel can see im blocking the speed or not, I shouldnt have gotten an RMA to begin with..

It doesnt effect the way the processor runs at all, and honestly Im just going to live with it.
I dont go checking dxdiag and system properties 24/7 so Its pointless to stress over such a thing.

It definitely is the bios. I have a Abit IP35 Pro motherboard. Its the first model made, and to even get the cpu to run on this board required a bios update for 45nm support. One friend I know has the newer revision ip35 pro and it detects my processor 100% perfect in the OS and everywhere else, and reads the bios temperature as well.

This specific cpu has some extreme potential, it posted windows at 4.4ghz. my old c1 couldnt even do past 3.5. Im running it at 3.3 right now. Even at 3.3 intel burn test running for 5minutes the temps still stayed under 53c .. which is also amazing to me because the c1 was doing 60-65c load.

Im using a TRUE /w 2 sycthe 120mm on a push/pull combination
I had the voltage raised anyways and didnt black that out, so i didnt care at that point.
Dear tscompusa

I have a similar setup, and encountered the same problem, plus the BIOS was reporting my CPU temp as 103 (individual core temps were normal), which meant that I had to diasble the shutdown feature in UGURU.

I suspected a BIOS update was needed, but I had the latest version available from the Abit website. However, I found a later version in a forum that specifically addresses the E0 stepping issue, and corrected my CPU temp reading. The link is:


