Wii Fit


May 30, 2006
So this comes out on Monday....will it be hard to find on Monday? Has anyone heard any news about sales anywhere?
I think its going to be a hard one to get at launch, I've looked around for the wife and cant seem to get a pre-order anywhere.

They are sold out everywhere here in the uk, Its been out here a couple of weeks aswell, i managed to get one, its good if your a serious trainer and dont cheat, not enough fun games on it though but i think thats left for 3rd party games like raving rabbids 3 and skateboarding games etc. I enjoy the yoga and muscle workouts, its certainly getting me in shape on top of the 1hr training i do in the gym everyday. Naturally the best yoga poses you dont even use the wii fit board. Id recommend it to anyone with the slightest bit of interest in exercise
I think I'll be interested in it at some point... but it needs a bunch more games.
Crap...makes me wish I tried harder to pre-order.

They are sold out everywhere here in the uk, Its been out here a couple of weeks aswell, i managed to get one, its good if your a serious trainer and dont cheat, not enough fun games on it though but i think thats left for 3rd party games like raving rabbids 3 and skateboarding games etc. I enjoy the yoga and muscle workouts, its certainly getting me in shape on top of the 1hr training i do in the gym everyday. Naturally the best yoga poses you dont even use the wii fit board. Id recommend it to anyone with the slightest bit of interest in exercise
They are sold out everywhere here in the uk, Its been out here a couple of weeks aswell, i managed to get one, its good if your a serious trainer and dont cheat, not enough fun games on it though but i think thats left for 3rd party games like raving rabbids 3 and skateboarding games etc. I enjoy the yoga and muscle workouts, its certainly getting me in shape on top of the 1hr training i do in the gym everyday. Naturally the best yoga poses you dont even use the wii fit board. Id recommend it to anyone with the slightest bit of interest in exercise

Good info, thanks for posting.

There have been signs up in our walmart for about a month now, I wonder if it will be a big seller around here (Low income "ghetto" kind of area)
I have mine preordered at gamestop. They stopped taking preorders at the end of april, so I have a feeling it's going to be a little tough to get your hands on.
this game really pick my curiosity.... i wonder how well the balance board works.

i also hope to have some wiiware games that use it
I am decidedly undecided how i feel about this game. I think there is certainly potential... but its hard to tell from the previews how much fun it will be. The board certainly does have potential as well, but so does the wii remote and that has gone largely under-utilized STILL.
I have read that they are hoping some company will eventually release an "improved" version of Wii Fit.

I am decidedly undecided how i feel about this game. I think there is certainly potential... but its hard to tell from the previews how much fun it will be. The board certainly does have potential as well, but so does the wii remote and that has gone largely under-utilized STILL.
the balance board works out pretty well... a friend of mine had the jp version so my gf could check it out... definitely a fun way to exercise

considering it's popularity, expect it to be unavailable at launch unless you preordered
If your worried about it just think of it as the WiiSports for the Wiimote at launch. The initial games are a tech demo which happen to be fun showing off what the hardware can do. If the initial offering doesnt really interest you then wait :)
Wii fit is a game? I thought it was just a device to motivate you to exercise.
I was planning on getting this game and a Wii. Are Wii's available yet or do they sell out they day they arrive still?
I was planning on getting this game and a Wii. Are Wii's available yet or do they sell out they day they arrive still?

Depends on where you live, but they still sell out same day in most major markets. I am sure the stores will get in a batch to release with Wii Fit as they did for Super Smash Bros.
WiiFit is no game.

My wife uses it daily now (It costs £70 in the UK.. thats nearly $140!!!!), and she has now unlocked all the available exercises.... thats right .. you have to unlock them over time which I think is pathetic.

But now she has unlocked them all, there is a fair amount of variety for her to do. Some are real cheesy in my opinion. The jogging on the spot one for example... they recommend sticking the wii remote in your pocket so it can monitor your speed etc. Hmmmm.

One thing to note though... the graphics are absolutely terrible and I personally do think that this detracts from the message the exercises are trying to give. How hard would it have been to give more realistic models for the exercises ???! Is the Wii that underpowered ?

Oh... and the sound. pathetic. I would have thought they would have combined the exercises with ambient music etc, but I guess you need to fill that void yourself. One of the modes allows you to jog whilst watching the TV (normal TV shows... whilst running instructions are given via the wii remote).

And the last main point... at the start you stand on the board and it places a dot on the screen. After a couple of mins, (after much wobbling around), the Wii then tells you your fitness age, based on your height and weight etc. Yep... it worked out your fitness age by your balance ability to keep a dot still for a whole 2 mins. No offence nintendo... but that's a crock of sh-t ! The board relies on BMI as well, and isnt capable of working out fat % like most advanced weighing scales these days.

But its main plus point is that your wife/girlfriend will love it, and thus keep her out of your way for a while. Isnt that what most nintendo games on the wii are actually for ?!!!
But its main plus point is that your wife/girlfriend will love it, and thus keep her out of your way for a while. Isnt that what most nintendo games on the wii are actually for ?!!!

I never use the wii, but my fiance loves it(and her firends).
I expect we can see some shyster on late night TV selling this gadget soon. Maybe they can get Richard Simmons, at least he is an entertaining idiot.
Why not just go outside and run with an mp3 player like a SanDisk Sansa Clip for 40 bucks?
ok I'm wondering I'm 341 lbs and 6'5 can I get on the board. I heard it had durability problems does anyone know?
I know the one for nintendo had a weight limit of 100lbs, according to the angry video game nerd anyway. :D
it's monday, any one have any sightings of it? I'm thinking of trying to hit a few places at lunch to see if I can grab one, in the South Jersey area
seems to have been delayed... i dropped by and was told its releasing on wed (5/21)... called up a couple other stores in nyc and they all confirmed the 21st as the launch date...:confused:
seems to have been delayed... i dropped by and was told its releasing on wed (5/21)... called up a couple other stores in nyc and they all confirmed the 21st as the launch date...:confused:

Original launch date has always been the 21st, atleast that's what gamestop told me when I pre-ordered.
ok I'm wondering I'm 341 lbs and 6'5 can I get on the board. I heard it had durability problems does anyone know?

I heard the US board can support up to 400lbs although the sensors won't read anything past 330lbs or so. Either way you could try it out.
I heard the US board can support up to 400lbs although the sensors won't read anything past 330lbs or so. Either way you could try it out.

Well according to ign the US board can hold up to 660lbs but cannot weigh more then 330lbs. So I think if you are on the heavy side you are safe.
Im on my 18th day, im enjoying the benefits of using the wiifit everyday ie toning and stretching plus feeling much better in myself so it has been well worth every penny, the only thing now that im using it often is the lack of variety in the comments made by the trainer to encourage you or motivate you, its starting to piss me off hearing the same comments over and over and im thinking it would have been nice to have the option to turn the trainers comments off and just have beeps and whistles to let you know when to start and stop etc. It also would have been nice to turn the music off or add your own music as thats pissing me off now aswell. The UK Balance board supports about 330lbs. Its like a lot of my friends are saying: "ïts like wii sports for the balance board" hopefully someone will bring out a more advanced version of the software. Dont let me put you off! As i said before its worth every penny if your into fitness IMO.
I have mine pre-ordered from walmart.com... they're going on the 'Bay for a good $150-170 a pop with shipping. I didn't think they'd be hard to find, but I got lucky on even getting my personal one ordered.
Just picked one up at a Wal Mart that opens at 7 AM. They had 6 Wii Fit boxes and two Wii consoles on the floor.
Got mine at Belleville ON, I was there at 6am and they had several cases of them.
Now it sits in my car till the work day ends.

Got mine this morning at 6am at Wal-Mart. Was about the 10th person out of 25 available Fits. My wife went back and bought another one so now I'm going to put one up on ebay. The things are heavy so it may be expensive to ship.
I heard the US board can support up to 400lbs although the sensors won't read anything past 330lbs or so. Either way you could try it out.

400lbs!!!!! :eek: :eek:

The UK one measures upto 22 stone I think which is 308lbs.

I'm liking how we are getting treated better with regards released dates too, first MK then WiiFit......but then that's it for the Wii now isn't it? :D

On a serious note tho, this followed with Wii Sports training certainly gives you some varied exercise. I've always found the boxing mini games to be the best.
I checked bb, target and toysrus on my lunch break in deptford s. jersey.. no one had them.. I don't think I've ever had a problem before finding a game on launch day, this is pretty crazy.