Wii impressions. Leave your thoughts here!

This thread turned into aids with 9 month old arguments.

STFU about all the "graphics aren't good enough... intuitive controller... blah blah".

I don't give a fuck about what c-3po has to say about the wii. He's never played one. Let's move on.

I just spent a few hours with the Wii. It was very nice. I feels like it has the same magic that SNES had. It just bleeds that 'Nintendo feeling'. I couldn't get to the weather or news channels, and it took several attempts to update the system software. After that, we were smooth sailing.

Unfortuanetly, Wii sports was all I could play. It was fun for a while, but it left me really wanting to play some Super Mario Galaxy or Zelda. It emulated my GC games perfectly.

So far, I'm pleased with the system. It's all going to come down to the games.
OMFG, just played Wii sports with the girl for like three hours, she's never been even slightly interested an any 3d gaming, I'm going to have to shut it off so can get up in the morning. Unbelievable, Nintendo is gong to make a fucking mint, if i can get my hands on two more Wiimotes and a few nunchucks we're totally bringing it to her grandparents house for Christmas.
Also, I must say... a new Nintendo system without a Mario game feels very strange. I was craving some Mario badly.
slowbiz said:
Also, I must say... a new Nintendo system without a Mario game feels very strange. I was craving some Mario badly.

There's plenty of Mario action coming. I'm surprised how well Nintendo has pulled off this launch and the games they HAVE made available. Everyone seems to be happy and most got a console. But there is still tons of people who still want one, Nintendo will be very happy with this result.

Too bad I'm in New Zealand and the Wii is still 17 days away.
Korgun said:

Impressions (without having played it yet): I've had pretty much all of the major consoles at one point but this is the first console I'm excited about since SNES.......

Graphics i havent seen yet in person, but wont put them out until some 3rd party titles come out.

but i am excited about this and i have NEVER been excited about a console, for me it is the possibility to play many OLD OLD games on a console on my tv, not having to use some buggy emulator on my computer.
MrGuvernment said:
for me it is the possibility to play many OLD OLD games on a console on my tv, not having to use some buggy emulator on my computer.
I agree with you... except the buggy emulator thing.

There's some amazing emulators out there. I have no issues with emulation, other than it's not as good as it would be on my television with an actual controller.
Yeah, it's the controls of Red Steel that's pissing me off. I am gonna give it another go, and if it doesn't work out. It's gonna be one of those games I take back... and I HATE to do it (Take games back...).

If the nunchuck was for WASD and mouselook, it would be more natural.
slowbiz said:
I agree with you... except the buggy emulator thing.

There's some amazing emulators out there. I have no issues with emulation, other than it's not as good as it would be on my television with an actual controller.

yeah, i did go as far as to go out to my TV and play the games, is fun and all, but just the old memories of soar thumbs bashing the keys faster even though you knew they could go faster :)
I checked out the walmarts saturday night and all of them were packed and had a line longer then the stock more then 3 hours before midnight. Didn't bother checking this morning as I was up past 5 helping a friend do some shit. Tried to order one online though. Sears listed them in stock but their site was fucked up. Ended up hitting up ebay. Getting one overnighted for 340 shipped. Figure the overnight shipping is a good 30 bucks by itself(which I would have paid anyway if I ordered it off an online site). Didn't get taxed on it which is something to add as well. Figure I paid an extra 50 bucks ebay tax tops. I should have it tuesday. Would have been able to play it today if I had gotten it but I would not have had time tommorrow(work then school). 50 to 90 bucks to not wait in a line 4 plus hours at walmart or like 2 or 3 hours outside in the morning. Hell I would have prob done that anyway. Looking forward to tuesday night....
Picked up a Wii yesterday with Zelda and Excite Truck, haven't played Excite Truck yet, not overly interested in it but it came in the Costco bundle.

Wii Sports is incredible! Hands down the most fun I've had since Guitar Hero (granted hasn't been that long since Guitar Hero 2 came out but that the two Guitar Hero games were the best games I've played since Mario 64 and Goldeneye). Tried to pick up another remote and nunchuck to play some 2 player boxing, but could only find 1 remote in stock so I'm stuck with the other sports games for now. I'm amazed at how well the sensor bar picks up the controller's location. I never thought it would be that accurate.

Zelda is well...Zelda. I've spent about an hour and a half with it so far just because I didn't want to put down the multiplayer aspects of Wii Sports. I can tell the hack and slash aspects are going to be fun later in this game. Fishing was a little boring, felt like they threw it in as a "oh yeah and you can fish with the Wii remote, too." Other than that it's a solid game.

Graphics are good, I think they look slightly better than my regular Xbox with component cables and I haven't seen it in 480p yet. Didn't go into expecting an Xbox 360 and I wasn't disappointed. Overall I can see this console being fun throughout its lifespan and can't wait for full on sports games to come out. Fight Night, Tiger Woods, and even a Hunting/Fishing game will really kick ass if made right just judging by Wii Sports.

To be honest I only bought it as a possible resale, but am glad I decided to open it up and give it a shot. I'll be keeping it and am anticipating more releases.
While playing Trauma Center I started thinking of different traditional game types that would translate well to the Wii control scheme (I'm certainly not inventive enough to come up with original game types like Trauma Center), and RTSs came to mind. It would work SO well to have a game like Supreme Commander for the Wii, with the pointer, the joystick (to control the camera and building placement)...
Definitely loving Zelda on the Wii right now. Do wish I could get some component cables though. :(

Has anyone figured out how to change the volume of the wiimote speaker? All I've read is that it is an option in the Wii menu, but I can't find it anywhere.
Ron1jed said:
ok wow. this guy needs to kill himself. he is playing some golf game right now.

He was on Zelda a bit earlier. I stopped watching cuz I kinda want to avoid spoilers :)
MonoDestro said:
Definitely loving Zelda on the Wii right now. Do wish I could get some component cables though. :(

Has anyone figured out how to change the volume of the wiimote speaker? All I've read is that it is an option in the Wii menu, but I can't find it anywhere.

Press the home button, then go to wii remote settings, its the 1st option.
I'm loving it. Got to Target at 6:15am or so - was # 45 in line..

I got the Wii, Zelda, and an extra nunchuk and wiimote. Also bought apack of 4 lithium AA batteries :)

My girl and I were having a blast with bowling last night. Must have played for 3 hours.. I couldn't beat her though.. I'd bowl a 161 - she'd top 170.. it was like anytime I had a good frame, she'd best it.. hahahaa.. oh well :D

Zelda rocks. The controls are pretty perfect.. I love it.

Can't wait for Mario, some type of fishing game, racing, etc.

Lovin it. Best $400 I've spent in a while :)
PlaneCrazy said:
I'm loving it. Got to Target at 6:15am or so - was # 45 in line..

I got the Wii, Zelda, and an extra nunchuk and wiimote. Also bought apack of 4 lithium AA batteries :)

My girl and I were having a blast with bowling last night. Must have played for 3 hours.. I couldn't beat her though.. I'd bowl a 161 - she'd top 170.. it was like anytime I had a good frame, she'd best it.. hahahaa.. oh well :D

Zelda rocks. The controls are pretty perfect.. I love it.

Can't wait for Mario, some type of fishing game, racing, etc.

Lovin it. Best $400 I've spent in a while :)

wait so the remotes use AA batteries? :(
Wandered down to EB at lunch today and picked one up. They had just got their daily shipment in. It's apparently a lot easier to get them if you know exactly when a store is likely to have them show up. :)
arentol said:
Wandered down to EB at lunch today and picked one up. They had just got their daily shipment in. It's apparently a lot easier to get them if you know exactly when a store is likely to have them show up. :)

I just called a few places.. they still haven't recieved any more
arentol said:
Wandered down to EB at lunch today and picked one up. They had just got their daily shipment in. It's apparently a lot easier to get them if you know exactly when a store is likely to have them show up. :)

where are located? what state?
I want a wii so bad man.. my friend keeps calling me.. he keeps rubbing in how fun the thing is... this is coming from a guy that stopped playing video games after the SNES... :( :( :(
So I got tired of waiting and found an unopened system on craigslist for $300, met with the guy and got the system then I headed over to my local Target and got an extra wiimote and Zelda. I'm happy :)
Ive got to say Im really loving mine so far, the only thing im kinda anxious for is the component cables. I picked up a new 32" LCD HDTV last weekend and i hate playing games at sdtv res, i want to see 480p on this thing!!! other than this I must say this is my favorite console since my n64. I bought an Xbox 360 last november and probably havent used it as much as Ive used the wii in the 2 days Ive had it. Dont get me wrong, the 360 has amazing graphics but the wii games ARE JUST FUN. I cant express this enough, at 26 I thought I was just getting too old for video games and maybe this is why I lost interest, however the Wii has rekindeled my love for video games and I cant wait for this long weekend. Ive picked up about 8 games so far, and every time I goto the store I see something else that might be fun and end up with it lol. I definitely need a classic remote though I want to download some of the classic games and I have the sub. card however in my rush after an 18 hour wait at bestbuy I skipped the remote and cant find any now. Its funny how some people claim these were so easy to get, every store I've heard of in Buffalo had extra people waiting in line beyond the systems they received. The Bestbuy we waited at had 115 people in line, and 84 consoles to sell. We were numbers 1 and 2, and I have to say Bestbuy did an excellent job of keeping things orderly and organized. Anyways it looks like NFS carbon comes out tomorrow and Im tempted to try a copy of this, however not sure if its worth while. Anyone else using just a standard Sandisk SD card? I picked up a 1gb at compusa today for 25 dollars, not too horrible I guess and I really wanted more mem for this thing as Im pretty quickly filling it up. I have to say even on SDTV Zelda is beautiful. My sister commented on how great some of the scenes look and I'd have to agree with her. The last time Ive spent this much time on a video game was Ocarina of Time over Thanksgiving break ( how ironic that its again Thanksgiving weekend for this title). If you were into past Nintendo consoles give this one a shot, because I highly doubt youre going to be disappointed. The funniest thing is - the people I waited in line with at Bestbuy were mostly my age or older. Many of them were purchasing the system for themselves. Its just interesting how so many people didnt forget Nintendo, I had a great time camping out and it was well worth my Saturday so far. I have had no issues whatsoever with any of the firmware updates thankfully either. The funny thing a buddy from work went with me to wait in line with Ebay intentions for his new Wii. By the end of the night everyone in line had convinced him to keep his system, he hadnt played a console (plays games on his pc) since the SNES. Its amazing the crowd this thing is attracting, and by the sounds of it he absolutely loves the thing so far. I just hope they fully support this virtual console stuff because thats going to draw back the crowd from the old days of console gaming. Anyone have any clue if Mariokart or Mariokart 64 are going to be available? If anyone has any questions shoot them my way Id love to answer them.
this console is amazing... I just got done playing WiiSports.... its so intutive, so natural... this is gonna be great for family game night, I know the family will be happy with it. :)
if you want the component cables, go to nintendo NOW and order them so you know theyll ship yours next week and not get delayed again. I put my order in on Sunday.

Stores wont have them until mid december. First or third party.
Reckon why that is? They knew this was coming out for a couple years, why not go ahead and make a ton of cables and be done with it. Very odd. It's like someone thought last minute.. "oh, maybe they will want to run at 480p widescreen so we should make some cables!"

Winter said:

Can anyone tell me if the Cube S-Video cable will work with Wii?
No. They moved away from the old connector (finally)

Analouge and Digital are now in the same port.

"The new Nintendo's flaws make me question who the Wii's audience will be. Kids don't want embarrassingly easy games. Casual gamers of any age will bail out the first time their crosshairs go AWOL. And hardcore gamers like me aren't going to bother with a magic wand that makes us less efficient at killing aliens. For a console that wants to start a revolution, making users doubt their reflexes is a serious design flaw. By playing fast and loose with motion detection, the Wii swings wildly between deal-breaking frustration and hollow victories. Ultimately, it never achieves the level of difficulty that every console should aspire to: a good, fair challenge."
cb9fl said:

"The new Nintendo's flaws make me question who the Wii's audience will be. Kids don't want embarrassingly easy games. Casual gamers of any age will bail out the first time their crosshairs go AWOL. And hardcore gamers like me aren't going to bother with a magic wand that makes us less efficient at killing aliens. For a console that wants to start a revolution, making users doubt their reflexes is a serious design flaw. By playing fast and loose with motion detection, the Wii swings wildly between deal-breaking frustration and hollow victories. Ultimately, it never achieves the level of difficulty that every console should aspire to: a good, fair challenge."

Let's start by making an important distinguishing point: hardcore console gamer is an oxymoron. Hardcore gamers play computer games, period. Consoles are toys, period. Second, I'd like to point out that this fellow is greatly overexaggerating the inaccuracy of the Wii Remote, or he was playing on a TV without the sensor bar. Thirdly, his weak attempts at creating the counterpoint that he was a Wii lover the second he heard about it only reinforce the idea that he is not providing sound, unbiased empirical data. Finally, it the article has an air of bullshit tabloid journalist flow, word choice and sentence structure. It reads like a sensational article out of a supermarket tabloid about Federtard and Britney Spears.
krameriffic said:
Let's start by making an important distinguishing point: hardcore console gamer is an oxymoron. Hardcore gamers play computer games, period.

In my book a hardcore game is person that plays all video games.. PC and Console...

My roomate got one. Graphic wise its fine, nothing special but it looks much better than previous generations of consoles (obviously). I'm not sur ewhat I think of the whole moving the controller concept. its fun for sports games and thats it. Otherwise its just fucking tedious as hell. I played Ultimate Marvel Alliance or whatever and i'm swinging my hand everywhere, you just look and feel stupid, not interactive. Also its really fickle. I mean, i swipe the remote and it does a lunge move instead of a swipe. If you tilt the little nunchaku thingy the cmaera goes apeshit. Little things like this bug me. Not worth the investment. Unless you're a zelda freak/ .
n my book a hardcore game is person that plays all video games.. PC and Console...


i just picked up my own Wii after playing on my friends for hours on end.

im debating selling it to my sister so my nephews can have one for sure or keeping it for myself now.

Bought it @ costco w/ zelda and excite truck for $368 including tax.