Wii pre-orders


Aug 24, 2004
Will you be pre-ordering a Wii? What games are you getting at launch? Has anyone heard abything about pre-orders yet?

I'll be getting super Mario Galaxy and Zelda for sure. The sports games look really fun too.
I might just take the day off from work and make sure I'm at the store that's selling them a good bit before they open. not sure yet
I definitely am. However, I think Mario will be missing the launch. So I read.
Any clue as to what this downloading of classic games is going to run?

Is it a monthly service or is it a pay per game?
2k2_zx2 said:
Any clue as to what this downloading of classic games is going to run?

Is it a monthly service or is it a pay per game?

I hope it's pay per game.. i see myself downloading.. but not a massive amount...
If it comes in at the $250 or less price I am there. I will get Zelda, Metroid and if it launches Mario. I will also pick up the classinc and Nunchuck if they not packed in the box.
I will be pre-ordering the Wii, Mario, Metriod, and Zelda. I hope Mario released on launch date. Im so excited for this system.
I guess best buy doesn't do pre orders?? i'm just asking cause i'm gonna have a gift card from best buy soon.. maybe i should save it...
ill be preordering as well , and im getting zelda as the first game . Well see about the others.
I'll probably pick one up just after the mad rush when I can get some good bundles. Mainly looking for those sport games, resident evil and a few of the ds style games. Mario sunshine pretty much ended my desire for any more 3d marios and without being too shallow, the graphics in red steel remind me of a dreamcast game.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm still looking forward the package as a whole. But mainly for the quirky games to chill with friends.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
I guess best buy doesn't do pre orders?? i'm just asking cause i'm gonna have a gift card from best buy soon.. maybe i should save it...
I'm pretty sure that they do.
If it launches at $200 or less, then I'm definitely pre-ordering it. If it's more, it'll depend on the asking price, launch titles, and prices of games and accesories. I plan on buying 3 additional controller with it on launch so I can play some multiplayer with friends and family, so I'd really like a $200 price tag. That way I can spend the rest of my money on accesories and games.
slowbiz said:
I'm pretty sure that they do.

Best Buy does *NOT* do preorders. Only occasionally will they offer select Reward Zone members the chance to order something before it is released. However, for most normal people you dont have a snowballs chance in hell of getting Best Buy to let you preorder something...not a video game console at least.

Me personally, I will not be preordering a Wii. I will preorder a PS3. This way I wont have to stand in line to get a PS3 to sell on eBay....painless profit. I should hopefully earn enough from that to either buy a couple of games for my 360, or buy a Wii.
Erasmus354 said:
Best Buy does *NOT* do preorders. Only occasionally will they offer select Reward Zone members the chance to order something before it is released. However, for most normal people you dont have a snowballs chance in hell of getting Best Buy to let you preorder something...not a video game console at least.

Me personally, I will not be preordering a Wii. I will preorder a PS3. This way I wont have to stand in line to get a PS3 to sell on eBay....painless profit. I should hopefully earn enough from that to either buy a couple of games for my 360, or buy a Wii.
Well eff Best Buy then.

How do you plan on selling a PS3 for $200 more than the SRP? I don't think they'll be as in demand as you anticipate... but maybe I'm wrong.
I have never preordered or waited in line for a console or game, when I saw the Wii. I plan on preordering it as soon as I can. Along with a second controller, zelda, metroid, mario, and any other games that look good. It looks like the Wii will also be the first console I can afford to get a lot of games for right away. :cool:
brom42 said:
It looks like the Wii will also be the first console I can afford to get a lot of games for right away. :cool:

I am thinking the same thing! This is gonna be awesome. I wish I could just hibernate and wake up when the Wii comes out.
Im not to worried about pre-ordering. I remember when the Gamecube came out, none of my local stores sold out of them. Are Toys R Us, had a stock pile of them. Im guessing the same thing will happen with the Wii. I can be wrong, but I think alot of people in my area at least are Xbox fans.
slowbiz said:
Well eff Best Buy then.

How do you plan on selling a PS3 for $200 more than the SRP? I don't think they'll be as in demand as you anticipate... but maybe I'm wrong.

irregardless of the price there will be a much higher worldwide demand than 2 million units

besides, if it doesn't sell for over msrp I will just return it :D
In my area, everywhere was completely sold out of Gamecubes upon launch, so I will be pre-ording the Wii. I'm most looking foward to Zelda and the new Super Smash Brothers game.
I'm not going to preorder, but I'll get one not too long after it's out. Twilight Princess and Corruption are launch titles; Galaxy is not, but it won't be too far behind.
I've had Zelda preordered for a year now :( But I'll preorder a Wii as soon as I can and I'll get Metroid and Mario with it.
Molgera said:
You may want to cancel unless you still want the Gamecube version.

There is not going to be a Gamecube and Wii version. You'll be able to play the same game in both systems, you just won't get all the Wii features. The Wii is 100% natively compatible with the Gamecube allowing them to make games that work on both.
brom42 said:
There is not going to be a Gamecube and Wii version. You'll be able to play the same game in both systems, you just won't get all the Wii features. The Wii is 100% natively compatible with the Gamecube allowing them to make games that work on both.
I thought they said there were going to be two versions?

Either way, I'm preordering it with Mario, Zelda, Red Steel if it turns out good (please...), and maybe nintendo sports with 4 controllers.

haha, I've gotta get my roommates to throw down for the extra wiimotes :p
Heck yes, I'm just going to lock myself up in my room for about a week and play with my Wii, talk about playing Wii sports and I will have a blast doing new things I've never done before. :eek:
brom42 said:
There is not going to be a Gamecube and Wii version. You'll be able to play the same game in both systems, you just won't get all the Wii features. The Wii is 100% natively compatible with the Gamecube allowing them to make games that work on both.
Wrong. Watch the E3 Nintendo press event.
The King of Pants said:
Wrong. Watch the E3 Nintendo press event.

Yup, I'm wrong. I was going on older information. About 4 months ago I read an interview that Nintendo said that the New Zelda was going to be a Gamecube game; but if the disk was used in a Revolution it would have the added features. Sorry, I don't have a link to the story. I guess with this newest delay they decided to completely split it up as they add in more features.

I had this game on per-order back when it was a August 2005 release date, but cancelled it.

Damn delays. Here is a pic of the preorder sign at my local Best Buy from about a year ago:

Lazy_Moron said:
Im not to worried about pre-ordering. I remember when the Gamecube came out, none of my local stores sold out of them. Are Toys R Us, had a stock pile of them. Im guessing the same thing will happen with the Wii. I can be wrong, but I think alot of people in my area at least are Xbox fans.

i really hate the uneducated just like the guy i quoted

btw its tie again nintendo goes back to its throne with the wii and ds

metal gear's snake is in nintendos super smashbrother's wii game...so obviously wii will get some more metal gear games (btw mgs4 is pure garbage)
powerade said:
i really hate the uneducated just like the guy i quoted

btw its tie again nintendo goes back to its throne with the wii and ds

metal gear's snake is in nintendos super smashbrother's wii game...so obviously wii will get some more metal gear games (btw mgs4 is pure garbage)

mgs4 isn't pure garbge man....