Wii-reless Question


[H]F Junkie
Jan 21, 2004
Does the Wii support WPA-PSK(2) or do I have to punch a huge hole in my wireless network's security when I get one?
Judging by the interface screenies seen a couple weeks back, it looks to support both WPA-PSK (AES) and WPA2-PSK (AES).
BillLeeLee said:
Judging by the interface screenies seen a couple weeks back, it looks to support both WPA-PSK (AES) and WPA2-PSK (AES).
Thanks. Can anyone with a system confirm this?
Funny thing, I use WPA-AES for my D-Link DI-624. The Wii would not connect and kept giving me an error code (52030) when it tried to test the internet connection. The passphrase was correct and all, but it still wouldn't work until I assigned a static IP for the Wii.

No biggie, as I doubt the system will be randomly releasing/renewing IPs.
thabub said:

if someone is seriously going to walk up, and have to be within say... 30ft, no 50ft of my brick townhouse and try to emulate one of the MAC addresses on my network just so they can get on there to use the internet, or hack one of my computers then there's something severely wrong.
cieje said:
if someone is seriously going to walk up, and have to be within say... 30ft, no 50ft of my brick townhouse and try to emulate one of the MAC addresses on my network just so they can get on there to use the internet, or hack one of my computers then there's something severely wrong.

Maybe so, but this was a discussion of security measures, and your argument was originally "mac filtering works better" and now its "heavy security isnt necessary."

I'm in your camp though, I'm content with wep/mac filtering/unbroadcasted ssid. I don't have anything to hide on my network anyway, and there's like 3 other unprotected networks in range...
Spaceman_Spiff said:
I'm in your camp though, I'm content with wep/mac filtering/unbroadcasted ssid. I don't have anything to hide on my network anyway, and there's like 3 other unprotected networks in range...

Call me paranoid, but my router was originally set up to use WPA2 security. The only reason I dropped down to WPA-AES is because my Nokia N80 doesn't like WPA2. :confused:

As soon as I can get the phone figured out, up my security goes.

It's quite comforting to do a wireless audit and see your network as one of the few that are using WPA2 (while the rest are WEP, WPA, or just plain unsecured). :D
I had problems getting WPA-PSK(2) to work at first (Error code 52030) so i disabled security but then i noticed someone leaching off our connection (im in an apartment complex at college) so i re-enabled it and on the Wii there is a value that defalts to 0 and i had to enter it as a 1 and then it worked cant remember what the setting was but if you back in and configure the connection im sure you can find it.