Wii restocks?

I have two Walmarts near me that will have them. One is selling at Midnight, the other at 8am, both are getting 9 units. Yay!
palabared said:
haha That is not for certain, probaby in a few months. But for now you can always get a decal that mite look better than just a plain black wii. check some out here


Very nice, thanks... adds the price a bit but nice... hmmm

I'll wait till component cables are more readily available. I saw the Wii at Digital Life and it looked bad. I'm sure with component cables it will be acceptable.
Liekomg said:
I have to admit, i'm a little pissed. I've tried on 3 separate occasions, and i'm still Wii-less. I went to the Nintendo World Store on Friday. I was there 10 minutes before they opened, and there must have been 300 people on line. They only get about 100 units each day, so I didn't even bother waiting on line.

I hear you man, but 100 a day is probably more than any other store in north america. I got mine on my third shot and that took me 3 hours to get to the store, and 2 1/2 to get home.
I'll tell you I've had my wii since the first week but I still can't find extra controllers and adapters for them. Sucks.
swatbat said:
I'll tell you I've had my wii since the first week but I still can't find extra controllers and adapters for them. Sucks.

Imagine my surprise to walk into a target and see a bunch of classic controllers, wiimotes and nunchucks :D

guyd00dman said:
Does anyone know what time the Wii consoles are going on sale at walmart.com?

8am Tomorrow (12/6) There are already 5 people in line. I am going to poke my head in a 6am and see how bad the line is. If it isn't too long than I am going to wait, otherwise back to bed for me. :(


Nevermind. I didn't see the .com part until after I posted.
pixelbender said:
Rumor had it at 3 mins ago, but they didn't show! (midnight eastern time)

I'm thinking of waking up alittle before 8AM just to see if they go on sale online at 8 am....
I just came back from my local Wally World with my replacement Wii that was defective right out of the box from their web site. luckily my friend is the electronics manager who already agreed with me a few days ago that I could come in at 8:00am and she'd be more than glad to exchange it. you could imagine how many dirty looks I got when I walked passed all these people (at 8:00am) waiting in line since midnight to get my new Wii console. lol - :D

oh well, at least that nightmare is done and over with. I think its ridiculous how long companies like Sony and Nintendo are taking to mass produce these consoles for the general public.
got to my wm @ 6 am, there were roughly 40 people in line for 30 wii's, 2nd wal mart had about 15 people for 8 wii's. Sigh.
ozziegn said:
oh well, at least that nightmare is done and over with. I think its ridiculous how long companies like Sony and Nintendo are taking to mass produce these consoles for the general public.
i dont think nintendo anticipated this much demand, and i bet they are stockpiling for the euro launch at the moment too.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
Is the classic controller wirelesS?

You connect it to the Wiimote, so...sorta?

I have not tried looking for the Wii today, too much craziness.
ozziegn said:
oh well, at least that nightmare is done and over with. I think its ridiculous how long companies like Sony and Nintendo are taking to mass produce these consoles for the general public.
Damn, you're not easy to please. Nintendo has something like a million Wiis out, and it hasn't even been 3 weeks since launch.
Hey, missed out on today's Wii shipment because of school :/. Any idea when the next one is coming? I heard something about this Sunday? Any truth to that?
Afaik, toysrus is getting weekly shipments, as to the exact shipping dates I can't tell you. Only reason why I knew last sunday was going to happen was because they were on roto hold for sunday.