Wii versus PS3 lineup video - E3 opening, who wins?

The nintendo stampede is hilarious. Its like an amusement park just opened and they're running to the huge roller coaster.
SIX HOURS!! Even I wouldn't wait six hours to play the wii for 5 minutes :rolleyes:
Just stand and watch other people play it for a few minutes, cool that Nintendo got so much attention though
i'll bet poor Kenny K was up in sony's VIP crying in his sake. How demoralizing would that be to have that herd of people running right at you only to bust a right and go stand for 6 hours to play with a plumber.
The King of Pants said:
i'll bet poor Kenny K was up in sony's VIP crying in his sake. How demoralizing would that be to have that herd of people running right at you only to bust a right and go stand for 6 hours to play with a plumber.

HA, that would make me feel pretty crappy, thinking "oh yeah here they come just as we thought. . . hey wait, where are they going, come back!!!!"
Topics like this (hate topics) are just stupid.

That being said: No matter how skewed your view is toward any of the three console makers, the winners are ALWAYS the gamers.

Nintendo always has great games.

Sony always has great games.

Microsoft (though so far hasn't had as much interest from me as the others; obviously they have a strong fan base and so...) always has great games.
rfwinters77 said:
Topics like this (hate topics) are just stupid.

That being said: No matter how skewed your view is toward any of the three console makers, the winners are ALWAYS the gamers.

Nintendo always has great games.

Sony always has great games.

Microsoft (though so far hasn't had as much interest from me as the others; obviously they have a strong fan base and so...) always has great games.

This man spits truth.

I nominate myself the "man who spits truth" designator - i.e. i state when someone is spitting truth.
rfwinters77 said:
Topics like this (hate topics) are just stupid.

That being said: No matter how skewed your view is toward any of the three console makers, the winners are ALWAYS the gamers.

Nintendo always has great games.

Sony always has great games.

Microsoft (though so far hasn't had as much interest from me as the others; obviously they have a strong fan base and so...) always has great games.

I disagree. Gamers have been on the losing side for almost a decade, as developers kept it safe and didn't develop anything innovative for years. The last true innovation that I've seen in the console industry is Mario 64 way back in 1997, where full 3D became a reality. And quite frankly, while that was a pioneer, I hated all the crappy 3D platform copies that came out such as Banjoe-Kazooie. I loved my Playstation (Nintendo really messed up with the cartridge based N64), but the last gen of games and consoles completly bored me with no innovation at all, just prettier graphics. Sega Dreamcast was actually the most interesting of the latest bunch of consoles, but it died to PS2's hype and never got off the ground like it should have.

Both Microsoft and Sony kept on pushing the limit graphic wise, yet the same regurgitated gameplay keeps being pushed on gamers. How does anyone win with a 600$ console?

Nintendo came out with the Nintendo DS which was met with low enthusiasm at first compared to the more powerful PSP, until games like Nintendogs came out and showed just how innovative it really was. Nintendo has another winner in Wii IMO, and I am hopeful that the massive success that the system should have should give a clue to both Microsoft and Sony, that the average gamer wants gameplay, and not just more polygons per model.

Hopefully this will help them look at taking more risks and bring innovation back into the gaming industry.
The Wii's controller is the new toy in the game, no surprise it is drawing a lot of attention. Add to that that Nintendo is finally offering something besides second rate hardware at a discount price (granted, the Rev is still far behind the 360 and the PS3, but it does have that nifty controller...) and you will get a stampede. I still maintain that the rev's remote will fall by the wayside soon enough, virtual reality only has so much appeal from the couch. Once gamers notice that they are getting odd cramps in their arms, back to the gamepads they will storm.
NulloModo said:
Once gamers notice that they are getting odd cramps in their arms, back to the gamepads they will storm.

Maybe people shouldn't be playing games for hours and hours on end. This console is targeted to casual and non-gamers, not hardcore gamers, I don't think it will be a problem for most of their target audience
Ah, hell, I'm going to sound like one of the lazy couch potatoes here, but...

I'll be able to turn on/off the Wii from my couch. That > *
Doward said:
Ah, hell, I'm going to sound like one of the lazy couch potatoes here, but...

I'll be able to turn on/off the Wii from my couch. That > *

ha, ya know, i was thinkin the same thing, i just wasn't going to say anything. but that is the best idea, why didn't they do this before?
I dunno, I thought the Xbox was pretty innovative with it's live service. No console has done that before. But the Xbox360 is clearly the most innovative because now I can turn on my TV and my console without having to leave the couch. All the couch needs is a built in toilet and a coke machine and I'll never have to get up during the day.
The wii mote has a power button on it so you should be able to turn it on and off with that.