Will a reference 6950 fit in a MiniP180?


Limp Gawd
Oct 26, 2005
Currently running a 5850 and am not sure if upgrading to a 6950 would fit. Any ideas?
Oh yeah, I totally forgot it comes with a second drive cage. If the bottom drive cage is removed, there will be plenty of space, but I don't think it will fit with the drive cage installed.
that card should be about the same length as my 5870's ... a pair fit very snug and there's still room to put a 120mm fan for front intake. and yes you will need to remove lower drive cage as mentioned.
Thanks for the replies. I have a HD 5850 in there right now. I can't even remember if I have a bottom cage in since I haven't opened the side panel in a year.

Yep, will fit, no bottom cage. Thanks.