Will a standard Pentium 4 chip work with a mobo designed for a Pentium 4 Prescott??


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2003
Hello guys

Here is my predicament,
My mobo (Soyo P4X400 lite: TERRIBLE btw) recently suffered a fatality. I am looking to buy a new mobo on newegg and was wondering if a standard Pentium 4 2.4 chip (not a prescott, no hyperthreading) would work in a motherboard designed for a Prescott. I am looking to buy this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813131527 and I am just wondering if it will even work with my chip. My choices are very limited with this outdated technology but I am a starving college student and really don't want to pay for massive upgrades.

You know.. there's that $100 combo at newegg:

Athlon64 3400+ Socket 939
ECS KN1 Lite motherboard (nForce4, PCI-E 16x, SATA 3.0Gb, 4 DIMM)

You could sell your CPU and grab that combo, should come out to the same price as just the motherboard and it's an upgrade to new(er) technology on the cheap. AM2 didn't add a whole lot to the table and 939 keeps up pretty well.