Will CES 2011 drop SSD prices?


Jan 7, 2005
Question in title.

Did it happen in 2010?

Any SSD's going to be announced in 2011?

Wondering what to buy to go with SB build. Small SSD drive. Boot + a couple steam games. Will have another HD just for steam.
CES being the determining factor why?

Sure it is possible. the market is getting swarms of new SSDs all the time, even Microcenter now makes a SSD.

The price will go down just like the price of all technology, just taking longer because other than little faster SSDs nothing "new" is coming.

I have a 128GB Kingston that has TRIM and has run great for over a year and still holding great speeds... paid $220 shipped for it too brand new
I doubt CES will drop prices on SSDs, a drop might come when Intel G3 + Crucial C400 hit the market in Q1, since both are aimed into lower the price and bigger options, but i doubt those are going to be much cheaper at release with the huge demands and low availability on launch. But probably older ssd will start to lower and enter clearance.
Intel G3 is supposed to be in February, and will be $1/gb.
I doubt CES will drop prices on SSDs, a drop might come when Intel G3 + Crucial C400 hit the market in Q1, since both are aimed into lower the price and bigger options, but i doubt those are going to be much cheaper at release with the huge demands and low availability on launch. But probably older ssd will start to lower and enter clearance.

Don't forget that Micron had a big outage at one of their NAND plants a few weeks ago. That is going to have an upward influence on prices to some extent making the price drops less poiniant.
Intel G3 is supposed to be in February, and will be $1/gb.
This would be great if true, i really want the 300gb version of the X25m, but i doubt it will sell for $300, im thinking more in line of how the 160gb version is atm, MSRP of $500, and stores around $420-450. Probabably the 160gb version around $300.
Not sure what site, it was like 2 months ago. Intel G3 and Sandforce SF-2000 on 25nm NAND should be faster and cheaper.

The only thing I saw about their G3 drives was an article on Anandtech. I don't think they mentioned anything about pricing.