Will I have problems swapping in a dual core opteron for a single core a64?

Dr. X

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2000
I currently have an a64 3200+ in my system, with an Opteron 170 on the way. Should I reformat after installing the Opteron, or will I be ok just swapping it running my current install?
Dr. X said:
I currently have an a64 3200+ in my system, with an Opteron 170 on the way. Should I reformat after installing the Opteron, or will I be ok just swapping it running my current install?

i did the same thing and when i swapped it out everything worked fine.
I had a 4000+ in my A8N-SLi Deluxe, put in the 165 without a bios update or anything like that... Ran perfect, Windows set it up on it's own and it runs very smooth... No problems for me at all..
I swapped out my whole system....

Everything ran fine too, but I formatted a few days ago, just because I wanted a fresh install.


I should have took that picture with Display Adapters expanded too so you could see, 6600GT and x800GTO and X800/x850 series.
Heh, that's funny. I think I'm gonna format, just for peace of mind. Thanks for the replies.

fake edit: I can't wait for some dual core lovin'!
Maybe I'm the abnormal one, but I had some minor issues with a swap to DC from a Venice. Some programs installed when there was only 1 core that are dual core ready only worked with 1 core. Might have to reinstall some of those programs. I formatted and reinstalled myself to get it working right for me :).