Will Steam ever do anything about all the aimbots in MW2 MP?

Since they opened up shattered horizon for fan development and dedicated servers MW2 isn't even on my radar. I was kinda getting sucked in watching a video of some dude rolling around MW2 with double shotguns then I looked at the title and it turns out I was watching some sort of exploit. Yeah I think I'll wait a while on MW2.
Just because fools like you believe it doesn't work doesn't mean that it doesn't work. It just means 1 more sheep is buying the game.:rolleyes:

I bought and very much enjoy playing the game every night. Don't see how that makes me a fool. I'd say the people that like COD and boycotted it are the fools - you're missing out. Who needs dedicated servers? I mean really is it that big of a deal? :rolleyes:
People that bought it are not fools and people boycotting it are not fools either. There are many that like the game and knew beforehand what they were buying.

See if more people had this mindset maybe there wouldn't be so much bickering between the 2 sides of the boycott.
I bought and very much enjoy playing the game every night. Don't see how that makes me a fool. I'd say the people that like COD and boycotted it are the fools - you're missing out. Who needs dedicated servers? I mean really is it that big of a deal? :rolleyes:

if you enjoy it, good.

but other people doesn't.

are we fools? NO.

are you a full when you are enjoying it? NO.

I bought it for 13 bucks cd key and got revoke by steam, but still manage to get my refund.

and I am glad they revoke it for my refund.. why? Because I didn't enjoy it at all.

missing out? surely not.... :rolleyes:
I'm a huge PC gamer, but aimbot/wallhack is one of the reasons I purchased a XIM for my Xbox 360 and no play FPS games exclusively on the 360 with my mouse and keyboard.
Hackers shouldn't be a problem you can just ban them from your ser... never mind.
Bargin bin? lol COD 4 is still $39 for the PC. WaW is $50. COD games don't really ever hit the bargin bin - maybe on the console they do. They are one game I have no issue buying, they are worth every penny imo and hold their value than most PC games.

They are giving it away with video cards. I got a copy a couple of weeks ago with some video card, can't remember what brand/model though.
I'm a huge PC gamer, but aimbot/wallhack is one of the reasons I purchased a XIM for my Xbox 360 and no play FPS games exclusively on the 360 with my mouse and keyboard.

Because hacks don't exist on the 360?
Because hacks don't exist on the 360?

people exploit bugs on consoles, but people don't write aimbots and wallhacks for consoles, not sure where you got the idea that they are even remotely similar.
I've encountered exactly 1 aimbotter, 3 rank hackers in my 40+ hours of playing. Game with aimbotter laster about 2:30 before he nuked us.

Wouldn't call this problem 'out of hand'

I'll bite how does the rank hack work? Just haven't seen that mentioned before.

I've only played the game on the 360 so far. Big Issue I have besides the 1887's being way to fucking powerful(when the barret 82 is a 2 shot kill) is lag. I've been lag killed a lot of times.
I played in at least 6 or 7 games today where people were aim botting.

They weren't even trying to hide it.

It's getting really fucking annoying.
why the hell would it be steams fault???

because IW is using VAC which is steam controlled meaning its 100% steams fault.. VAC is just as bad as punkbuster and everyone knows it.. they dont even have to do any extra work to make the cheats work.. because MW2 is 99.9% COD4:MW in the base code.. all they did was update the textures and built the game right on top of COD4.. its quite apparent thats all they did when all you had to do was go in and re-enable the dedicated servers..
Well let's see: I played at least 10 matches this morning and didn't run into a single cheater. I suppose I'm just lucky.
IW can suck my left nut, boycott, whatever. I will NOT buy it unless a dedicated server gets turned on. Period.

I tried some single player...it sucks. It's CoD4 with a new, less customizable graphic options ala console, that somehow manages to run slow quite often on a machine that plays CoD4 perfectly (not mine). Good Job IW. Thanks for nothing, now go fuck off and die.
They are giving it away with video cards. I got a copy a couple of weeks ago with some video card, can't remember what brand/model though.

That doesn't mean its any cheaper to buy retail. You still had to spend what $200 to get it? COD4 just had a retail price drop to $39. Its been out for years. WaW has had steam weekends for $25, but its $50 everywhere now.

You got an OEM copy free with a GPU purchase, moot point.
Well let's see: I played at least 10 matches this morning and didn't run into a single cheater. I suppose I'm just lucky.

I think I just got up to level 40 and have only encountered one aimbot. Nuked everyone in about 2 minutes. I have been in about 2 matches where people were accused of wall hacks but I never noticed, and I have been accused of wall hacks once. Guess I have been lucky too.
I bought and very much enjoy playing the game every night. Don't see how that makes me a fool. I'd say the people that like COD and boycotted it are the fools - you're missing out. Who needs dedicated servers? I mean really is it that big of a deal? :rolleyes:

Yes, it IS that big of a deal.
because IW is using VAC which is steam controlled meaning its 100% steams fault.. VAC is just as bad as punkbuster and everyone knows it.. they dont even have to do any extra work to make the cheats work.. because MW2 is 99.9% COD4:MW in the base code.. all they did was update the textures and built the game right on top of COD4.. its quite apparent thats all they did when all you had to do was go in and re-enable the dedicated servers..

Its not steams fault at all, IW is using there service. IW strait up lied to everyone telling us from the beginning that the "cheaters" would be taken care of because it was a big deal and lots of people were concerned. They should have figured out from the beginning that VAC wasn't going to work , all they had to do was a little research and go the extra mile to protect there games. If anything its 100% IW's fault for alienating there fans, they should have gone to further measures to make sure that there games would be protected. But in all actuality did you really expect more out of them? I know I didn't. A smart person could have seen that coming from a mile away. This game was doomed they day they announced no dedicated servers and console commands. I'm sure the "cheaters" were frothing at the mouth on the eve of its release.
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Claiming wall hacks is absolutely pointless. The game has built in radar and allows you to see where on a map enemies are. Who's to say they weren't just properly using what the game gives them?

Give it a break. Unless you see somebody hooking from player to player with no movement in between, chances are you're just getting killed by someone that is better than you.
Claiming wall hacks is absolutely pointless. The game has built in radar and allows you to see where on a map enemies are. Who's to say they weren't just properly using what the game gives them?

Give it a break. Unless you see somebody hooking from player to player with no movement in between, chances are you're just getting killed by someone that is better than you.
while I agree usually, there was a session or two where someone would trace me through a wall multiple times perfectly while they had no UAV and noob tube right before I peak the corner. I'm ninja pro so make no foot sounds nor show up on heartbeat sensor. but overall I haven't found cheaters to be a problem. I'm only rank 45 or so though.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
i really love the cod series and have played them since the the first one was released on PC. I was really excited for MW2 and a few weeks before it came out I started playing MW multiplayer again.
When MW2 came out and and the SP turned out to be really short, I decided to steer clear of MW2. IMO, the multiplayer cant be that much better than MW, so its comes down to spending a ton of loot on a short single player campaign.. something that I am not going to do. Usually ill buy these games on release, but lately I have been more conservative in my approach... and it has saved me a bunch of money.
It was no secret that this would be a problem, IW removed dedicated servers, most of the all the cheater kicking/banning that occurs in games is down to admins recognising cheaters and banning them directly.

If you bought MW2 and you knew about this before hand then HAHA!, you got what you paid for, enjoy your unbannable cheaters, if don't want it in future then don't support developers that do asinine things like remove dedicated servers.
It was no secret that this would be a problem, IW removed dedicated servers, most of the all the cheater kicking/banning that occurs in games is down to admins recognising cheaters and banning them directly.

If you bought MW2 and you knew about this before hand then HAHA!, you got what you paid for, enjoy your unbannable cheaters, if don't want it in future then don't support developers that do asinine things like remove dedicated servers.

Well said. Again, Fuck IW and MW2...unless we get a dedicated server fix.
people exploit bugs on consoles, but people don't write aimbots and wallhacks for consoles, not sure where you got the idea that they are even remotely similar.

No no, not even close to similar. Like, all those evil PC Borderlands players who can make hacked weapons and change their level and backpack space, good thing you can't do THAT on 360!

Oh...shit :/
I bought and very much enjoy playing the game every night. Don't see how that makes me a fool. I'd say the people that like COD and boycotted it are the fools - you're missing out. Who needs dedicated servers? I mean really is it that big of a deal? :rolleyes:

After playing MW2 for a while now I have mixed feelings on this. I agree that dedicated servers are not "needed" as MOST of my games had very little to no lag althgouh this is mostly due to the 18 player maximum which is a bit on the lame side. However, there needs to be the ability to vote kick someone off.
Oh ok, I have never really used Steam so figured I would throw it out there. Your link doesn't work by the way.
Ran into my first wallhacker just now. Went by the name Bedman. Blatantly obvious wall hack.
I didn't buy Modern Warfare 2 for a multitude of reasons, and I am especially glad now with all the hackers and pitifully short campaign.
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I didn't buy Modern Warfare 2 for a multitude of reasons, and I am especially glad now with all the hackers and pitifully short campaign.

But with all the complaints and grievances with the PC version, am I the only one in thinking that IW will say fuck the PC next time? Perhaps we are just getting lubed up and propped into position to fully recieve that huge throbbing shaft with the next CoD being console only? I think so.

This is just one in a soon to be a very long, long line in developers turning their backs on supporting the PC to the fullest (e.g. id Software) , or in extreme cases, not at all (e.g. Epic Games). The publishers already have with the release of the XBox 360 and PS3. Why? Because that is where the money is now. For them, not knowing better in their infinite ignorance, this is where it's at. It doesn't get better for them than experiencing games on almost 5 year old hardware. Not withstanding the fact that publishers and some developers think that PC gamers are nothing but bottom torrent feeding, scumbag pirates.

This is compounded with most people buying laptops instead of desktops now. What do most laptops have? Intel integrated graphics. You are now able to play UT2k4 at 800x600. Woo-freaking-hoo. Tim Sweeny said it well that there is just too much of a divide in perfomance.

The funeral bells are ringing for the PC as a platform. I hear them. Do you?

PC gaming will never die, there will always be a niche market for it. If PC gaming ever did fizzle out 3D technology would develop at a snails pace (or the life of the console i.e. every 5-10 years). Companies like Intel and AMD would lose massive amounts of money and countless tech manufactures would go out of buisness. As long as theres the want from consumers to push the 3D envelope PC gaming will always be here.

Now then I know what your thinking "Consoles are pretty much dumbed down PC's already" Sure they are, besides if they ever do become a full fledged PC, then PC gaming will live forever right?.
Keep in mind that these hackers you are seeing are only the obvious ones. Everyone saw this coming with the whole non dedicated server thing. Reason 1 I did not buy this game and never will.
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I've played nearly every day since release (PC). According to Steam I have 114.3 hrs invested already (yikes). I saw a level 70 Prestige 10 on release day. I run into at least one wall-hacker a day it seems (based on people watching me through walls in kill cam). Last night I was head-shot 7 times in a row by the round winner... who won all 8 or the rounds he played with us and had over a 10 to 1 kill ratio.

I'd say there is still plenty of cheating going on.