Will the iPhone 5S be enough to compete against S4, One, N5 ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Just an honest question I would like opinions on. Rumors point to Apple releasing the iPhone 5S, possibly back to the original iPhone launch time frame, which is typically June / July, not the delayed October launch. But that the 5S will still be the exact same size and design of the current iPhone 5, but with faster internals, and supposedly a freshened up iOS7.

Saying all that, will that be enough for Apple to fend off the big contenders this year, and hold their ground ? Or by keeping the same iPhone 5 design, will sales slowly start to stale a little, and hurt them a bit ?

- Samsung Galaxy S4, which like it or not, will spend crazy cash on advertising the heck out of the S4 worldwide, and will be a hot seller.

- HTC's One phone could be popular as well.

- Google's Nexus-Five in Summer / Fall, but the Nexus line has never been a big seller or really no competition whatsoever to Apple. But each year, the Nexus line is more popular than the previous version, it is slowly gaining traction year by year.

Or does Apple need to come out a with a fresh brand new design now, with a 4.3" / 4.5" screen now, with a major revamp of iOS7, with Widgets or Live Tiles, etc... ?
Apple needs a device with a bigger screen. I don't think iOS 7 needs to reinvent the wheel, however Apple will be hurting when every new Android phone is almost an inch bigger.
I have a lot of older family members and older aged friends that have been huge iPhone fans for years.

For the first time ever, I heard most of them say the past several months, their next phone will most likely be an Android for the first time, mainly for the screen size, they feel the iPhone screen is too small. And some said iOS feels a bit stale and boring, but overall saying the screen size.
The next iPhone will sell, regardless of anything else, of that much we're sure.

It really doesn't matter - leaks, phones lost in bars, huge disappointments, AntennaGate, Siri and mapping disasters, privacy leaks - none of this seems to affect Apple at all.
I read an interesting article a week or two ago about Samsung's Galaxy S5 due in 2014.

The S4 is what they called the last of the Apple iPhone type smartphone from Samsung, they now have a big fan following, and have become very successful, and the S4 will sell even more than the S3 helping Samsung put more profits in the bank.

But that the S5, would be the first, truly next generation all new smartphone, with radical new features and new ways of making a smartphone. Completely different than the iPhone and current Android offerings. A real big step up, and new type of smartphone, what they called the "future" smartphone, and new breed of smartphone technology. Whatever that is ?

But this could be coming at the same time next year, Apple releases the iPhone 6, which is rumored to be their all new next generation redone smartphone too.

So looks like 2014 is the year we get true next gen smartphones ?
I too read that article and thought the author was an idiot or an apple fan. I

MO android phones have been innovating and pushing the boundries of smartphones for years and not just following the path iPhones have paved. Androids had 4G, LTE, NFC, notifications, larger screens, blah, blah, blah first, if anything I'd say Apple was playing catchup and creating more "Android"-type smartphones.
But that the S5, would be the first, truly next generation all new smartphone, with radical new features and new ways of making a smartphone. Completely different than the iPhone and current Android offerings. A real big step up, and new type of smartphone, what they called the "future" smartphone, and new breed of smartphone technology. Whatever that is ?

But this could be coming at the same time next year, Apple releases the iPhone 6, which is rumored to be their all new next generation redone smartphone too.

So looks like 2014 is the year we get true next gen smartphones ?

Just a bunch of crystal ball shit really. Every new phone is supposed to have "radical new features" and it ends up being a bunch of fluff like the custom software the S4 has. Right not the battle is being fought with specs and screen size. Next gen will be just further iterations on what we have right now.
Just a bunch of crystal ball shit really. Every new phone is supposed to have "radical new features" and it ends up being a bunch of fluff like the custom software the S4 has. Right not the battle is being fought with specs and screen size. Next gen will be just further iterations on what we have right now.

Good point.

I am curious to see sales number come 2014 the Galaxy S4 vs iPhone 5S. I bet the S4 puts up some serious number coming close to the 5S.

And I think Android altogether beats iPhone for phone sales now ? If you add up the Galaxy S3, Note 2, One X, One S, Motorola Razr, Nexus 4, and other Android models. Do those numbers combined, beat the iPhone 5 and 4S for 2012 ?
I think next generation is already here, Samsung has done the important things we needed, getting the hardware on a phone that can make it a truly flexible device, IR for remote control and stylus, the only thing missing is a keyboard variant. I really think those are huge, its that ability to use your phone to do anything. The next generation is the retro generation where we make phones do what phones did 5+ years ago back when they tried to make phones do everything.

The generation after this should be the push to make phones replace laptops and desktops for those silly users running around with ultrabooks.
Good point.

I am curious to see sales number come 2014 the Galaxy S4 vs iPhone 5S. I bet the S4 puts up some serious number coming close to the 5S.

And I think Android altogether beats iPhone for phone sales now ? If you add up the Galaxy S3, Note 2, One X, One S, Motorola Razr, Nexus 4, and other Android models. Do those numbers combined, beat the iPhone 5 and 4S for 2012 ?

lol dude android has been crushing apple for years on total sales if you add them up, where have you been? I think it was like 2009 when that happened.
lol dude android has been crushing apple for years on total sales if you add them up, where have you been? I think it was like 2009 when that happened.

I thought so, just didn't know officially. Thanks.

Would be cool to see one Android model take out one iPhone model LOL. I think the S4 just might do that this year :)
Well its harder to tell on that apple is like a fad, everyone wants it for a while then it gets boring. The thing is while its getting boring in places like the USA they still have tremendous growth in emerging markets where people still think that having an iPhone is a status symbol. Then after that they still have third world markets. So they have a ton of momentum left I think.
Google does have an in-house problem with Samsung and their Galaxy line becoming so popular and mainstream. People know the "Galaxy" brand name over "Android" or "Droid" or "Nexus" now.

Today it's basically iPhone or Galaxy phone to most Joe and Jane Blows.

If for whatever reason Samsung went off on their own next year, with the Galaxy line, but not "Android" based, but still looked and worked just like their Galaxy Touchwiz phones do today, that would be killer for Google. Didn't Samsung buy out the top developers of Cyanogen CM ROM team a couple years ago ? They could be working on their own in-house Samsung OS ?
Google's own fault and they deserve it, back in the day there was no such thing as android, it was droid or iPhone, Google should have reigned that in right away and Google themselves then further screwed it up by creating the nexus brand instead of trying to push the android brand, I always thought they should have named the nexus something like Pure Android. But at least put Android in the main name.
Google's own fault and they deserve it, back in the day there was no such thing as android, it was droid or iPhone, Google should have reigned that in right away and Google themselves then further screwed it up by creating the nexus brand instead of trying to push the android brand, I always thought they should have named the nexus something like Pure Android. But at least put Android in the main name.

When I tell my family and friends I own a Nexus phone, they are like WTF is that :confused: I said it's Google pure phone, they look at me like, uh ok :rolleyes: I said Google Android, they say oh ok heard of that, is that like a Galaxy or Droid phone ? LOL

Google did that to themselves. Isn't Google known for marketing and advertising #1 ? They sure screwed up the Android phone branding to the general public. Samsung's "Galaxy" brand name, is a household brand now.

Only people that know of a "Nexus" phone are [H]ard core geeks, no one else.
Google doesn't care about Android as a brand. All they care about is the OS and the ad views that come with it. They started the Nexus program as a way to test new versions in a controlled manner.

They have made zero efforts, unlike Ms/Apple, to ensure that there is any sort of consistency in Android across various carriers, or that users are able to upgrade to newer versions. Every year Google promises they will improve the situation, then they do nothing.

The only reason its popular is because its free, and Google encourages oem's to modify Android which they are happy to do.
If iOS7 is all new, or much different than iOS6 should see the changes before the phone release ? Doesn't Apple release the beta a few months before the new iPhone release ?

If the iPhone 5S is going back to the traditional June / July release, wouldn't iOS7 beta be out very soon, or leaked soon ? But if going to the delayed October release, we wouldn't see iOS7 until Summertime ?

How true is this iPhone 5S news site, pure BS and fabricated, or somewhat close to the truth ?


Rumors saying same design as the iPhone 5, but possibly .05mm thinner, and same size screen, but new display technology, with higher resolution and better colors, and brightness, better than the current iPhone 5 screen. And iOS7 being the big deal here.
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If iOS7 is all new, or much different than iOS6 should see the changes before the phone release ? Doesn't Apple release the beta a few months before the new iPhone release ?

If the iPhone 5S is going back to the traditional June / July release, wouldn't iOS7 beta be out very soon, or leaked soon ? But if going to the delayed October release, we wouldn't see iOS7 until Summertime ?

New versions of iOS are alway available to developer partners before public release, that is when people will get a chance to try it out.
But if iOS7 is a revamp, and freshened up iOS, like Johnny Ive's is rumored to have been saying, would the beta tell us that right away, or could they keep those changes a secret to final release once the iPhone 5S comes out ? I would think if iOS7 is all new, we'd know on the first beta install immediately ?

But doesn't Apple have an event just to announce the new iOS beta, and sort of preview it publicly, before releasing it to developers ?
But if iOS7 is a revamp, and freshened up iOS, like Johnny Ive's is rumored to have been saying, would the beta tell us that right away, or could they keep those changes a secret to final release once the iPhone 5S comes out ? I would think if iOS7 is all new, we'd know on the first beta install immediately ?

But doesn't Apple have an event just to announce the new iOS beta, and sort of preview it publicly, before releasing it to developers ?

You would know immediately. They wouldn't hold back features from the dev release since that means people would be less likely to create matching apps and use those new features.
Google's own fault and they deserve it, back in the day there was no such thing as android, it was droid or iPhone, Google should have reigned that in right away and Google themselves then further screwed it up by creating the nexus brand instead of trying to push the android brand, I always thought they should have named the nexus something like Pure Android. But at least put Android in the main name.
Blame George Lucas - he owns "DROID" (or did at least - Disney probably owns it now) :p

Some of you have way too much time on your hands to be speculating this deep about smartphones without any hard evidence.

Go outside and play in the sun. Or get a job at Google...or Apple.
You would know immediately. They wouldn't hold back features from the dev release since that means people would be less likely to create matching apps and use those new features.

Thanks, so the biggest deal with the iPhone 5S is iOS7, over the hardware changes in my opinion. End of the day it will still look design wise the same as the current iPhone 5, with it possibly being a hair thinner, and maybe a higher resolution better screen, but overall still iPhone 5 look. It's iOS7 being the big deal here. We should see iOS7 beta 1, like 3 months before the iPhone 5S release ? That is what am curious to see.
If you put a little green droid on the back of the iPhone 5 last year, and Google sold it, that phone would have been trounced and laughed at, as mediocre, missing features, outdated, and lame :D

But put a fruit logo on the back, and WOW, holy cow, it's magical, no, it's revolutionary, I can't believe my eyes, I just jizzed in my drawers :eek: I will wait in line outside the store for six hours so I can be first to get my hands on one.
I would like to see apple release an iWatch, not because would buy it, but I have always found it funny that the idea of a smart watch was always out there remember dick tracy, but in the USA at least you can never get it on any carrier.

I think it would be one of the few great uses for samsungs flexible displays. But the problem is no one except apple seems to be able to get carriers to carry anything. Carriers just wont do it for whatever reason. These things exist in asia but over there you can buy them and a sim card. Here that limits options way too much.

I will also be curious to see if the new iPhone does have a bigger screen can't wait to see the marketing on that. In the past though apple has held on to bad decisions to the bitter end, the one button mouse, the puck mouse, even when they finally gave up they tried to pretend they didn't give up, remember those awful 2 button mice with only 1 physical button.
iPhone 5S said to launch in Q3 with upgraded camera, new chipset

According to the report, the iPhone 5S “will not receive a major update” and will instead be an incremental bump, as expected. The iPhone 5S will remain the same size and design as the current iPhone 5.

Jony Ive reportedly pushing 'flat design' in a newly collaborative environment at Apple

While details about Ive's influence on the next version of iOS are minimal, the WSJ's source does say that he's pushing a more modern, "flat" design (an aesthetic that sounds similar to where Google has moved recently) — but overall, changes will be fairly conservative. That may come as a disappointment hoping for more radical changes, but it seems that Ive and Apple aren't willing to alienate iOS users who have become familiar with the software over the past six years. Despite the lack of major changes so far, the new working arrangement is exactly what CEO Tim Cook had in mind when he dismissed Forstall last year.
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What's really funny to think about is the apps that run on today latest and greatest iphone... would run just fine (but a bit slower) on the original iphone.

in 6 years it's just been small hardware changes, and small OS changes over time. I'm not comparing the original iOS to the latest version by any means, just pointing out the fact that the phone itself really hasn't changed much since they first brought it out.

I know there are shareholders to answer to (kinda?) but I'm willing to bet apple is more than happy to just keep milking the cash cow that is the iphone with tiny almost meaningless changes year after year. If they can't come up with the next ultra hot item, they will just start to concentrate on selling the same crap in newer more emerging markets and countries.

As cool as it sounds -- a "watch phone" would suck ass. Besides the more limited ability screen wise, and battery life wise... would you really want to hold your wrist up to your ear? or be forced to use speakerphone ALL the time, or have to carry a bluetooth earpiece everywhere?
What's the difference between a microphone situated on the lower side of a watch bad and one on the lower side of a phone where it normally is? On the average persons hands that's about 1 inch. The whole point of my watch phone push is that Samsung is coming out with flexible displays, the iPhone display is pretty damn small now and was even smaller on the 4, didn't stop 10s of millions of people from buying it. Flexible displays are probably going to be a fad because I cant think of great uses for them, but the one use that would be pretty good is the watch phone idea. Apparently it is convenient enough that they make wrist holders for phones.

Battery life also doesn't really pan out if you look at something like an iphone battery now it would easily fit. It would certainly be a slightly gaudy item but so were white ear buds and many other popular products.
why are we even discussing this? Apple will have droves of people that will buy their device just because it is the newest Apple phone out there.

Just a bunch of crystal ball shit really. Every new phone is supposed to have "radical new features" and it ends up being a bunch of fluff like the custom software the S4 has. Right not the battle is being fought with specs and screen size. Next gen will be just further iterations on what we have right now.

aint that the truth lol
What's really funny to think about is the apps that run on today latest and greatest iphone... would run just fine (but a bit slower) on the original iphone.

in 6 years it's just been small hardware changes, and small OS changes over time. I'm not comparing the original iOS to the latest version by any means, just pointing out the fact that the phone itself really hasn't changed much since they first brought it out.

I know there are shareholders to answer to (kinda?) but I'm willing to bet apple is more than happy to just keep milking the cash cow that is the iphone with tiny almost meaningless changes year after year. If they can't come up with the next ultra hot item, they will just start to concentrate on selling the same crap in newer more emerging markets and countries.

Why do people believe myths like this?

You know full well that Apple has been keeping pace with and in some cases pushing past its rivals in hardware. See the iPhone 4's display, one of the first to get a "pixel-free" resolution on a phone, and the A6, a dual-core chip that could outperform most of its quad-core rivals when new (that includes everything up to the Snapdragon S4 Pro). An iPhone 5 is orders of magnitude more powerful and more capable than early iPhones, and there are many apps that demand (or justify) a faster iOS device.

Likewise with software. You have a valid complaint that the core UI mechanics haven't changed much, but it's not true that the changes have always been minor. Location? Multitasking? Notification center (yeah yeah, Android-derived, but it's there)? AirPlay? Siri on the OS level? FaceTime? iCloud? App folders? I think the issue for some is that it doesn't look like things have changed in the same way they have with Android, and they mistake that with a complete lack of change.

Apple needs to seriously look at a significantly bigger screen -- a smartphone is a pocket computer now, not just a phone. The company needs to break out of the notion that it solved most of our problems in 2007 and just needs to refine the formula. However, the more extreme of Android diehards also need to accept certain truths: bigger screens do not automatically mean better devices. Simply having a higher clock speed or more cores does not immediately make a chip faster. Gimmicky software features that few actually use (see: Samsung) do not improve a phone's usefulness.

It's about how well-suited the screen is to what you're doing, whether the processor leads to truly responsive software and whether that software has a meaningful impact on your daily life.
Just an honest question I would like opinions on. Rumors point to Apple releasing the iPhone 5S, possibly back to the original iPhone launch time frame, which is typically June / July, not the delayed October launch. But that the 5S will still be the exact same size and design of the current iPhone 5, but with faster internals, and supposedly a freshened up iOS7.

Saying all that, will that be enough for Apple to fend off the big contenders this year, and hold their ground ? Or by keeping the same iPhone 5 design, will sales slowly start to stale a little, and hurt them a bit ?

- Samsung Galaxy S4, which like it or not, will spend crazy cash on advertising the heck out of the S4 worldwide, and will be a hot seller.

- HTC's One phone could be popular as well.

- Google's Nexus-Five in Summer / Fall, but the Nexus line has never been a big seller or really no competition whatsoever to Apple. But each year, the Nexus line is more popular than the previous version, it is slowly gaining traction year by year.

Or does Apple need to come out a with a fresh brand new design now, with a 4.3" / 4.5" screen now, with a major revamp of iOS7, with Widgets or Live Tiles, etc... ?

I don't see why not, they still sell more than the high end Galaxy and HTC devices combined. Superior applications and excellent hardware will keep them selling well, even if the base OS is looking stale.

Android will always have its own market with larger screens and cheaper low end devices. Neither are going away anytime soon.
lol dude android has been crushing apple for years on total sales if you add them up, where have you been? I think it was like 2009 when that happened.

I would agree Android is crushing iOS worldwide from number of daily activations. But when you consider iOS is outselling every Android device combined in the US, and that Apple accounts for 75% of all profits in the mobile industry. Those (Android) numbers don't tell the whole story. It also appears Apple is going to enter the low end, third world market. If true, look out.
I really hope they dont just dont a 5S with the iphone. I really enjoy buying new phones, because I like playing around with them. I have had every iPhone except for the 4S and right now I think the iPhone is super solid and I use it as my personal phone but the OS needs a big refresh. The phone itself I want a 4.5" screen, I have used phones of all sizes and 4.5" is the best for me. Hardware wise, the processors in my Note 2 and iPhone 5 are so damn fast that it really doesnt matter anymore because everything loads quickly, there isnt any lag anymore so faster CPU and more RAM is irrelevant to me. What I want is lighter, thinner, more durable, slightly larger high res display, with insane battery life.
I really hope they dont just dont a 5S with the iphone. I really enjoy buying new phones, because I like playing around. ith them. I have had every iPhone except for the 4S and right now I think the iPhone is super solid and I use it as my personal phone but the OS needs a big refresh. The phone itself I want a 4.5" screen, I have used phones of all sizes and 4.5" is the best for me. Hardware wise, the processors in my Note 2 and iPhone 5 are so damn fast that it really doesnt matter anymore because everything loads quickly, there isnt any lag anymore so faster CPU and more RAM is irrelevant to me. What I want is lighter, thinner, more durable, slightly larger high res display, with insane battery life.

LOL, that's all Apple is giving you this year. Just a repackaged iPhone 5, with an "S"in the name. Same size, same design, same small 4" screen. iOS7, is supposed to have a new look / theme, but not radically changed at all. Just look slightly different.
LOL, that's all Apple is giving you this year. Just a repackaged iPhone 5, with an "S"in the name. Same size, same design, same small 4" screen. iOS7, is supposed to have a new look / theme, but not radically changed at all. Just look slightly different.

You post seems to be overflowing with confirmed factual information.
LOL, that's all Apple is giving you this year. Just a repackaged iPhone 5, with an "S"in the name. Same size, same design, same small 4" screen. iOS7, is supposed to have a new look / theme, but not radically changed at all. Just look slightly different.

Thats why I said I hope they dont do 5S. No one knows what they are doing yet sooo.
You post seems to be overflowing with confirmed factual information.

Let me dig out all the leak stories around the net this month. Every site saying the iPhone 5S, will still be the same design and size as the current iPhone 5, which is no shocker, all the "S" models were the same as the year before. Its the internal hardware that gets a nice upgrade,as well as all new iOS7.

But no way, is Apple coming out with the larger iPhone this year, nope. All sites point to a spec bump for the 5S, and that in 2014, the all brand new design, and larger screen iPhone 6 will release.

My point is, all rumors, are saying expect the iPhone 5S to be a similar update, compared to that of the iPhone 4S over the iPhone 4. Yes the S model is better, faster, better camera, new iOS features, etc... But at the end of the day, the two phones will look identical, just different hardware inside.
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What's really funny to think about is the apps that run on today latest and greatest iphone... would run just fine (but a bit slower) on the original iphone.

in 6 years it's just been small hardware changes, and small OS changes over time. I'm not comparing the original iOS to the latest version by any means, just pointing out the fact that the phone itself really hasn't changed much since they first brought it out.

holy crap... the most clueless post of the thread! :eek:
lol no one even knows if its going to be a 5s do they? After all apple only used the S moniker once lol. I thought it was just to signify it was the iPhone siri. Good way to sell new phones with out needing to up the number and that's great because you can keep selling the old phones to dumb people who think, well its got to be almost the same thing like the different between a regular car and a GT.

Maybe its going to be the iphone 5t
LOL at everyone thinking Apple will not release the a minor upgrade named iPhone 5S this Summer :rolleyes: Yes they will.

Ok, I can't say 100% for sure it will be named iPhone 5S But Apple did make the iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4S which both were next phones from the iPhone 3G, and iPhone 4, so most expect some type of an "S" named iPhone this year.

As far as the what the new iPhone 5S will look like, everyone is saying identical to the current iPhone 5. Same size, same shape, same 4" screen. The bigger, and all new designed iPhone, is the iPhone 6 due next year.

iPhone 5S to Get Upgraded Camera and Processor, Ship to Retailers in the 3rd Quarter

iPhone 5S to use faster chip, says report

Report Tips New Apple iPhone 5S in August

iPhone 5S Home Button, Vibrator and Volume/Mute Flex Cable Parts Surface