Will the noctua dh14 fit in the antec mini p180?

thanks for the help [H]appyForum. i have the answer, but you'll have to give the hits to another forum to get the answer
I was going to go out and buy a MiniP180 and DH14 so I could answer that question for you. :rolleyes:

People may not have responded because they just don't know. There are so many different cases and heatsinks out there, you can expect every combination to have been tried by someone on every forum.
thanks for the help [H]appyForum. i have the answer, but you'll have to give the hits to another forum to get the answer

/facepalm, I don't think anyone is forcing you to visit [H]ard|Forum, if you are unhappy, leave and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
/facepalm, I don't think anyone is forcing you to visit [H]ard|Forum, if you are unhappy, leave and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

this isn't even my main forum i frequent and i totally agree
I've seen his posts in other forums, he blathers on in the same manor, I'm surprised he'd bring his idiocy here.