Will this work???


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
I've always wanted to game on my HDTV but my 6800gt did not have component out. Now, unlucky for me, my HDTV does not have any DVI/HDMI inputs. Yah it's a cheapo... I was browsing the NCIX.com forums and I found a thread related to this certian product they sell. Its actually just a cord. You can find it here. Now, if I bought this cord, will I be able to (FINALLY) hook my computer up to my HDTV? I've always assumed I needed some converter box if I wanted hook my computer to my tv via dvi or vga.

Also, will the image quality suffer if I use this cord rather than dvi/straight component out?
My 6800gt does not have any native vga ports, i have dvi to vga dongles though. Can I use that? I'd assume it'd be the same.
I doubt it's going to be possible to get that to work correctly. The cable in question simply takes the wires corresponding to the red, green and blue channels in the VGA output and puts a different end on them. And HDTV, unless it's designed to be able to take a VGA signal, will be expecting a component video signal, which is different.

The potential is actually there to damage your TV, but what would probably happen is that if your TV is able to acquire the proper clock from the video signal, it would try to display the image as if it were component. I'm not sure what exactly the result looks like, but chances are that it's not pretty.

I know that going the other way (from an Xbox to a vga monitor), the picture comes out OMG GREEN.
there are still ways, but it will be $50 at the MINIMUM. Video card prices have fallen tot he point where it is almost cheaper to get a 6600 or 6800 with component output than to get a transcoder. Here are my top 2 suggestions....

top notch transcoder for $140...
review of that transcoder...

passively cooled 6600gt with component out...

of course, there is a third cheap option that will still give good results...
refurb 9600 for $60...
ATI component dongle for $12...
IDversusEGO said:
of course, there is a third cheap option that will still give good results...
refurb 9600 for $60...
ATI component dongle for $12...
refurbed 6600 for $4 more: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814122203R

Then again it's never certain if you get the component out cable or not.

Anybody know the difference with a 6600 LE?

I thought these were what the vanilla 6600 use to be before they introduced the new 6600 DDR2 models?
I'm actually trying to sell my 6800GT right now. I can't decide if I want to get the 6800GS or 7800GT. The 6800GS would cost me about $40 just for component out, giving me the same performance as my current card, or the 7800GT would cost me about $100 but I get some extra performance. If Im lucky, I'll be able to sell my card soon, just before nvida/ati releases their new cards so the resell value of my 6800GT doesn't drop over more. Im hoping the current cards will drop in price after the spring refresh models come out. :rolleyes: I'll be playing my games in 1080i or 480p, my HDTV doesn't support 720p :(

Thanks for the suggestions.

Yah, I was thinking, is it often you see people sell their transcoder for cheap on forums anywhere? I was dong some browsing on google and I remember a couple of people saying they have transcoders just sitting in their closets...hmmm
EDIT: There's a person on the RFD forums selling their Vdigi VD-Z3 VGA transcoder for $65 OBO Canadian shipped, hows that deal?
IMO 1080i gaming isn't so bad on a big screen but I do perfer going 720p since it just looks nice for pretty much everything.
I would do 720p but my TV doesn't support it. :(
Does anyone know where I can buy a used VGA to Component transcoder?
Im going that route, rather than selling my videocard.