Will we see a significant increase in screen resolution soon?


Jan 28, 2002
The increases in cell phone and tablet screen resolutions in recent months has me wondering if we are going to see a parallel increase in resolution in desktop displays. A 20" 2560x1680 resolution, possibly?

Has anyone heard anything? Should I wait to buy something new?
Apple has a lot of the new LCD tech fab capacity locked down for the foreseeable future. In the short term, I hope PC manafacturers respond to the iPad 3s excellent screen by offering more affordable IPS monitors, and hopefully more IPS display in laptops in particular.

I am guessing in maybe two or three years we will finally see 1920x1080 get displaced by higher resolutions on desktops. For laptops, it's anyones guess.
I actually just purchased a 32" OLED 4K (resolution) display off of amazon.com for $1,500.

Oh wait, that's in two to four years now....
I actually just purchased a 32" OLED 4K (resolution) display off of amazon.com for $1,500.

Oh wait, that's in two to four years now....

Not that I see this, I think I might need to get a DSLR with higher resolution, sometime soon.

An 18mpix photo might not look too great on a 4K, 30" screen, 18 inches away.
Not sure how big resolutions will look on smaller monitors. Phones and tablets are meant to be used with zoom features. I don't think I would like zooming in and out on a larger resolution with a smaller desktop monitor. Might work out for graphics design, but I think they would prefer a larger work surface.
Not sure how big resolutions will look on smaller monitors. Phones and tablets are meant to be used with zoom features. I don't think I would like zooming in and out on a larger resolution with a smaller desktop monitor. Might work out for graphics design, but I think they would prefer a larger work surface.

I think the viewer might see a benefit to a resolution increase to 4K at standard viewing distances for laptop and desktop use. Of course, I have not done the actual math, myself.

Either way, I think a resolution increase is going to happen, if only because it can be used as a marketing tool. 4K lines must be better than only 1080, right, right?
I think the viewer might see a benefit to a resolution increase to 4K at standard viewing distances for laptop and desktop use. Of course, I have not done the actual math, myself.

Either way, I think a resolution increase is going to happen, if only because it can be used as a marketing tool. 4K lines must be better than only 1080, right, right?

Wait for the June imac refresh to see if it comes with a 27" 3840*2160 display.

Also see http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1659251
4k is over kill even a 1440p on 27" is too much sometimes if you don't sit close to the Monitor i don't want to overstrain my eays till i need eyeglasses.
They should do faster and better contrast IPS Monitors with 1080p and 1440p.
I would love to see higher resolutions, especially on smaller screens like 19" and 21". I like having multiple monitors, I don't need something huge like 32", I rather have 3 21" monitors that can do over 1200x1600 than one big screen that takes up the same physical space.
i dont really want that to happen, iam happy with current GPU pricing, also it's already expensive enough to make games at 1080p, woudnt higher resolutions make games even more expensive?
I dunno, I think I'd rather see an improvement in the technology before the display manufacturers get crazy with boosting the DPI.

With even monitors costing $1000+ having issues with IPS glow, backlight bleed, brightness uniformity, intrusive AG coatings, etc., and TN panels still generally sucking in every way except for speed, there's clearly room for significant improvement. Hell, LCD has been the dominant technology for how long? And it's is still a far cry from the image quality and speed of a CRT.

I see this as being pretty similar to digital cameras. My wife's new 16MP camera takes a grainier, lower quality picture than my 8 year old 5MP camera.

Let's focus on quality first, then quantity.
4k is over kill even a 1440p on 27" is too much sometimes if you don't sit close to the Monitor i don't want to overstrain my eays till i need eyeglasses.
They should do faster and better contrast IPS Monitors with 1080p and 1440p.

This is due to poor scalingoptions in Windows XP/Vista/7. This will no longer be a proble in Windows 8 where you should be able to zoom exactly the way you want without any problem.
I dunno, I think I'd rather see an improvement in the technology before the display manufacturers get crazy with boosting the DPI.

With even monitors costing $1000+ having issues with IPS glow, backlight bleed, brightness uniformity, intrusive AG coatings, etc., and TN panels still generally sucking in every way except for speed, there's clearly room for significant improvement. Hell, LCD has been the dominant technology for how long? And it's is still a far cry from the image quality and speed of a CRT.

I see this as being pretty similar to digital cameras. My wife's new 16MP camera takes a grainier, lower quality picture than my 8 year old 5MP camera.

Let's focus on quality first, then quantity.
I'll readily agree that there are a number of issues with LCD technology but, a continued increase in screen resolution isn't necessarily neglect. An increase may well improve performance, even if it doesnt address the problems you've mentioned.

Concerning your camera, perhaps the 16MP camera was just a bad purchase? At least, in the DSLR category, increases in photosite count has accompanied an increase in ISO performance, dynamic range and color fidelity, generally speaking. Hell, take a look at the performance of the new Nikon D800...........