Will you be getting Halo 2?

Will you be getting Halo 2? Check the one that applies to you.

  • Yes, I already have an Xbox

    Votes: 255 39.8%
  • No, but I have an Xbox

    Votes: 31 4.8%
  • Yes, I'm getting an Xbox for this game

    Votes: 55 8.6%
  • NO! And shut the fuck up! :p

    Votes: 300 46.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jason711 said:
an item is only obsolete when it is unable to perform the task it is subscribed to.

i dont know who is saying halo2 looks better than a pc game running at 1600x1200 with 8x AA and 16x AF. thats apples to oranges. the xbox does 640x480, no shit it wont look as good. but it is damn sure good enough. and halo 2 is a much better game than any of those you have mentioned.

xbox owners can do "what the fuck" they want to do with their consoles as well. its called a mod chip. but what idiot is comparing a console to a PC? putting aside the fact that a modchip will turn an xbox into an HTPC.

Console hardware is obsolete since there is a glass ceiling limitation on the hardware for those of us who are into hardware.

Personally, Id really doubt that Halo 2's solo capaign is better than Far Cry's. Id also seriously doubt that it can be funner than the many mods and ect of UT2004. That's your opinoin, but you sound like a Halo 2 fanatic saying that it is superior and the game has only been out for 1 day lol. What do they call those types of people......!!!!!!s? UT2004 and Fry Cry have been out for months. Halo has been out for what......not even a full 48 hours lol?

Modding X-boxes.....Isnt that illegal? Ill never understand how this site doesnt allow any discussion dealing with illegal pc software, yet the moderators allow guys to discuss their illegal X-boxes all the time. Doesnt Microsoft dictate wether you can get online with the console if it has been modded? Why would anyone want to risk modding an X-box and putting their ability to play online in jeopordy when they can upgrade a pc as they please?......Oh I get it....so they can illegaly keep games, movies, and ect on the X-boxes hard drive. I do that without fear of being denied acess to play online plus I play online for free.

f your not impressed with halo 2 (and like FPS's) your just a pc zealot, and your opinion is pretty much crap. i love games, period. i dont give a fuck what type of system they run on as long as they are good games.

Typical symptoms of "consolitis"...this is the "denial phase".
Comment Translates into:

"Yes my hardware is inferior, but I still have fun playing my over-hyped mediocre fps games on my console".

It's ok to have fun playing any game, but to rationally say that the game is superior to any game that I have mentioned the day after Halo 2's release is asinine. Give Halo 2 at least a half a year to be taken seriously..
AMD Sempron 3100+ $120-130
Foxconn SiS760 Motherboard $70-80 (No frills, little overclocking options)
Radeon 9800SE $140-150 (And this card is complete garbage, by the way)
Mid-Range Tower $70
Fortron 350w PSU ~$45
NU Technology DVD +RW ~$45 (Cheapest I could find for sake of argument)
Panram 512mb PC3200 RAM $67.75 (Cheapest I could find for sake of argument)
Soundblaster Audigy ES ~$45-50
Western Digital 80gb SE $50.00 (Cheapest I could find for sake of argument, but I believe the SE is notoriously bad in performance)

Your prices add up, but what about the other things you're going to need? Cooling, keyboard/mouse, headphones/speakers, monitor, etc. etc. These things aren't free. In fact, they add up to break up a paycheck rather quickly.

By the way, Doom 3 won't run well on that system. The CPU is adequate, but the VPU and RAM would never be able to keep up, even at 640x480. The Radeon 9800SE is a notorious underachiever.
Munhihausen said:
For the life of me, Ill never understand why console gamers wont just admit that their hardware is inferior to that of computers. Comparing a console to a computer is like comparing a single room to an entire 2-story house.

Are you freaking blind? Nobody needs to admit that computers are more powerful because it is a given. The P3 733 in my Xbox is not as powerful as a P4 3.2 and never will be. How is this even an issue? The reason people compare the 2 is because there are enough people that build computers strictly as a gaming platform and not as a multipurpose machine.
For the life of me, Ill never understand why console gamers wont just admit that their hardware is inferior to that of computers.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why PC elitists wont just admit that their high-performance hardware won't be optimized until the next generation comes out (And likely still won't be used to it's full potential).

Nobody is contesting that computers are going to get better visuals. That is obvious, considering the price difference. We are, however, challenging the foolish/baseless opinions that consoles have few quality games and don't have a place in the industry. You don't have to like consoles to acknowledge that there are great games on them that simply don't suit your preferences.

The majority of people here play games. Unfortunately, those who actually see the quality in them are a minority. Games are more than a new graphics engine and 90fps.
Munhihausen said:
Console hardware is obsolete since there is a glass ceiling limitation on the hardware for those of us who are into hardware.

Personally, Id really doubt that Halo 2's solo capaign is better than Far Cry's. Id also seriously doubt that it can be funner than the many mods and ect of UT2004. That's your opinoin, but you sound like a Halo 2 fanatic saying that it is superior and the game has only been out for 1 day lol. What do they call those types of people......!!!!!!s? UT2004 and Fry Cry have been out for months. Halo has been out for what......not even a full 48 hours lol?

Modding X-boxes.....Isnt that illegal? Ill never understand how this site doesnt allow any discussion dealing with illegal pc software, yet the moderators allow guys to discuss their illegal X-boxes all the time. Doesnt Microsoft dictate wether you can get online with the console if it has been modded? Why would anyone want to risk modding an X-box and putting their ability to play online in jeopordy when they can upgrade a pc as they please?......Oh I get it....so they can illegaly keep games, movies, and ect on the X-boxes hard drive. I do that without fear of being denied acess to play online plus I play online for free.

Typical symptoms of "consolitis"...this is the "denial phase".
Comment Translates into:

"Yes my hardware is inferior, but I still have fun playing my over-hyped mediocre fps games on my console".

It's ok to have fun playing any game, but to rationally say that the game is superior to any game that I have mentioned the day after Halo 2's release is asinine. Give Halo 2 at least a half a year to be taken seriously..

man did you ever miss the point..you sir, have mistaken your epenis for a brain.
Munhihausen said:
Typical symptoms of "consolitis"...this is the "denial phase".
Comment Translates into:

"Yes my hardware is inferior, but I still have fun playing my over-hyped mediocre fps games on my console".

It's ok to have fun playing any game, but to rationally say that the game is superior to any game that I have mentioned the day after Halo 2's release is asinine. Give Halo 2 at least a half a year to be taken seriously..

You are aware that a console is basically an embedded computer system that plays only games right? Embedded systems have historically been built using lower end hardware and since everything is compiled and optimized to run on 1 set of hardware it runs just fine. As for your ascertation that Halo is over-hyped and mediocre I would say that yes it is hyped, but I am not so sure it is over-hyped. I would also say the game is quite a bit above mediocre. You seem to be so caught up in comparing the hardware and graphical quality of the games as if that somehow determines their overall quailty as a game. I happen to find the story in Halo 2 to be quite engaging.

Tell me again why Halo 2 needs 6 months to be taken seriously? I would venture to say the million and a half people playing it already are taking it quite seriously.
You seem to be so caught up in comparing the hardware and graphical quality of the games as if that somehow determines their overall quailty as a game.

Quoted for Truth.
WickedAngel said:
Quoted for Truth.

He just keeps mentioning how fast his computer is and how high the resolution is on these games as if that somehow makes the game fun or makes for a good gaming experience. There have been plenty of games that had awe stricking graphics that were just fucking terrible.
what amazes me is that at one point yesterday there were 70,000 individuals online playing Halo2, while at that same moment only 50,000 were onlie playing Counter-Strike.

Tell me a recent moment in history that ANY games has done that yet :D
Acutally, there were over 80,000 playing Halo 2 online, while at the same time Counter-Stirke was at about 52,000. Quite impressive for any game, on any platform. Now consider that Halo 2 isn't even fully released yet. It hits Europe today, and Japan on Thursday. I'd bet that it crosses the 100,000 mark on Friday or Saturday.
Now consider the million or so people who dont have live yet (like myself) and or were more intrested in how the story played out than owowowow let me get my ass handed to me online as soon as possible! Pick me pick me!
Well, I wanted to say No, but I guess I had to choose the option phrased a little more vulgarly (is that even a word)? :D But no, I'm not going to buy an Xbox or buy Halo 2 (I can just mooch off my roommate who bought one just for the occasion).
WickedAngel said:
For the life of me, I'll never understand why PC elitists wont just admit that their high-performance hardware won't be optimized until the next generation comes out (And likely still won't be used to it's full potential).

Nobody is contesting that computers are going to get better visuals. That is obvious, considering the price difference. We are, however, challenging the foolish/baseless opinions that consoles have few quality games and don't have a place in the industry. You don't have to like consoles to acknowledge that there are great games on them that simply don't suit your preferences.

The majority of people here play games. Unfortunately, those who actually see the quality in them are a minority. Games are more than a new graphics engine and 90fps.

And your point is?????......We upgrade for the reason of preperation.

Who said that there are not good games on consoles? Personally, Im a graphics junky, and if I cant play a game that looks as good as it plays, Ill go through withdrawal. Honestly, I could care less about consoles.

Huh???? How could I personally admit that great games are on systems that dont suit my preference?
Jason711 said:
man did you ever miss the point..you sir, have mistaken your epenis for a brain.

If I mistaked my penis for my brain then the statement that you just spewed is on the intellectual level of one of my sperm cells out of the millions in my scrotal sac. If you want to state a worth while rebuttal, please dont use just one sentence. Add details please, or disagree with me in your head...not on the keyboard.

Get Back On Topic Ppl...In case you have forgotten what it was, the question was "Will you be getting Halo 2?"...:rolleyes:
Snowcone said:
Are you freaking blind? Nobody needs to admit that computers are more powerful because it is a given. The P3 733 in my Xbox is not as powerful as a P4 3.2 and never will be. How is this even an issue? The reason people compare the 2 is because there are enough people that build computers strictly as a gaming platform and not as a multipurpose machine.

What are you saying?

People compare the two since both are gaming systems right? So why are so many of you so highly offended when a pc gamer tells you the truth? Some silly console gamer always has to take the "Daivd vs Golith" route by challenging powerful pc gaming machines? One guy al ready did in this thread saying that Halo 2 looks better than pc games on high end hardware.
Metallica_Band said:

Get Back On Topic Ppl...In case you have forgotten what it was, the question was "Will you be getting Halo 2?"...:rolleyes:

Ok....my answer is obvious....I voted long ago, though. I just felt compelled to spit into the pc vs console debate.
And your point is?????......We upgrade for the reason of preperation.

No, you upgrade for the sake of upgrading. You want what is technically the best, regardless of the fact that the newest features you're paying for likely won't be used until another generation is released. Being "prepared" is having adequate resources for what you need. Buying an Nvidia 6800GT just so that you can have 90fps over the 60fps that a lesser videocard would provide is a perfect example of this.

Huh???? How could I personally admit that great games are on systems that dont suit my preference?

There is this ridiculous thing called "objectivity". I hate most RPGs, but that doesn't mean I go out of my way to bash every single one that is released. They're not for me; that doesn't mean good ones don't exist.
WickedAngel said:
Being "prepared" is having adequate resources for what you need. Buying an Nvidia 6800GT just so that you can have 90fps over the 60fps that a lesser videocard would provide is a perfect example of this.

I agree alot of people do this because they are hardware whores, but current generation cards are a leap enought to justify the purchase. I have an HP L2335 23" LCD and a 9700 Pro. I need a 6800GT not for the higher fps' but for higher resolutions which to me are the bread and butter of IQ. :D
WickedAngel said:
No, you upgrade for the sake of upgrading. You want what is technically the best, regardless of the fact that the newest features you're paying for likely won't be used until another generation is released. Being "prepared" is having adequate resources for what you need. Buying an Nvidia 6800GT just so that you can have 90fps over the 60fps that a lesser videocard would provide is a perfect example of this. .

Are you representing the "communist thought" of gaming or what?

So you are upset with pc gamers because they love advanced hardware and are willing to buy that advanced hardware "just because" even if there is hardware out there that is capable of performing similarily but to a lesser degree? Personally, I drive a Ford Focus, but Im not going to criticize anyone for buying a Ferrari. That's their economical choice.

Hardware whores want nothing but the best in gaming. Having "just enough" today is too close to being obsolete tomorrow.

The difference in playability between 60 and 90 fps is minute in November of 2004, but in a similar comparison six months from now in May of 2005 the numbers will be 30 to 60fps...

Which setup still possesses the most playability?......so preparation for the future is the key.
This thread has been totally hijacked by the "My video card is an extension of my penis" crowd. There are other threads for that people. This was simply about Halo 2, and whether or not you were going to play it. Of all the back-and-forth bickering, none that I can see has even focused on the merits of the game itself, it's all boiled down to "my PC can whoop your console's ass" which is also a topic for totally different threads.

Yeah, I've been playing Halo 2, and yeah, I generally prefer PC gaming, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy both. This isn't a contest, there doesn't have to be a clearly defined "Best Platform". Too many of you guys are so fucused on maintaining the best framerates with all the eye-candy turned on, that I think you sometimes overlook the original reason for your first upgrade, which was because you wanted to play games.

A game can be fun without having the best graphics and the highest resolutions, it can be fun even when played on hardware that by PC standards was obsolete 3 years ago.

Who gives a rip that the Xbox is a P3-733 using a GeForce2 video card? The games are still fun, and visually stunning. That doesn't mean PC games aren't. They are just different.
JethroXP said:
A game can be fun without having the best graphics and the highest resolutions, it can be fun even when played on hardware that by PC standards was obsolete 3 years ago.
I still pull out my SNES, NES, Genesis and a few other old consoles and play for a while, I haven't really been too impressed with PC games but I would rather get H2 on PC since I don't want an Xbox for simple one game (not that impressed with the xbox either).

I can easily waste a few hours playing Mega man on my NES. :p
So you are upset with pc gamers because they love advanced hardware and are willing to buy that advanced hardware "just because" even if there is hardware out there that is capable of performing similarily but to a lesser degree?

I'm not "upset" about any of this. I'm annoyed that you can't see the distinction between graphics and the overall quality of a game.

Look at my sig. I built this rig back when the Radeon 9800 Pro was near the highest performance you could get. I also chose high performance RAM. You can do what you want with your money; just don't criticize others for choosing consoles instead of blowing hundreds, if not thousands, on gaming equipment that won't be fully utilized.

Personally, I drive a Ford Focus, but Im not going to criticize anyone for buying a Ferrari. That's their economical choice.

And I enjoy the Xbox while you enjoy the PC. You are critizing us for not being graphics whores. It's unfortunate that you can't see it, considering the analogy you made is actually a good description of your attitude towards consoles.
i'm not cause i don't have an xbox

but if i did i would

i'll be waiting for the PC version, if it ever comes out

i really enjoyed Halo 1

i like the story a lot
I'm sure we'll eventually see Halo 2 on the PC. It took about 2 years for Halo 1 to migrate, so I would expect the same for Halo 2. It has to be long enough to ensure that they aren't competing against themselves.

BTW - I was describing this thread to a friend of mine, and he mentioned that today, you can buy a brand new Xbox, Halo 2, and a one year subscription to Xbox Live for far less than then cost of a new video card for the PC. Think about it, Xbox + Halo 2 + 1 year of Live = about $250, while a new X800 or 6800GT (not even the extreme top of the line) costs about $400. Kind of puts a new perspective on the popularity of console online gaming.
wallijonn said:
Why aren't there any package deals? XBox & Halo2 for $165?

Because the xbox is only $150 as it is. and Halo 2 is $50ish. + you get 2 months free xbox live.

There's no way in hell.
OK well there's simply too much banter here to address it all individually, so I'll restate my assumptions:

1) First-person shooters and real-time strategy games are pretty much all I play.

2) The PC is the premiere platform on which to play FPS and RTS games. A simple look back in history will confirm this.

3) Since these two genres are pretty much all I play, it only makes sense to own a PC.

4) Consoles, despite running on proprietary hardware and software, will forever play "catch-up" to PC tech. Let's just drop that now, please.

5) Graphics aren't proportional to a game's overall "quality" and the sense of enjoyment it provides me.

5) My PC is capable of running new games, although at low resolutions, resulting in a relatively small "e-penis", which doesn't concern me in the least (whoever coined that term needs a hammer punch to the collar bone), referring to the phrase, "it's not how big it is, it's how you use it."

6) I only play (or endorse) games that I enjoy, and only denouce (and play as little as possible) games I don't enjoy, based on my storied past of first-person shooter knowledge and expertise.

7) "Next-gen" console tech has allowed for graphically competent (barely) first-person shooters.

8) The average PC gamer has had much more exposure to first-person shooters then the average console gamer.

9) To the average console gamer, the first-person shooter is a novelty, raising images of "Goldeneye", "Perfect Dark", "Red Faction", "Halo", and otherwise sub-par first-person shooters, instead of images of "Half-Life", "Far Cry", "System Shock 2", "Deus Ex (the Original, by God)", "Jedi Knight", and other, critically-acclaimed, well-established games that do not just satisfy the conditions of a good first-person shooter, but add substantially to the genre, unlike the aforementioned games.

10) Thus, it is not necessarily through the fault of the average console gamer, that he is unable to discern a good first-person shooter from a bad or mediocre one.

I think what really supports my theory is that PS2 sales of Half-Life were nothing special. A game that has, without a shred of doubt, redefined the genre and risen the bar substantially, has gotten little to no recognition by the console fanbase.
Munhihausen said:
If I mistaked my penis for my brain then the statement that you just spewed is on the intellectual level of one of my sperm cells out of the millions in my scrotal sac. If you want to state a worth while rebuttal, please dont use just one sentence. Add details please, or disagree with me in your head...not on the keyboard.

uh huh... whatever makes you feel better little guy. :)
WickedAngel said:
By the way, Doom 3 won't run well on that system. The CPU is adequate, but the VPU and RAM would never be able to keep up, even at 640x480. The Radeon 9800SE is a notorious underachiever.

DooM III runs great on my laptop............and I have a 1.6pentium, radeon 9700 mobility, and 512mb of RAM.

If you cared to do a little investigation you would notice that I picked a powercolor 9800se, which is 256bit and has a high softmod success rate(and that's not a complicated process-omega drivers do it with just an option selection). ANd, DooM III doesn't utilize much more then 512mb of RAM.........it might help you gain nothing more then a few fps at high resolutions

plus, with Halo 2 you'd have to get a tv and extra controllers.........so blah.

and when you say the point of this thread was to ask if we were going to buy Halo 2 or not...my original intention was to answer the question, which I did, and I gave my reason why I'm not going to buy it. Your the one that chose to fight with my reasoning, I didn't start a fight with myself buddy........

on a side note, I will give Halo 2 a chance..........but i'm just doubtful it will move me in anyway. again, I'm built on Nintendo games and legendary PC fps's. it takes more to impress me then it does the masses.
4) Consoles, despite running on proprietary hardware and software, will forever play "catch-up" to PC tech. Let's just drop that now, please.

Why the hell do you keep bringing this up? Nobody has said otherwise. High-end PC games look excellent; that doesn't negate the fact that console games with quality visuals exist. You're delusional if you think otherwise.

8) The average PC gamer has had much more exposure to first-person shooters then the average console gamer.

And? I doubt the hundreds of multiplatform gaming publications and websites rated Halo 2 highly because of a lack of exposure to the PC market.

9) To the average console gamer, the first-person shooter is a novelty, raising images of "Goldeneye", "Perfect Dark", "Red Faction", "Halo", and otherwise sub-par first-person shooters, instead of images of "Half-Life", "Far Cry", "System Shock 2", "Deus Ex (the Original, by God)", "Jedi Knight", and other, critically-acclaimed, well-established games that do not just satisfy the conditions of a good first-person shooter, but add substantially to the genre, unlike the aforementioned games.

Aside from Perfect Dark, each of those games added something credible to the genre. Goldeneye added massive bot support. Red Faction contributed destructible environments. Halo threw in superb AI and mixed several different genres seamlessly. They made contributions; you're just too stubborn to see acknowledge them.

By the way, you seem to have avoided commenting on the fact that the PC market is indeed flooded by PC developers, and not multiplatform developers as you seem to think. Way to dodge the bullet.

If you cared to do a little investigation you would notice that I picked a powercolor 9800se, which is 256bit and has a high softmod success rate(and that's not a complicated process-omega drivers do it with just an option selection). ANd, DooM III doesn't utilize much more then 512mb of RAM.........it might help you gain nothing more then a few fps at high resolutions

The 9800SE is still flawed all around; overclocking it would yield results that should have been therein the first place. 512mb of no-name high latency RAM won't cut it for Doom 3 either.
bountyhunter said:
and speaking of Heretic 3.......is their any substantial proof of this? That would make me happy beyond words.....................

I can't remember where, but I remember about reading of possible plans to make a Heretic based on the Doom 3 engine. I guess it would be Heretic 3, not too sure if they're really going to make it or anything though.
WickedAngel said:
The 9800SE is still flawed all around; overclocking it would yield results that should have been therein the first place. 512mb of no-name high latency RAM won't cut it for Doom 3 either.

the 9800se doesn't yeild such results in the first place because it was made to sell for $60 cheaper then the 9800pro.......you are confused. And you are the one that chose generic RAM.......not me.

I listed PDP or PQI RAM.......with latencies of 3-2-3 / 2.5-3-3, respecitively. It's not wicked tight, but it's not generic.

You don't seem to know much about what you are speaking of, so do us a favor and stop before you insult those of us that know what we are talking about and consfuse those who do not know what is going on.