Will YOU buy Fear 2 Project Origin?

Will YOU buy Fear 2 Project Origin?

  • Yes - I loved the first one and this one is killa!

    Votes: 117 64.6%
  • No - Fear never gave my magic stick lift off, so a big phat no!

    Votes: 52 28.7%
  • I have never played a FPS and I suck my moms teet at 28

    Votes: 12 6.6%

  • Total voters
Agreed.... I am out in the streets currently fighting the armored suits on my way to the stadium..... needless to say they chewed me up and spit me out!!!.

I love the replica soldiers and definetly the "zombies" :)

graphics cranked to the max at 1600 x 1200. (yeppers I am a CRT owner!! STILL!!)
Exactly! No leaning, glowing dump enemies, less dynamic lighting, too easy, overdone unrealistic blood effects, game was designed for gamepads ..

This is what is warding me off as well. It's like the difference between the original "Alien" and "Predator" movies compared to the newer "AvP" movies. It went from a realistic approach to what a 13 year old would find "cool". From my point of view it's just a kid's flick with a lot of gore and language slapped on it. I'll wait for the reviews. After playing the demo what I've seen so far strikes me as lame. I'm glad it gets "more intense", but I want believeable immersion, not mindless "entertainment".
I'll let you know once i've played the demo, I loved the first but this one looks like it's been bashed by the console stick a little, if it's sporting incorrectly implimented widescreen, crampt FoV and mouse acceleration as we as it's power ranger type baddies and mechs, I think I'll pass.
The game's okay. It's a dumbed down FEAR, honestly... but some of the new graphical effects are nice.

Hmm, a dumbed down F.E.A.R. Sounds dire. I'll pass, I'm starting to worry about the quality of many of the big game releases.
Definately one of the games I'm looking at.
I enjoyed the Original FEAR and the Demo looked pretty good but I'm not paying full price for a single FPS.
...I'll probably get it when I can find a copy for $20 or under.
I hate using reviews but to answer your question, the multi looks like a dumbed down version of the first multi.
Depends on the multiplayer for me. Can some of you that get it, please chime in on this? Thanks.
Does the game still have those annoying 1-2 second pauses?

In all honesty I'm getting this game either way b/c I'm a big fan of the franchise. NI'm not too interested in mutliplayer though, so I may just wait until the game its the bargain bin.
Loved the first one but this one is too consolized to be any fun judging from the demo. I'll pass.
I wish but I scare easily, I downloaded the demo and will install it this weekend to try it out.
I bought it, but I won't be playing it. I didn't know about the steam requirement, and now that I found out about the letterbox on all resolutions, it gives me another reason that I won't be playing. I love PC gaming, but I'm afraid that I'm about done with it. I am sick and tired of publishers punishing the people who actually buy the games. All of these copy protection and DRM schemes don't even slow the pirates down, but they sure are a pain for the people who aren't pirating the games. I opened the game before I found out about the steam requirement, so this is my fault that I'm stuck with a game I won';t use. I will not ever buy another game with this type of protection on it again, and as it is becoming the norm I think my gaming days are about over. It is too bad, because I really loved some of the games.
I am getting it only because my old FEAR clan is back in action and I loved the original storyline/game so much :D

I will post some screenies (no spoilers lol) and give you guys some feedback...that is if I can find the damn game...no one has it. I do not even think target will carry a PC version...
If the game is in stock, I'll have it in about 8hrs, at which point I'll provide some unbiased feedback on it's quality.
If the game is in stock, I'll have it in about 8hrs, at which point I'll provide some unbiased feedback on it's quality.

I just grabbed it on Steam. I'll post some thoughts after I give it a try as well.
I have some issues with the game....

First, the new HUD is terribly annoying. It's so obvious the developers made this game primarily as a port to consoles.

Secondly, the bot AI is aweful and predictable.

That being said, I'm still going to buy it because I'm a FEAR fanboy :eek:
The game is pretty simple. Go and shoot. The weapons sound like crap. Graphics are alright, but feels like it lacks something..
Go and shoot is fine with me. I have plenty of other games if I need more involvement.
The game is pretty simple. Go and shoot. The weapons sound like crap. Graphics are alright, but feels like it lacks something..

I agree with the weapon sound statement. I feel the sound design in the first game was MUCH better than this one. Again, it heralds back to my "designed for consoles" statement...uggh...
Finally got through the demo. The game really does feel like a cross platform release. To cater for the lowest common denominator is a fucking sad state of affairs, we all know that many of the current releases could and indeed should, 'push the envelope' further on the PC.
Finally got through the demo. The game really does feel like a cross platform release. To cater for the lowest common denominator is a fucking sad state of affairs, we all know that many of the current releases could and indeed should, 'push the envelope' further on the PC.


Exactly my thoughts. They are not that many games which do so. The consoles are winning and the devs see that...Frankly, most of them are geared toward the money. Which sadly makes sense since they are businesses after all :(
I'll probably be picking this one up. Too bad I haven't had much in the way of time to play it lately.
I bought it, but I won't be playing it. I didn't know about the steam requirement, and now that I found out about the letterbox on all resolutions, it gives me another reason that I won't be playing. I love PC gaming, but I'm afraid that I'm about done with it. I am sick and tired of publishers punishing the people who actually buy the games. All of these copy protection and DRM schemes don't even slow the pirates down, but they sure are a pain for the people who aren't pirating the games. I opened the game before I found out about the steam requirement, so this is my fault that I'm stuck with a game I won';t use. I will not ever buy another game with this type of protection on it again, and as it is becoming the norm I think my gaming days are about over. It is too bad, because I really loved some of the games.

Whats the matter, you don't have an internet connection?
I have an internet connection, I just don't want a steam account. If I had wanted to have a steam account, I would have just bought it on steam in the first place. I don't mind activating the game, but I'm sick of people trying to force 3rd party software on me. It just keeps getting more and more painful to play the games I paid for, and doesn't stop the pirates for even a second. I bought their game, why do they insist on making me jump through hoops so that I can enjoy something I paid for? In the end its a protest, probably the only kind that might get someones attention. If enough people feel like I do, we'll start to impact the money. Then things might change.
I have an internet connection, I just don't want a steam account. If I had wanted to have a steam account, I would have just bought it on steam in the first place. I don't mind activating the game, but I'm sick of people trying to force 3rd party software on me. It just keeps getting more and more painful to play the games I paid for, and doesn't stop the pirates for even a second. I bought their game, why do they insist on making me jump through hoops so that I can enjoy something I paid for? In the end its a protest, probably the only kind that might get someones attention. If enough people feel like I do, we'll start to impact the money. Then things might change.

Valve has sold 6.5million copies of Half-Life 2. Steam isn't going anywhere.
FEAR wasnt a bad game by any means, i just never liked it well enough to buy it. didnt care for it that much honestly.
Let me be clear, I have no problem with Steam. I have a problem with people trying to force me to use it, whether I want to or not. If you choose to use it, more power to you. Since I choose not, I won't be playing this game.
Let me be clear, I have no problem with Steam. I have a problem with people trying to force me to use it, whether I want to or not. If you choose to use it, more power to you. Since I choose not, I won't be playing this game.

I understand your position. That's exactly how I felt when I bought HL2, and had to use Steam for that. However, the more I used it, the more I liked how it worked. I've since gone so far as to rebuy most of my games in Steam, just so I have them in a centralized location. I don't have to insert discs, store boxes and cases, (I know some people enjoy this aspect,) and don't have to worry about copy protection messing with my drives, etc. It's really quite a cool system.

You should try it. It doesn't really take up any resources, you don't have to have it running all the time. Don't try it out with a full-price game even. Hop on, and grab some cheap indie game, see what you think. Anyway, just thought I'd give you the perspective of someone that initially did not want to be assimilated... :D
I understand your position. That's exactly how I felt when I bought HL2, and had to use Steam for that. However, the more I used it, the more I liked how it worked.

Yeah I hated Steam with a passion for a long time. I used to always have issues, it was down when I tried to buy something, couldnt access my account or validate a game, blah blah. The last few years have been a steady improvement.

I migrated all my hard drives and data to a new system this week (after years of win xp), and guess what was the easiest...all the Steam games. Copy/paste. Other games used Safedisc, had registry settings that were missing, etc, and needed a reinstall. In some cases, using another of their 5 install limit. Some I have lost the CD keys to, or missing the odd disc or manual that had the key in a back page, or I had the disc in a laptop that was stolen (my poor NWN HOTU disc :mad:). Steam and everything with it just worked and wasnt a giant PITA.

Anyway, on topic - I'm tempted. But I think this one will wait for a price drop, its the kind of game I will play once and forget about. Too many other games I'm playing now (FO3) or want to get soon (DoW2, Dead Space).