WiMax with no protection?


Oct 1, 2005

i just got a WiMax device and its been working great, but according to the supplier the device's firmware is not complete therefore it is not possible to put a password to the network.....:eek:

and of course the sec i fire up the device the nice neighbors find their self at home and begin downloading and eating up the unsecured connection...

so my Question is, despite supplier's comment about the firmware, can i find a way to prevent these from entering my network?

thanks in advance :)
well if the device has no security options, I doubt there's anyway to do.

line your walls with tin foil?!
Hi again

the device is MWC.2500PW made by myungmin.

beside the no protection problem. the device stoped working all together.

the WiFi still works but no internet at all.

i think it tried downloading (auto) the new firmware by itself but it failed......... because there was no internet connection...... which was not working because of the old firmware........ ( what came first egg or chicken?)

i tried googleing for the firmware but no luck at all:(
Can you filter MAC addresses? Probably not if it doesn't even support WEP/WPA/WPA2.