Win 7 / 2008R2 Post-SP1 Hotfix Rollup - aka "SP2" for Enterprises


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008
Microsoft recently released a post-SP1 hotfix rollup for Windows 7 SP1 / 2008R2 SP1. The rollup contains 90 hotfixes primarily targeted at enterprise environments.

This is probably as close to SP2 as we're going to get, folks.

Blog & Download Link
Guess I'll have to try it out on a couple of my Win7 machines.
So it looks like this is just a rollup of hotfixes, therefore it doesn't include the security related patches released since the release of SP1.

So not quite "close to SP2" since hotfixes aren't generally released via Windows/Microsoft Update anyway.
If you need the hotfixes, I guess this is interesting. ;)

This post describes a way of updating Windows 7 SP1 with post-SP1 updates and drivers, and you can burn the updated installation image to disc or USB: (of course you'll need to get a newer list of all updates to download)

It's annoying, but maybe a little less annoying than downloading the 130+ updates on a virgin SP1 install every time.
Windows 7 does have some occasional domain login issues. I've downloaded into WSUS and pushing to a few users and will see if there are any negative effects in the next few days. Thanks.
So not quite "close to SP2" since hotfixes aren't generally released via Windows/Microsoft Update anyway.
Even without security updates, the amount of hotfixes is what makes this rollup very "SP2" like because they're not available anywhere but individually or typically in a SP.

I tested this update on a fresh install of Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 and found 104 important updates on Windows Update. I installed this update and ran WU again and had only 97 important updates. This rollup includes 83 fixes not available on WU, which makes it quite valuable.
Even without security updates, the amount of hotfixes is what makes this rollup very "SP2" like because they're not available anywhere but individually or typically in a SP.

I tested this update on a fresh install of Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 and found 104 important updates on Windows Update. I installed this update and ran WU again and had only 97 important updates. This rollup includes 83 fixes not available on WU, which makes it quite valuable.

while I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, I just find it kind of... odd, because Microsoft recommends only applying the (individual) hotfix(es) onto systems that are experiencing the issue that the hotfix resolves.

However, this hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described in this article. Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing the problem described in this article.

So the indiviual hotfixes, they only recommend if the system is having the issue the hotfix resolves.
Yet, they recommend installing the hotfix rollup on all systems.
SP's traditionally include hotfixes that only apply to specific issues, and you typically always install SP's on all computers. How is this set of hotfixes different in your eyes?

I think the reason they put the disclaimer on individual hotfixes is to stop users from feeling they need to upgrade for the sake of upgrading, even if it doesn't apply to their system.
SP's traditionally include hotfixes that only apply to specific issues, and you typically always install SP's on all computers.

Do they?
I guess I never paid enough attention to what all was included in the service packs, then.
I had always assumed they were the normally released patches only and did not include hotfixes.

I think the reason they put the disclaimer on individual hotfixes is to stop users from feeling they need to upgrade for the sake of upgrading, even if it doesn't apply to their system.

Good point.
Do they?
I guess I never paid enough attention to what all was included in the service packs, then.
I had always assumed they were the normally released patches only and did not include hotfixes.

Good point.

Yeah, they do include hotfixes. One of my customers forgetting to install SP1 on their new DCs so they constantly run in to this:

But it's included with SP1.

Bottom link on that page lists all of the hotfixes included in SP1.
welp, I obviously didn't ever pay attention to what the service packs actually included :p