Win 7 Ultimate vs Win 7 Professional


Oct 11, 2004
Hey all,

I am a current Vista Ultimate 64 user and am looking to move to Win 7. I am trying to decide between the Ultimate version and the Professional version. To be completely honest, I am not sure what the Ultimate version really offers over the Professional version. This rig is used primarily for gaming with a little work (nothing heavily work focused). My Vista 64 Ultimate was a gift, but I am not really sure what I have over the Vista Home or other versions, if anything. lol

Does the Ultimate version of Win 7 offer anything over the Professional version for a gamer?

My access to the internet from work is limited, yet I am able to access HardOCP (somebody in IT at corporate likes this place, lol). Because of this, I am unable to really do much research right now so I appreciate any advice.

Thanks for your time!
For gaming purposes, none whatsoever. That said, I do a lot of gaming and got Ultimate anyway.
I think the only notable difference I saw would be the option to have different languages for the OS.
I think the only notable difference I saw would be the option to have different languages for the OS.

Aero remoting, bitlocker, applocker, multi-display terminal services, booting from virtual hard disks, federated search...
ultimate has bit locker and the languages option
that's it. I got ultimate just to bit lock everything
Ultimate does have a few more options/features, but they're not things that everyone needs or wants. For a dedicated gaming rig, there's not really a need for Ultimate edition.
Ultimate does have a few more options/features, but they're not things that everyone needs or wants. For a dedicated gaming rig, there's not really a need for Ultimate edition.


the only reason i have ultimate on my main game rig is the whole "gotta have the best on this rig" thing. the rest of the house gets pro (only because of the in-house domain)
i get home premium for family and friends

the only reason i have ultimate on my main game rig is the whole "gotta have the best on this rig" thing. the rest of the house gets pro (only because of the in-house domain)
i get home premium for family and friends

Well, I have Ultimate and Home Premium...but jeeze, I wish I had a friend or family member that would buy OS'es for me! :p
How is the 'different languages' of Ultimate, different than say the ability to use the language bar in XP to change input languages? Are they two different things? Am I to believe that the 7 Ultimate language pack means you can completely change the language of the OS/GUI?
How is the 'different languages' of Ultimate, different than say the ability to use the language bar in XP to change input languages? Are they two different things? Am I to believe that the 7 Ultimate language pack means you can completely change the language of the OS/GUI?

The entire interface, language, etc of the OS is changed. It's been available since Vista.
My assessment was Ultimate's only extra features worth mentioning are BitLocker and the language packs. The other extra features are only useful in an enterprise setting.
My assessment was Ultimate's only extra features worth mentioning are BitLocker and the language packs. The other extra features are only useful in an enterprise setting.

Or if you have a nice home-remote setup.
I should have mentioned that the assessment was for my own needs, but yes there are certainly other features that others would find useful.
For gaming, home premium is all you need, right? XP mode isn't friendly to the 3d graphics, is it?
Win7 Ultimate will only directly upgrade from Vista Ultimate. Win7 Pro will require a clean install as it will only upgrade from Vista Pro.

XP mode can be replaced with seamless mode on the free VirtualBox, and BitLocker... I don't think people use much of it, I use TrueCrypt.
I vote for Win 7 Pro.
Thanks for the responses, everybody. It is appreciated!

I think I may just go with Win 7 Professional (or possibly stick with Vista 64 for a little while FSX and FS2004 with all of their respective add-ons would take me 3 decades.)

Thank you again!