Win Install Problem


Jun 25, 2003
Hi everyone, My pc is three years old. Last night I was editing videos & my pc restared several times.Then, when I see the windows bootup logo pc restarts again. I tired to install windows but in the middle of installation it showed me a blue sreen of warning "installation stopped because of hardware problem" something like this. I am useing Ubuntu linux now. Ran ubuntu 8 hours no problem at all. I don't know whats wrong with windows installtion. Tried two different win install disc no luck. Don't know what to do. Pls help me out thanks.

My Pc #

Intel P4 -3.4ghz HT
1gb Ram PC3200
Ati Radeon 9800 Pro
80gb Drive
Sony dvd Burner
Liteon DVD Rom
480w Power Supply
Did you run Memtest yet? If so, how about a hard drive diagnostic? Did you have a fan, maybe on the CPU stop spinning?
No I didn't run any Mem Or Drive test. I don't know how to do that. Can pls help me out. Fan & everything else working fine. I am using my pc now. Ubuntu linux. Thanks.
Thanks for your kind help. I did the memtest for 24min didn't find any errors. My hard drive is brand new. Bought it last week. Also I tired to install win on my 200gb sata drive didn't worked. Pls help me out. Don't know whats wrong with my pc.
I'd let it memtest run over night...but anyways as far as the sata drive is concerned and since your using ubunto you might want to post this in the linux section up above
TechZone said:
Also I tired to install win on my 200gb sata drive didn't worked. Pls help me out. Don't know whats wrong with my pc.
You have to be specific if you want answers. What didn't work? What happened? If you got a BSOD, post the codes from the screen.