Win Win7 do SSD TRIM on FAT?


Mar 29, 2006
You plug in a SSD formatted with FAT, via SATA.

Will win7 do TRIM?
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I wasn't aware of file system requirements for TRIM. Unless I'm uninformed, you should be fine.
I wasn't aware of file system requirements for TRIM. Unless I'm uninformed, you should be fine.

Yeah as far as I can tell it's file system independent. There is no reason that I can see why it wouldn't work. It's more about the disk controller and OS support, which if it's SATA you should be good to go so long as the drive itself supports TRIM.
Why would an SSD be formatted with FAT? Old, pre-WinXP SP2, maybe? You would want to use NTFS instead unless you had a really good reason.
My gaming machine has various old SSDs.

TRIM support needs to be implemented per filesystem. But given the limited number of filesystems that ship with windows it seems plausible they just did them all.

One partition on there is FAT so that it is easier to read from assorted other things or even as a thing for the blu ray player or whatever.