win32/cycbot.b + broken networking + suggestions


Aug 26, 2004
Apologies for the hopefully unnecessary thread but... I'm trying to fix someone's computer and have very little access to the machine (a sick person in the house, long distance, can't take it with me) - so I would like to go back as prepared as I can. If anyone has any experience with this particular pest, or any suggestions/ideas, I'd like to hear them, in case I missed something important.

I was over there to take a look at the comp the other day, ran some scans etc. Seems there was only 1 infection, the" win32/cycbot.b". I used MS Sec Essentials to remove it, and thought that was gonna be it. After changing some system settings however, I tried to go online and sure enough networking is broken. Can't get on the internet or even access 192.168... (router).

I am assuming and hoping that it just needs a TCP/IP reset as per MS instructions or .msi file on their support site...

Agreed? Anything else?

Thanks in advance.
Ah yes, thank you, winsock is one term that was eluding me. It's been a while since I had to deal with this stuff.

And I probably should have mentioned that Vista is the OS in question. Oops.
I believe this is the one I ran across a few weeks ago that roasted the tcpip.sys file, had to grab a fresh copy from one of the backup folders in XP. Also it's best to use a bunch of cleaning tools against it, refer to the malware removal thread stickied atop this forum.