Win7 Family Pack $119.99 from Dell


Mar 10, 2008
$119.99 when you add it to the cart. Looks like a $20 and $10 rebate.

Not a bad price for 3 licenses for Windows 7 Home Premium.

Plus.... If you HATE mail in rebates.......

Amazon has it for cheaper @ $129+free shipping...... WITHOUT lame rebates. So you actually pay less RIGHT NOW since the Dell deal charges $120+$20+$10 up front = $150 ((PLUS Dell charges sales taxes in like 40 states). So if you get it through dell (no link in the OP by the way?) its actually more hassle and money right now.
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Is it possible to do a clean install with this or do you have to install over an already installed qualifying OS?
I read it but I don't follow what he's talking about -

1. "If you already have an older version of Windows on the HD..." - This would not be a clean install. By clean install, I mean to an empty HD without an OS. In the old days, all you had to do was put in a qualifying disk when prompted to do so. Apparently, from what mute208 says, it doesn't work like this anymore.

2. He talks about registry hacks, etc. It's not clear if this is to a clean install or not. Will the upgrade install at all to an empty HD? If it will, what's the problem?
I read it but I don't follow what he's talking about -

1. "If you already have an older version of Windows on the HD..." - This would not be a clean install. By clean install, I mean to an empty HD without an OS. In the old days, all you had to do was put in a qualifying disk when prompted to do so. Apparently, from what mute208 says, it doesn't work like this anymore.

Windows 7 does the "upgrade" activation check before drive formatting. So just pop in the disc, boot from it, and delete the partitons, then upgrade.
I read it but I don't follow what he's talking about -

1. "If you already have an older version of Windows on the HD..." - This would not be a clean install. By clean install, I mean to an empty HD without an OS. In the old days, all you had to do was put in a qualifying disk when prompted to do so. Apparently, from what mute208 says, it doesn't work like this anymore.

2. He talks about registry hacks, etc. It's not clear if this is to a clean install or not. Will the upgrade install at all to an empty HD? If it will, what's the problem?

Read the second link. If you can't be bothered, boot from it, install, skip putting in the product key when prompted and read the link for the registry key you have to change after it's finished.