Windows 2003 R2 question (dfs sync)


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2005
Since R2 offers now DFS synchronization which is great for offsite backups I want to try this here at work.

The network we have 2003 sp1 based servers here and the file server I want to backup is 2003 sp1 but the new remote backserver will be 2003 R2. Now to have DFS sync working will I have to have the corporate file server upgraded to R2 or all I need is R2 to be on the remote backup server?

Any help would be appreciated
I'm digging through the whitepapers now but haven't come across the synching yet. I may step up to R2 on our backup server since there's an inherant interoperability flaw between certain flavors of Samba and 2003 Server. Our SAN/NAS head happens to be running Samba, so I can't backup the shares using SMB. The irony is that I can get a Windows XP Pro box to do the backups... :mad:

I'm going to slap R2 on it and give it a whirl.