Windows 7 Allows You To Turn Features On or Off

You need to shut up and look at the bigger picture of why Microsoft is doing this. They're doing it because this removes the headache that system administrators of small/medium/large companies & governments have when it comes to setting up machines. You on the other hand may have the time to jack off and set up the machine YOU want but these system administrators don't.

Alternatively, I think you're just a douchebag and need to realize Linux is not a viable option for the business world. There are just simply too many people out there that can't and won't work with anything other than Windows.

uou seem to be rather angry about something. Could it be this that’s making you angry, or maybe this? Those blue lines are still very high but they are most definitely heading in a downward direction.

As for Linux not being viable for businesses, take a look what the market thinks of that. IBM, strong backers of Linux, seems to be performing rather better than MSFT. Microsoft's share price has been in decline for the last decade, showing the lack of confidence the market has in both their software and their business decisions.

Microsoft’s software had been improving considerably for many years but they peaked with Windows 2000 (which was very good) and the quality of their software has been in decline since then (along with their share price). Now they seem to be founding around with a clue what they’re doing and particularly seem to be having problems knowing what businesses want. Contrary to what you say it’s Windows that is becoming less viable as an option for businesses since companies want efficiency and productivity while Microsoft just want to deliver “Wow” and marketing hype.

Back in 2000 I was very happy with the quality of Microsoft software, however they have destroyed their own products right across the board, from Windows and Office to Visual Studio and IE. It is clear from the trends both in their operating system market share and their share price that other people feel the same as I do and are moving to other products. Rather than address the issue Microsoft are continuing to ignore user and market opinion and continuing to make their products even worse.

I would have rather stuck with Microsoft products since it would have been a lot easier than changing to Linux but unfortunately the situation has got so bad I'm forced to go elsewhere for my software. Quite why Microsoft are so intent on forcing users to other platforms and destroying their own market share I don't know, but I'll just go with the flow and help those blue lines fall even further.
EventID 4225 is simply that... an Event ID, not a part of the OS you can remove. Perhaps you mean the ability to change the number of half-open connections?

EventID 4226 is when Windows limits your half open connections to 10. I miss typed it by a single digit.

What the hell are you talking about? I've never experienced this on any machine.
You're not suppose to unless you monitor large data transactions between machines. Suppose to prevent stuttering in videos and music, at least that's what Microsoft said with Vista.

Go ahead and transfer a large file and play music with Windows Media Player. It's been well documented.
troll much Mr Milquetoast?

i think this is a step in the right direction. i've been saying for a long time how nice it would be to choose what i want with windows even down to the core pieces. i like a fast O/S without the pretty bells and whistles. i don't like warnings and safety nets. maybe someone else doesn't but why can't i have that? looks like its finally happening.
troll much Mr Milquetoast?

I've substantiated my claims by showing evidence of the decline in the market share of Microsoft's products and the underperformance of Microsoft's share price relative to the competition. How exactly is that trolling?

It seems that you simply don't want to accept the reality of the situation - Microsoft is forcing users to other platforms by producing software that is declining in quality. This is causing a lack of investor confidence and hence a declining share price. The trend is there for any rational person to see but it seems you would rather delude yourself and ignore the evidence. If you truely think Microsoft is not in decline then I want some of what you're smoking.

Still, if you're satisfied with the quality of Microsoft's software then best of luck to you. Sadly I've reached my limit and am left with no choice but to go elsewhere and Linux seems to match my needs best.
Better yet, how about the ability not to install it in the first place?

Have you even tried it? Even in beta form, it flies on a default install. And it even runs acceptably well on 512MB of RAM; believe it or not:

and that's in a VM no less........

From what i've seen with the Beta, Windows 7 is the best thing that's come out of MS since DOS 6. It absolutely flies performance-wise; as a matter of fact it surpasses the speed of XP on alot of things. If you're a Windows user, installing Windows 7 will probably be the BEST thing you can do. Heck, in it's current form, Vista is no slouch. It's the first OS i've ever seen that gets faster the longer it's been installed. My 5-month old, cloned twice with GHOST install of Vista is faster today than the day I installed it.
This feature was in windows xp under add / remove windows components. Thats not in Vista?!?!?!?!?
This isnt anything new lol!
This thread....

Proof that some people are just going to bitch no matter what. :rolleyes:
Have you even tried it? Even in beta form, it flies on a default install. And it even runs acceptably well on 512MB of RAM; believe it or not:

and that's in a VM no less........

From what i've seen with the Beta, Windows 7 is the best thing that's come out of MS since DOS 6. It absolutely flies performance-wise; as a matter of fact it surpasses the speed of XP on alot of things. If you're a Windows user, installing Windows 7 will probably be the BEST thing you can do. Heck, in it's current form, Vista is no slouch. It's the first OS i've ever seen that gets faster the longer it's been installed. My 5-month old, cloned twice with GHOST install of Vista is faster today than the day I installed it.

Sure have, downloaded it when it went public beta. Running it right now as main OS. I don't see what that has to do with me wanting the ability of not installing stuff I don't want like in Windows 98.
This thread....

Proof that some people are just going to bitch no matter what. :rolleyes:

And you doing the same makes this thread better how? It's an improvement over XP/Vista, but only half way there..
uou seem to be rather angry about something. Could it be this that’s making you angry, or maybe this? Those blue lines are still very high but they are most definitely heading in a downward direction.

As for Linux not being viable for businesses, take a look what the market thinks of that. IBM, strong backers of Linux, seems to be performing rather better than MSFT. Microsoft's share price has been in decline for the last decade, showing the lack of confidence the market has in both their software and their business decisions.

Microsoft’s software had been improving considerably for many years but they peaked with Windows 2000 (which was very good) and the quality of their software has been in decline since then (along with their share price). Now they seem to be founding around with a clue what they’re doing and particularly seem to be having problems knowing what businesses want. Contrary to what you say it’s Windows that is becoming less viable as an option for businesses since companies want efficiency and productivity while Microsoft just want to deliver “Wow” and marketing hype.

Back in 2000 I was very happy with the quality of Microsoft software, however they have destroyed their own products right across the board, from Windows and Office to Visual Studio and IE. It is clear from the trends both in their operating system market share and their share price that other people feel the same as I do and are moving to other products. Rather than address the issue Microsoft are continuing to ignore user and market opinion and continuing to make their products even worse.

I would have rather stuck with Microsoft products since it would have been a lot easier than changing to Linux but unfortunately the situation has got so bad I'm forced to go elsewhere for my software. Quite why Microsoft are so intent on forcing users to other platforms and destroying their own market share I don't know, but I'll just go with the flow and help those blue lines fall even further.
is easily converted to
Mr Milquetoast said:
I assume shit that I pull out of my ass
Like the guy above said, preach Linux elsewhere.
uou seem to be rather angry about something. Could it be this that’s making you angry, or maybe this? Those blue lines are still very high but they are most definitely heading in a downward direction.

As for Linux not being viable for businesses, take a look what the market thinks of that. IBM, strong backers of Linux, seems to be performing rather better than MSFT. Microsoft's share price has been in decline for the last decade, showing the lack of confidence the market has in both their software and their business decisions.

Holy crap, Windows market dominance has dropped from 93% to a mere 88%?! WOW!

Umm, I'm not sure what you were trying to prove here. MS's drop in market share was picked up almost completely by OS X (no surprise there). Meanwhile, Linux sits WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY at the back of the bus and has YET to break even 1%.

So...yeah, I don't see how that's convincing evidence that Linux's business viability is somehow improving.
Holy crap, Windows market dominance has dropped from 93% to a mere 88%?! WOW!

Umm, I'm not sure what you were trying to prove here. MS's drop in market share was picked up almost completely by OS X (no surprise there). Meanwhile, Linux sits WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY at the back of the bus and has YET to break even 1%.

So...yeah, I don't see how that's convincing evidence that Linux's business viability is somehow improving.
I laughed at the part where he cited Microsoft's stock price comparison to IBM's while everyone knows that IBM's niche isn't in Linux. While they may support it, it's hardly evidence they're doing successful because of Linux. They're just hugely diversified in the field of technology whereas Microsoft's focus has been centered around the Windows platform. It's like comparing Apples to Oranges.
I've substantiated my claims by showing evidence of the decline in the market share of Microsoft's products and the underperformance of Microsoft's share price relative to the competition. How exactly is that trolling?

It seems that you simply don't want to accept the reality of the situation - Microsoft is forcing users to other platforms by producing software that is declining in quality. This is causing a lack of investor confidence and hence a declining share price. The trend is there for any rational person to see but it seems you would rather delude yourself and ignore the evidence. If you truely think Microsoft is not in decline then I want some of what you're smoking.

Still, if you're satisfied with the quality of Microsoft's software then best of luck to you. Sadly I've reached my limit and am left with no choice but to go elsewhere and Linux seems to match my needs best.

It's amusing how serious you seem to be. The really funny part is that you people don't even realize how delusional you are.

Go back to crying in your basement about how MS touched your tra-la-la. Enjoy fighting the man and being non-conformist, maybe you should tie-dye a shirt and form a peace circle. The rest of us will use our tinfoil to wrap food and Windows on our computers.
I can't believe it! Is this a step towards more freedom for the user or is it going to be "Microsoft have decided for you that this feature cann't be turned off" on most of them? I'm up for anything that gives the user more control and freedom.

Seems something good came out of all those EU fines.
EventID 4225 is simply that... an Event ID, not a part of the OS you can remove. Perhaps you mean the ability to change the number of half-open connections?

EventID 4226 is when Windows limits your half open connections to 10. I miss typed it by a single digit.

You're not suppose to unless you monitor large data transactions between machines. Suppose to prevent stuttering in videos and music, at least that's what Microsoft said with Vista.

Go ahead and transfer a large file and play music with Windows Media Player. It's been well documented.

this is the related problem with Vista, gigabit networks + sound

(this is explained in the link) basically if you have got Giga bit networking (not 100mb as does not seem to affect 100 based networks) when you open an app it limits the network to 100mb based speeds, going into real numbers with out the reg fix from below if you open any thing that starts sound your network will drop form 70MB/s down to 10MB/s with the fix network run at full speed all the time (from raid0 to raid0 i have been able to max out my gigabit network connection thats around 125MB/s)

(the only part of the reg that needs changing is the comment that was posted below do not do what the blog says goto comment 17030 all that needs doing)

or put the below into an reg file and run it (with out the lines) and watch your gigabit network fly when playing music or just have Teamspeak open (reboot pc before changes take affect and if you wish backup reg)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile]
the above turns off network throttling

I just hope M$ learn witn widows 7 not the screw the high speed networks up this time, if an Audio developer want to use win7 this time round give them the Option to turn on the audio priority tweek and not to turn it on by default
ive never had problems with vista and i see the beta of win7 as a 100% better version of vista with far faster load times and just general overall smoothness, its going to be great and that was the beta.

ive never had a better exp with gta4 than on win7 64-bit
so they made services.msc less useful but look cuter. good job.
Holy crap, Windows market dominance has dropped from 93% to a mere 88%?! WOW!

You do realise that's tens of millions of people and billions in potential revenue that they've lost. 5% may sound small but in a global market it's a huge loss and it is something to be very concerned about.

Umm, I'm not sure what you were trying to prove here. MS's drop in market share was picked up almost completely by OS X (no surprise there). Meanwhile, Linux sits WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY at the back of the bus and has YET to break even 1%.

Why are you all so paranoid that you think I'm a Linux fanboy? I simply said I'm going to switch to Linux and nothing more. I don't even like Linux but I now like Windows even less hence why I've decided to change. The point I was making was not how great Linux is but how Microsoft's software is without doubt declining in quality and as such is costing them market share.

As you point out, even Linux is increasing in market share and you say it "has yet to even break 1%" implying that it will. You are therefore agreeing with me that MS is in decline and that this decline will continue while they continue ignore user opinions. Clearly these people are switching to other operating systems for a reason so they must be dissatisfied with the way they're beating treated by Microsoft. That's also the case with me - I'm not changing to Linux because I really like it but because I'm sick of Microsoft dictating how I use my computer and making me use it in an ever less effective and efficient manner.

Kaitian said:
I laughed at the part where he cited Microsoft's stock price comparison to IBM's while everyone knows that IBM's niche isn't in Linux.

Fair enough, let’s instead compare MSFT to the NASDAQ. You’ll note that Microsoft is substantially under-performing the market which especially bad when the market itself is performing terribly. It's very apparent that investors are losing confidence in Microsoft's ability to deliver software that the market actually wants.

Once again, the point I'm making has nothing to do with Linux. The point I'm making is that the declining quality of Microsoft's software is forcing users to other platforms, as evidenced by their reduced market share and poor performance of their stock, and that the reason this is occurring is because they're not allowing the customer to use their PC in the way they want to use it.
You do realise that's tens of millions of people and billions in potential revenue that they've lost. 5% may sound small but in a global market it's a huge loss and it is something to be very concerned about.

Why are you all so paranoid that you think I'm a Linux fanboy? I simply said I'm going to switch to Linux and nothing more. I don't even like Linux but I now like Windows even less hence why I've decided to change. The point I was making was not how great Linux is but how Microsoft's software is without doubt declining in quality and as such is costing them market share.

As you point out, even Linux is increasing in market share and you say it "has yet to even break 1%" implying that it will. You are therefore agreeing with me that MS is in decline and that this decline will continue while they continue ignore user opinions. Clearly these people are switching to other operating systems for a reason so they must be dissatisfied with the way they're beating treated by Microsoft. That's also the case with me - I'm not changing to Linux because I really like it but because I'm sick of Microsoft dictating how I use my computer and making me use it in an ever less effective and efficient manner.

Fair enough, let’s instead compare MSFT to the NASDAQ. You’ll note that Microsoft is substantially under-performing the market which especially bad when the market itself is performing terribly. It's very apparent that investors are losing confidence in Microsoft's ability to deliver software that the market actually wants.

Once again, the point I'm making has nothing to do with Linux. The point I'm making is that the declining quality of Microsoft's software is forcing users to other platforms, as evidenced by their reduced market share and poor performance of their stock, and that the reason this is occurring is because they're not allowing the customer to use their PC in the way they want to use it.

I don't suppose it occurred to you that sales are down because of the economy, not because of other OSes and Microsoft hate mongering, right?

Like someone else in the thread pointed out, this thread is proof that people will complain at Microsoft about anything. Go use Linux or BeOS or OSX or Solaris or whatever! Nobody's making you use Windows!
This seems like a good feature. An easier way to turn unneeded services and programs off. Good for optimizing performance, and it's nice to have control over more things. :)
I What I find funny about Mr Milquetoast is that he says Linux is viable for business and it's growing, and cites Microsoft shares...

Whats funny is in his time frame, while he boasts about Microsoft losing 5% shares, Linux grew 0.48%.

If that's growth, then I hope you realize it'll be 200 years before Linux is actually 'viable'.
Fair enough, let’s instead compare MSFT to the NASDAQ. You’ll note that Microsoft is substantially under-performing the market which especially bad when the market itself is performing terribly. It's very apparent that investors are losing confidence in Microsoft's ability to deliver software that the market actually wants.

Once again, the point I'm making has nothing to do with Linux. The point I'm making is that the declining quality of Microsoft's software is forcing users to other platforms, as evidenced by their reduced market share and poor performance of their stock, and that the reason this is occurring is because they're not allowing the customer to use their PC in the way they want to use it.
The declining quality of Microsoft's software? Pardon me but there many factors on why people could be not using Windows. As alot of people have pointed out. OSX is the biggest factor. Now why do people use both OS'es over Linux which you're so hardcore on advocating for "personal use". Because it works, because they know it, because they do not want to waste time learning how to use an operating system which you spent time yourself to learn and keep designing. The city my company has a contract with for IT Support. Guess what their government employees uses? Windows? Guess what capability their softwares are based on? Windows. Guess what version of Windows they use? Vista. Why is this? Because it works. Why is this tool so useful for people like me who provide tech support? Because it allows us to rid or add of certain functions of Windows that we can either decide we want to keep or not.

Get the fuck off your high horse. Microsoft's doing a fine job providing a product to people that needs it. Using stock information to talk about the company's performance is so goddamn retarded, you know why? Because the way you skewed that chart is obviously misleading.

Go back to let's say 2006 before this recession started kicking in. Guess what I found dipshit? They pretty much correlates with how the market's performing. But Microsoft has stayed ahead of the NASDAQ a majority of the time. You're being like Al Gore. In order to be full of shit and still get away convincing people a majority of the time? Skew charts to your advantage until you're caught and possibly admit that you were wrong.
I'm running the latest leaked version and I've successfully removed/deleted internet explorer, windows defender, windows mail, windows media player, windows dvd, windows media center. etc etc etc. they are completly gone from the HD and W7 is still running like a fucking champ!!!!!!!

WAY TO GO M$!!!!!!!
uou seem to be rather angry about something. Could it be this that’s making you angry, or maybe this? Those blue lines are still very high but they are most definitely heading in a downward direction.

As for Linux not being viable for businesses, take a look what the market thinks of that. IBM, strong backers of Linux, seems to be performing rather better than MSFT. Microsoft's share price has been in decline for the last decade, showing the lack of confidence the market has in both their software and their business decisions.

Microsoft’s software had been improving considerably for many years but they peaked with Windows 2000 (which was very good) and the quality of their software has been in decline since then (along with their share price). Now they seem to be founding around with a clue what they’re doing and particularly seem to be having problems knowing what businesses want. Contrary to what you say it’s Windows that is becoming less viable as an option for businesses since companies want efficiency and productivity while Microsoft just want to deliver “Wow” and marketing hype.

Back in 2000 I was very happy with the quality of Microsoft software, however they have destroyed their own products right across the board, from Windows and Office to Visual Studio and IE. It is clear from the trends both in their operating system market share and their share price that other people feel the same as I do and are moving to other products. Rather than address the issue Microsoft are continuing to ignore user and market opinion and continuing to make their products even worse.

I would have rather stuck with Microsoft products since it would have been a lot easier than changing to Linux but unfortunately the situation has got so bad I'm forced to go elsewhere for my software. Quite why Microsoft are so intent on forcing users to other platforms and destroying their own market share I don't know, but I'll just go with the flow and help those blue lines fall even further.

What? Their Visual Studio keeps on getting better and better. Are you one of those old-timers that can't work with anything new because you're still running a Pentium 4 in your PC? Every new version adds some kind of usability feature or design feature that I can learn to appreciate, since 2003, as well as integration with their newest .NET framework libraries. I can't ask for more than that, aside from better performance.

I also thought that Office 2007 was a nice touch to their UI (or as computer science would call it: human computer interaction). I wasn't used to where everything was at first, but I've learned how to navigate through everything by now.
Also, have you seen what they've done with the "Engineering Windows 7 Blog"? It's more than what I deserve as a customer, for them to sit down and explain what kind of things they're looking at, and their future direction, as well as the metrics that they collect and the conclusions that are made from them. Everyone just likes to hate on Microsoft, and they may not be the most financially lucrative business or the one that's most profiting right now, but here's what I think, but if there's one thing I love, it's their philosophy of pushing new things onto customers, regardless of whether or not they like it. In the end, who knows if anyone will benefit, but at least they try when it comes to R&D (and they're in a unique position with that much market share and money, to try new things).
I'm running the latest leaked version and I've successfully removed/deleted internet explorer, windows defender, windows mail, windows media player, windows dvd, windows media center. etc etc etc. they are completly gone from the HD and W7 is still running like a fucking champ!!!!!!!

WAY TO GO M$!!!!!!!

People still do the $ thing in MS? Wow. It's like 1998 all over again. :rolleyes:

Anyway, what's the latest speculation/rumors on when MS is planning to release Windows 7?
If RC1 is released on April 10th as announced, and no major showstoppers turn up, I'd hesitate to say - but I'd say it anyway - that we'll see RTM by the middle to end of June, if not then perhaps by mid-July. Been telling people it would be Gold before the end of summer and I fully expect that, perhaps before July 4th.

As for when it actually is available on PCs and store shelves for purchase, could be August... September, but certainly not October, that's just too deep into the year. Around August September I'm gonna lay a bet on, plenty of time for the holidays to ramp up the interest.
Azhar said:
I don't suppose it occurred to you that sales are down because of the economy, not because of other OSes and Microsoft hate mongering, right?[/URL]

Microsoft's profits are up, not down and at no point did I say otherwise. What is down is their market share. If the economy was the cause of Microsoft’s woes you would expect to see no change in their market share since all parties to experience a proportional drop in sales. This is not the case and Apple are gaining market share despite the poor economy and despite the high price of their products. The economy is unrelated to Microsoft's declining position in the market.

Zellio20098 said:
Whats funny is in his time frame, while he boasts about Microsoft losing 5% shares, Linux grew 0.48%.

So that's good for Microsoft? They lost tens of millions of users while Linux gained millions of users. However you try to spin it Microsoft is losing market share rapidly while OSX and Linux are gaining market share. Linux has doubled its market share to nearly 1% and Apple has trebled its market share so clearly they must be doing something right to attract that many users. At the same time Microsoft must be doing something very wrong to lose so many users.

Once again, this is the point I'm making. I'm not saying Linux is going to take over the market any time soon, I'm simply pointing out that Microsoft is losing market share while its competitors are gaining market share and saying that the reason for this is because the quality of Microsoft's software is declining. They’ve certainly done a great job in forcing me to abandon their software.

Get the fuck off your high horse.
Guess what I found dipshit.

It's amazing how emotional and angry people around here get when you make a negatie comment about Microsoft. I'm simply making reasoned observations about their declining market share and correlating it with the declining quality of their software. You on the other hand seem to be in a rage and on the verge of attacking somebody. Personally I prefer not to fall in love with companies or operating systems - I simply use the one which matches my needs best and what I'm saying is that Linux now appears to match my needs better than Windows so I'm changing to it.

Because the way you skewed that chart is obviously misleading.

Go back to let's say 2006 before this recession started kicking in. Guess what I found dipshit? They pretty much correlates with how the market's performing. But Microsoft has stayed ahead of the NASDAQ a majority of the time. You're being like Al Gore.

I think it's you who has cherry picked the data to match your purposes. I'm not even going to bother to debate this point though because if you follow the financial news you'll now that the underperformance of Microsoft's stock is regularly discussed and investors are extremely dissatisfied with how the company is being run.

What? Their Visual Studio keeps on getting better and better. Are you one of those old-timers that can't work with anything new because you're still running a Pentium 4 in your PC? Every new version adds some kind of usability feature or design feature that I can learn to appreciate, since 2003, as well as integration with their newest .NET framework libraries. .

I program in C++ and the last positive addition was in VS2003 when they introduced the more standards compliant compiler. In VS2005 they made it a nightmare to use by reversing the order new tabs appeared when you open new files. This leads to tabs constantly changing position which makes it very hard to work with. Despite an outcry from users about this absurd behaviour they refuse to provide an option to revert back to the pre-VS2005 behaviour (a classic example of Microsoft dictating how you use your computer instead of listening to user opinion and letting you use it as you want). They deprecated the CRT and provided a #define to eliminate warnings that didn't work and which wasn’t fixed for about a year when SP1 came out with a new #define. They started the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package bullshit. Most of the new features they add are related to producing software by drag and drop and frankly if these features are of benefit to you then you shouldn’t be programming in the first place.

They also keep increasing the number of prerequisites for installation, something which has reached obscene levels in VS2008. Even if you select only Visual C++ it still installs about twenty other things you don't want which have nothing to do with C++; thinks like SQL server which I don’t want and won’t use. This is another example of Microsoft telling me how to use my PC and what I should install. Free C++ development environments are typically around 10-20MB but with all the crap Microsoft make you install along with Visual C++ a minimal installation runs to well over 2GB. I also don't want any of the .net crap since I like to write fast, efficient programs instead of slow running crap that requires constant .net service packs and updates.

Cyrilix said:
Also, have you seen what they've done with the "Engineering Windows 7 Blog"? It's more than what I deserve as a customer

You're easily pleased. Personally what I think I deserve as a customer is software that's fast, efficient, usable, standards compliant and allows me to use it the way I want to use it instead of forcing work practices on me. In that respect Microsoft is failing to deliver.

Cyrilix said:
Everyone just likes to hate on Microsoft

Back in 2000 it was very "cool" to hate Microsoft since it was before they started the whole Xbox thing which has made them very "cool" with 12-18 year olds. Back in 2000 I would actively defend Microsoft since I was largely satisfied with the speed, stability and usability of their software. It's now much less "cool" to hate Microsoft thanks largely to the Xbox 360 but my opinions aren't in any way related to wanting to be "cool" and I’m not switching to Linux just to be “cool”. I objectively assess the quality of their software and how it suits my purposes and the conclusions I reach is that it is declining in quality rapidly to the point where I no longer want to use it.

Once again, the point I'm making is simply that their declining market share shows that I am not the only one who things their software is declining in quality. Even if it’s only an extra 0.5% who have switched to Linux and an extra 6% who have gone to OSX, the fact remains that tens of millions of people have become dissatisfied with the quality of Microsoft’s more recent releases and are going elsewhere. If you think this is a positive sign then you need a reality check.

Anyway, I don't think there's much point discussing it further since it seems people around here won't accept declining market share and poor stock performance as an indication of problems at Microsoft and would rather convince themselves that everything is great. That's fine with me since I'm really only concerned with own user experience and don't care what other people use.
a good addition to Win7. i got the beta installed on a older box..and it actually is usable on a Athlon XP 1800+ 2gig PC 2100 and a GeForce 6600 w/256m. can use the aero and such, although i am not a bug fan of the eye candy, i just want things to work and the overhead of vista reduced.

MS got a pretty good thing with Windows XP, i just dont have any driving need for a new OS for my gaming. there are no DX 10 games that make me want to game under it.and as for audio and video i will use linux...Ubuntu lets me multitrack record, and edit, encode without the huge foot print and resource drain. i am happy to see the inclusion in 7...makes sense and allows for more control over the "everything and the kitchen sink" OS that MS does. i am irked by the 7 varieties of an OS smacks of the PR ratings for CPU's.

many if not most here are fully capable and aware of how to get more out of a system, or we are willing to learn how to. i wonder how many will get the eventual phone call from a relative asking how to fix something they turned off hehe
This thread is about Windows 7, which they are creating to alleviate their problems. If you have seen Windows 7 then I don't understand how you would think that the quality of their software has declined, but perhaps you have never seen it. Furthermore, just because their market share and stock price have declined does not mean that the quality of their software has declined. If you understood statistics, you would know that correlation does not equal causation. How do you know that Apple hasn't gained market share from intelligent advertising or that Linux hasn't gained market share from the advent of the netbook? Clearly software superiority is not the only factor at play.
Azhar said:
You're easily pleased. Personally what I think I deserve as a customer is software that's fast, efficient, usable, standards compliant and allows me to use it the way I want to use it instead of forcing work practices on me. In that respect Microsoft is failing to deliver.

I objectively assess the quality of their software and how it suits my purposes and the conclusions I reach is that it is declining in quality rapidly to the point where I no longer want to use it.


Not to fuel the fire, but I'm curious to what doesn't work right for you, or what has poor quality that Linux does have?