windows 7 beta after it expires


Limp Gawd
Sep 23, 2007
anyone have any insight on incentives MS might have for beta users? i'd like to run it on my main rig but i dont want to have to start over in august or whenever it turns off. i have an MSDN account through my school...maybe it will show up there for free when its released.

any thoughts?
The best you'll realistically see is a clean upgrade path from a beta to the actual release.
Probably no incentive unfortunately. Might want to hold out for the official release candidate which should be good for a year, more or less, before it expires. Rumors have the release candidate coming out May 5th.
The best you'll realistically see is a clean upgrade path from a beta to the actual release.
Negative. This will not happen. You should never, ever install one release of an OS over another. Bad things happen.
yeah what i'm hoping for is a discount for retail vista buyers or atleast a free copy via MSDN. i guess we'll see
The current build (7077) expires on March 2, 2010 iirc, so we can expect the actual RC1 "public" release to at least last that long. If you're still using the Beta 1 public release, that expires in July iirc, there was some mixup someplace on the date which you can see by pressing Start and typing winver (then press Enter). That's the date your particular build expires...