Windows 7 Family Pack $133 w/ Free Shipping

Nice deal, gonna get the folks upgraded to 7 when I go home for thanksgiving, and I doubt I'll find much better than $43/license even on black friday.
This is a really great deal and free shipping to boot. Of course they would drop the price now since I just received my package from Amazon this week for $149.
yea picked up up late last night, and it already shipped out when i checked at 7 in the morning, not kidding on the 2 day shipping. The ONE time im glad i bought something through amazon ; P (many canceled video cards and 1 month shipping times)
Newegg Is cheaper for all us suckers who live in WA. So thanks for the link.

oh that's LAME. I forgot to check the newegg price when I ordered through Amazon yesterday. it's for a co-worker, but lame.

Stinking WA state sales tax brought Amazon up to $144. barely cheaper than newegg's previous $150.
I must be missing this, but is it 64 bit or 32 bit? I would love if it were mixed, but I doubt it.:confused:
It's back up to $144.99 at both Amazon and Newegg for me now. Yesterday when I ordered, Amazon's free shipping was the 5-9 business day, while Newegg's $1.99 was guaranteed 3-day UPS (which actually gets to me in 2).

I must be missing this, but is it 64 bit or 32 bit? I would love if it were mixed, but I doubt it.:confused:

It's both, one 32-bit DVD and one 64-bit DVD.

From (which also has some tips people here might like):
One such special offer, the Windows 7 Family Pack, consists of 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade media Setup discs and a single product key which can be used to activate three copies of the OS on three different PCs. The Family Pack costs $150, or just $30 more than a single copy of Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade. It's kind of a no-brainer. But rememeber what you're getting there: The Family Pack comes with Upgrade, not Full, product keys.
So it says upgrade version, but you can technically use those to full install correct? For example a newly built computer, you can full install right? Or if you have XP on a computer, you can full install windows 7 onto it?

Just curious, IS this a good deal, i mean , how long until Windows 8 comes out?
it drives me crazy that these are all upgrade versions. if these were normal installs I would have bought the famiy pack already. since they are upgrades I am still on the fence. I know you can do the double install to get around that, however that just wastes time and is not a hoop people should have to jump through.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
it drives me crazy that these are all upgrade versions. if these were normal installs I would have bought the famiy pack already. since they are upgrades I am still on the fence. I know you can do the double install to get around that, however that just wastes time and is not a hoop people should have to jump through.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
guess u didnt read the link i posted above. fwiw, my fam pack activated from clean install without any registry tweak nor double install.
So is this marketed towards people who have multiple XP/Vista PCs to upgrade to 7?
so if you can use upgrade versions of win7 for clean installs, what is the point of the more expensive full versions?
it drives me crazy that these are all upgrade versions. if these were normal installs I would have bought the famiy pack already. since they are upgrades I am still on the fence. I know you can do the double install to get around that, however that just wastes time and is not a hoop people should have to jump through.

so if you can use upgrade versions of win7 for clean installs, what is the point of the more expensive full versions?

These are upgrade licenses. If you're not upgrading an existing qualified OS, you're violating the license terms. You can technically get it to install without actually having an OS installed on the machine already (as many people prefer to do a clean install), but it's not a valid license without a previous OS license to upgrade from.

As others have stated, this is aimed at a house with a few XP or Vista PCs that they want to upgrade to Win7. The intended audience will simply put the disc in and upgrade their current setup. They won't have to jump through any hoops. If you want to be a little geekier and do a clean install, it may take some tricks to do so with upgrade media/keys. Since a lot of households would simply buy one copy and install it on all the PCs in the house in the past, this is a compromise on Microsoft's part. They make it easier and cheaper to get a valid license for all the computers in the house, and people are more likely to buy it.

My brothers both got the educational deal on Pro a few months back. Since they got new HDDs at the same time, they were clean installs even though they were upgrading existing machines. I had to do the double install to get them to accept the upgrade keys. I haven't tried it myself, but I've read that XP can't actually be upgraded directly to Win7, so it will actually wipe and do a clean install if you "upgrade" an existing XP installation.

I prefer the old-fashioned "stick the old install media in the drive to prove that you own it" method, but I guess that isn't really an option now that MS is making the media downloadable and relying more on online activation and key checks.
In for 1.
The first few times I did a clean install of Win7 upgrade without an issue. A few weeks ago when I attempted it on a new drive, it reported my key as invalid. I called MS and they quickly verified and activated my key over the phone. The rep I spoke with told me that due to customer demand, MS now supports clean upgrade installs and will provide phone activation for this method.
I just did a clean install with this last night.

The computer had WinXp on it, I did a custom installation, deleted the partition, formatted a new partition and installed. Win 7 activated without a hitch.
Bought a copy last year at $149 and one this year from Amazon for $139 and it's totally worth it. Less then $50 per license is a fantastic deal. They shouldn't make this a limited time thing as I can see people continuing to buy plenty of copies at this price.
In for 1.
The first few times I did a clean install of Win7 upgrade without an issue. A few weeks ago when I attempted it on a new drive, it reported my key as invalid. I called MS and they quickly verified and activated my key over the phone. The rep I spoke with told me that due to customer demand, MS now supports clean upgrade installs and will provide phone activation for this method.

Finally! MS gives in! Wooott!!! :)

I think I might buy one of these, use one license, and then off the other 2 on craigslist or something. This is a great deal.

Are there separate COA's included for all 3 keys in these packs?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Looks like Newegg is on the ball with this price too, hard to say if it'll go any lower than that.
I bought it from newegg 2 weeks ago for 144.95. I'm pissed I missed the REAL sale, but this deal is so hella good I'm thinking about picking up another one. I'm sure I'll find a use for 6 win7's before win8 is important.