Windows 7 - Mouse Acceleration


Dec 22, 2004
Hey guys what are you using for mouse accel removal ?

The CPL Mouse Fix doesnt seem to do the trick and I'm going insane with all the accel now that Im off Windows XP.
I guess I got spoiled when I got hardcore in CS 1.6.

Its just sooooooooooooooooo much better.
CPL mouse fix worked for me <_<

Check in your mouse drivers as well if you have any installed, they can override it.
Why would you turn it off? I find the system unusable without it.

Thats like asking why you'd turn off any system setting... its personal preference, man. It's not really helpful at all in a thread like this to post something like that.
I personally hate mouse acceleration.

Anyway, for me G9, the logitech drivers option to turn off mouse accel works just fine.
CPL mouse fix worked for me <_<

Check in your mouse drivers as well if you have any installed, they can override it.

Seriously ? It doesnt seem to stick on mine :(

Which newer games are you playing ? I certainly feel Unreal Engine games with terrible accel.