Windows 7 Re-installation Activation Issues


Nov 30, 2007
I just tried to do a clean Windows 7 re-install on a new Dell Laptop and I am getting an activation error. It is listing a 0xC004E003 error and that "The Software Licensing Service reported that license evaluation failed."

There was no COA sticker with key on the bottom of my laptop. I extracted it out with Magical Jellybean. I decided to do a websearch on that key and apparently it is an OEM SLP and it is nothing unique given all the hits it got, lol. I had thought that these SLP keys were tied with the hardware, so it would still activate automatically.

What are my options? Am I screwed? :confused: I have an extra copy of Windows 7 I got a while back, but I prefer not to use it unless I have to.
OEM SLP activated Windows do not use a product key to activate. The product key you extracted will never activate. Using the COA sticker key to reinstall and activate an OS died with XP since MIcrosoft turned off activating OEM keys a few years ago.

The way you activate this laptop is by obtaining the HP XRM certificate and putting it into the proper folder in the installation media, followed by creating an unattended setup to input the product key during installation. The way you obtain the certificate is to extract it from your laptop before you wipe it out and reinstall.

You'll have to search the internet for the Dell certificate and unattended setup file since it's questionable, and I don't feel like typing it all out anyways.
Thanks. I actually found the COA sticker underneath the battery slot. I guess it is apparently a backup activation key for situations such as this. I sure thought it's strange that I couldn't find a COA at first! :)