Windows 7 Screenshot Thread


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
Still backed up forever on my slow as molasses download but those of you who have it up and running, I think we need a dedicated thread with good screenshots so people can see what this looks like and what you've discovered.

It looks like Vista with a new taskbar :p

That's because it is ;)

But seriously though, there is a lot of cool new features to be found once you delve into it.

For one thing, the new taskbar is a huge improvement over the previous ones.

They made a real effort to group similar functionality together better than they did in Vista. I really like how they rearranged the Control panel, for the first time since win2k I've found no need to immediately go for the "classic" control panel view.

A lot of old UI stuff from previous versions that were still hanging around in Vista seem to have been updated.

Overall, I think they focused more on usability this time round, and it really shows, it's a much snappier and more intuitive interface.

and that's what I found after just 30 minutes of playing around with it...
I'm the only one that hates grouped taskbar buttons (and thusly, the new taskbar)? Even with that, which I might be able to sort out and get over... I absolutely despise that they added an ugly, unnecessary border / frame around the right click menu for taskbar items. It means I have to move the mouse farther to close things from the taskbar and it doesn't seem to act properly, sometimes hanging around long after I've closed whatever it was I wanted and clicked elsewhere.

Primary desktop monitor.
Secondary has IE8 open to the Windows 7 homepage, still waiting for some news about keys....
Whats with the fish, is that a new Dreamscape background?
It's the default wallpaper. There are others, but it seems that people snapping pics haven't gotten around to changing the background yet... :)

Also, for those people using 1680x1050 or higher resolution, MAKE SURE you check your font settings after the installation as Windows 7 will adjust them to a size it believes is more readable - by default, on all the 1680x1050 machines I've installed it on, each time right after the installation is done the font setting will be for 125% which gives it a slightly odd looking quality.

Just something to consider looking into - you can get to it by right clicking on the Desktop, choose Screen Resolution, then "Make text and other items larger or smaller" on the page that appears.
Nice nuke pics. My Dad was on a ship when the Bikini Atoll test happened so long go... was in the Navy from 1934 to 1959, saw a lot of action through WWII and then into Korea also. Always had a fondness for good images of the after-effects of the explosion, primarily the mushroom clouds and the shockwave effect on the atmosphere/cloud cover. Deadly deadly devices, but in a way their explosions have a eclectic kind of beauty to 'em...

Yeah, I'm weird... probably from my Dad's irradiated manhood from that explosion in the Pacific. :D

Ya don't have to use it, yanno... ;)

You like to use "yanno" a lot. I take it that is your way to insult people without getting banned. I move to have "yanno" addd to the HardOCP lexicon and be entered as a personal insult that is not allowed.
Not a fan of the new taskbar, so I fixed it.


Haha, I used to have a HUGE 3'x4' poster of this exact 'shroom cloud on my wall growin' up as a teenager. I can appreciate the wallpaper man. That said, it looks like it's at 2560x1600, which is where I'm at. SO, can ya send me a link to the wallpaper? :)