Windows 7 start menu


Dec 17, 2001
Is their anyway to enable the classic start menu in windows 7 like their is vista?

EDIT: I guess not here is a Article here Basically asking the same thing

This is here cause it proves my point perfectly taken from page 2

Which looks better:

I want my goddamn classic start menu back.
Is their anyway to enable the classic start menu in windows 7 like their is vista?
right click desktop, choose Personalize, scroll down to "Ease of Access Themes", you will find "Windows Classic" in there (it's the second one I think)
yes, i know. the Classic start menu that "looks like the one in Vista" is what comes up when you choose the Classic theme.

No that's the XP/Vista menu.

Classic Menu is that of Windows 2k.
No offense, but if you want older versions of Windows or the "classic" look of the older versions, keep using the older versions of Windows. People just have to let go of that old shit and embrace newer ways of doing things. I know people are scared shitless of change, but damn...

No change = static, dead, lifeless, boring, dull...

Change = exciting, fun, something new to learn, gain experience...

Stop thinking the old way and try something different... for a change. ;p
No offense, but if you want older versions of Windows or the "classic" look of the older versions, keep using the older versions of Windows. People just have to let go of that old shit and embrace newer ways of doing things. I know people are scared shitless of change, but damn...

No change = static, dead, lifeless, boring, dull...

Change = exciting, fun, something new to learn, gain experience...

Stop thinking the old way and try something different... for a change. ;p

Or perhaps the new menu has nothing of importance to me and I like minimalistic and simple?
i like simple and i think i am going to start an online petition that will force ms to enable this option in windows 7... server 08 r2 has it and it makes sense if they want to move people from xp giving them something similar
No offense, but if you want older versions of Windows or the "classic" look of the older versions, keep using the older versions of Windows. People just have to let go of that old shit and embrace newer ways of doing things. I know people are scared shitless of change, but damn...

No change = static, dead, lifeless, boring, dull...

Change = exciting, fun, something new to learn, gain experience...

Stop thinking the old way and try something different... for a change. ;p

Couldn't agree more. Thank you Joe. Finally some truth and sense.
Bleh. It's like sweeping a dirt floor with some people... no matter what reasoning you use with them, it just gets swept over and you're left with the same shit you started with. They can't and won't accept change.

Oh, and a petition? Be my guest... Windows 7 is effectively feature complete so, you're too late. I hear there's an OS called "Windows XP" or something that is pretty bare by comparison... and one called "Windows 2000" that's even more minimalistic... ;)
Or perhaps the new menu has nothing of importance to me and I like minimalistic and simple?
o snappidge ............

When I first installed Vista I quickly went to classic just because that's what I was used to. I eventually decided to try the AERO just because there's such a fuss about it. It took me a couple weeks but I eventually started to really like it and I couldn't imagine going back.
o snappidge ............

When I first installed Vista I quickly went to classic just because that's what I was used to. I eventually decided to try the AERO just because there's such a fuss about it. It took me a couple weeks but I eventually started to really like it and I couldn't imagine going back.



(sorry, just had to do it...)
Why are some people so offended that there are still some who prefer the old menu? Get over it.
Why are some people so offended that there are still some who prefer the old menu? Get over it.

Why do the people who prefer the old menu expect or hope that Microsoft is going to accommodate them? It's the same thing with the Office 2007 ribbon. Get used to it or GTFO.
Because when people that prefer the old way(s) create threads that specifically address going backwards it's an issue. This isn't a technical problem, it's not a bug, it's not a glitch, it's just a personal preference as anyone will agree. It's almost like those people are WHINING about things being different now.

No one is forcing anyone to run Windows 7, so forgive me for saying this - actually, don't, I could care less - but when people whine, bitch, and moan about the new stuff "not being like <insert item or product of choice>" that absolutely and totally is whining, bitching, and moaning. "Whaaa whaaa whaaa... I don't like this, so I'm gonna whine, bitch, and moan till someone answers me..." as a baby cries for attention.

If you don't like the way Windows 7 (or Vista) works, don't run it, it's quite simple. But coming out and asking for support (which is what this becomes, a technical support issue for a personal preference which is a nightmare situation already) just to alter the appearance of the OS... my lord...

Microsoft writes OSes for the masses, not for the average Joe (not me, I assure you) individual user. If you don't like it, avoid it, but stop whining, bitching, and moaning about it. Ain't even been really publicly out for what, 12 hours... and it's already beginning.

We just got over most of this with Vista and people finally accepting the "new" way of doing things, now we're gonna have to deal with this shit all over again from the newbs for Windows 7.
Why do the people who prefer the old menu expect or hope that Microsoft is going to accommodate them? It's the same thing with the Office 2007 ribbon. Get used to it or GTFO.

I'm not talking about whether or not MS puts it into Windows 7. I'm talking about the people here screaming from the top of the mountain that their opinion is more correct than someone elses and talking down at them because of it. Whats next, we might discover that we like different kinds of music?

And since when is asking a simple question an issue?
All I know is when we deploy Windows 7 at my job, some of those old nurses will be so lost. A lot more tech support calls for me just to teach them how to use the Start Menu. We currently deploy XP with classic start menu forced on. We are skipping Vista and will go to 7 sometime.
I just thing that some people have a bit of sense of entitlement. "I expect the Classic view to be there" or something like that. Asking a question is one thing, thinking that there is anything other than zero chance that Microsoft will put the Classic view back is another.
No offense, but if you want older versions of Windows or the "classic" look of the older versions, keep using the older versions of Windows. People just have to let go of that old shit and embrace newer ways of doing things. I know people are scared shitless of change, but damn...

No change = static, dead, lifeless, boring, dull...

Change = exciting, fun, something new to learn, gain experience...

Stop thinking the old way and try something different... for a change. ;p

lol do you have anything positive to contribute?
lol do you have anything positive to contribute?

Everything I said was positive; unfortunately people just can't or won't change, simple. This is a new OS, for the most part, and the first immediate reaction to such a new awesome thing is "Ok, I like the old way better, how can I force this new OS into looking and acting like that old one..." which is kinda like shooting yourself in the foot to some degree.

If this was a technical issue, if his machine and his installation is borked to hell and back and Classic Mode simply will not function on his hardware for some unspecified reason, I'd be more than happy to offer assistance and support.

But it's not, it's a personal preference right in line with "Oh, I hate that wallpaper, can someone hold my hand and walk me through the process of changing it because I'm too scared and ignorant to learn how to do such things on my own even though I just spent <insert amount of money here> building me a monster computer (or they bought one prebuilt) to brag about even though I have no clue what I'm doing..."

That's when answering the questions becomes a waste of time. I can help with technical issues, I can't help it when someone expresses a personal opinion about some aspect of an OS they don't like and want to change. They need to figure that one out themselves, as the majority of us actually do.
Would someone please explain why they would want the old Start Menu? I'm not being facetious, I really want to know becuase I don't know of anything that the old menu has over Vista/Win7.

I know one thing that however, the new taskbar kicks ass! Microsoft finally got tired of being the red headed step child when it came to the GUI shell. They added some very nice and very useful features. And that snap to side is awesome.
Everything I said was positive; unfortunately people just can't or won't change, simple. This is a new OS, for the most part, and the first immediate reaction to such a new awesome thing is "Ok, I like the old way better, how can I force this new OS into looking and acting like that old one..." which is kinda like shooting yourself in the foot to some degree.

If this was a technical issue, if his machine and his installation is borked to hell and back and Classic Mode simply will not function on his hardware for some unspecified reason, I'd be more than happy to offer assistance and support.

But it's not, it's a personal preference right in line with "Oh, I hate that wallpaper, can someone hold my hand and walk me through the process of changing it because I'm too scared and ignorant to learn how to do such things on my own even though I just spent <insert amount of money here> building me a monster computer (or they bought one prebuilt) to brag about even though I have no clue what I'm doing..."

That's when answering the questions becomes a waste of time. I can help with technical issues, I can't help it when someone expresses a personal opinion about some aspect of an OS they don't like and want to change. They need to figure that one out themselves, as the majority of us actually do.

it's all right bro, take a chill pill smoke a fatty and call it a day. Their just text don't really mean anything
Would someone please explain why they would want the old Start Menu? I'm not being facetious, I really want to know becuase I don't know of anything that the old menu has over Vista/Win7.

I know one thing that however, the new taskbar kicks ass! Microsoft finally got tired of being the red headed step child when it came to the GUI shell. They added some very nice and very useful features. And that snap to side is awesome.

Yah, I made a comment a few weeks ago that perhaps, just perhaps something changed at Microsoft when Bill Gates finally stepped away. I don't know what it is, or was, but I have noted a distinct change in the attitude from employees, from retailers, etc... you can see it in the product (Windows 7, primarily), you can read it in all the blogs (especially the Windows 7 Team Blogs and developer blogs, these people LOVE what they're doing now), and many other ways.

I don't know what happened aside from that (Gate's departure from day to day operations), but all I know is whatever fire is lit under 'em has definitely created a wicked evil cool OS with some fun stuff.

I'll bet a ton of people don't even know about the window snapping, Aero Peek (probably this one), Aero Shake, and many other features... it's got a shitload of stuff in it that will be more exposed over time.

Fun stuff, indeed...
The reason we never get a completely new version of Windows is because of people wanting everything to stay the same. Windows could be so much better if MS didnt cater to everyone still stuck in the 90s.
Just because windows creates something new doesn't mean it's better. It probably is for MOST people, but what about the rest? They're idiots cause they like something minimalist that suits their needs rather than the bloated menu used in Win7?

The OP simply asked how to change the menu back to classic, which apparently can't be done. He'll probably accept that fact and learn to use the newer one. Suggesting him to move back to an older and soon to be outdated OS simply because of the start menu is pure idiocy.

Half the people in this thread seem to KNOW that the new menu is exactly what the OP needs as opposed to the classic one. :rolleyes:
Or perhaps the new menu has nothing of importance to me and I like minimalistic and simple?

At worst both are simple and about the same and at best, the vista menu is simpler and better.

You can search/run programs that aren't in the start menu faster and it doesn't require that you know the name of the .exe file or where that file is located. Not possible with the Classic menu. What's more, you have to hit the Run button, before you can start typing.

I can buy into the idea that the classic control panel would be nice (and all that'd require is the ability to change the way icons are displayed, but I can also agree with those that default is better for most users. It may turn out it's like Office 2007... a little retraining and you quickly find that the new way is the better way.
At worst both are simple and about the same and at best, the vista menu is simpler and better.

You can search/run programs that aren't in the start menu faster and it doesn't require that you know the name of the .exe file or where that file is located. Not possible with the Classic menu. What's more, you have to hit the Run button, before you can start typing.

I can buy into the idea that the classic control panel would be nice (and all that'd require is the ability to change the way icons are displayed, but I can also agree with those that default is better for most users. It may turn out it's like Office 2007... a little retraining and you quickly find that the new way is the better way.

At last, some more intelligence... I mean, why bother clicking once for the Start Menu, clicking again to get a sub-menu, then perhaps again for another sub-menu, perhaps one or two or even three more to get what you're interested in when you can...

Click Start and type, and as you're typing the name or title or description of whatever you're looking for, there it appears, or related items to the specific target you're aiming for, etc. It does take a few days to get out of that old click-click-click habit (of which I myself am quite guilty of considering I'm a huge XP Pro x64 fan and always will be), but even *I* recently decided to just totally forego XP Pro x64 for a solid week and at any point where I even THOUGHT I'd utter a comment like "But in XP Pro x64 I can just do..." I stopped myself cold and let the thought go.

After a week, it's a non-issue now with Windows 7 (I never used Vista for my daily work/production OS, only for testing and learning purposes) as I'm pressing the Windows key to get the Start Menu up and typing what I'm looking for before I even consciously realize it.

If you give it a chance, a sincere honest chance, once you start using the "new way" of doing things you will come to realize it's vastly more efficient by leaps and bounds.

Or stay stuck in the past... excuse me while I click Submit Reply. :)
At worst both are simple and about the same and at best, the vista menu is simpler and better.

You can search/run programs that aren't in the start menu faster and it doesn't require that you know the name of the .exe file or where that file is located. Not possible with the Classic menu. What's more, you have to hit the Run button, before you can start typing.

I can buy into the idea that the classic control panel would be nice (and all that'd require is the ability to change the way icons are displayed, but I can also agree with those that default is better for most users. It may turn out it's like Office 2007... a little retraining and you quickly find that the new way is the better way.

Except all the functions of the start menu in Vista/Win7 I never use.

I have my system setup in such a way that its just as quick for me to click a few buttons as it is to click a few and type some text.

Again its all on the user needs and Microsoft is simply creating a OS that is geared more towards people who have next to little knowledge in a OS.

For those who do like myself I like things simple and quick which I do not find Vista/Win7 to be.

Heck they put the stupid "Screen Resolution" in the right click context menu on the desktop! Why? Because people are to lazy and I hope I can perhaps find a way to remove that from that menu because it bugs me there.

I have given Vista a fair chance on MANY occasions and I do not like it no matter what. The UI has changed so drastically in ways I do not like.. perhaps I am an old dog that doesn't like to be taught new tricks does that mean an OS has to force me to learn it? I think not as that just makes me want to use it less.
They put it there because a few hundred thousand customers using Vista asked for a simpler way to be able to change their resolution almost on-the-fly so Microsoft made it happen, hence the Screen Resolution option which is now the default on the Desktop context menu handler.

People made requests and suggestions about Vista, and almost all of them en masse became a part of Windows 7, seriously. There are tons of Windows 7 developer blogs that consistently point out "Customers contacted us and asked for <insert feature or change here> and we've done our best to comply..." or words to that effect.

I have most everything I use (over 45 regular apps that get used almost daily depending on what task I have at hand) and almost every system tool or utility mapped to a keyboard shortcut and can run pretty much anything I have installed with Control+Alt+<insert key here> which gives me an incredible amount of instant flexibility, but that still doesn't alter the fact that Windows+R + start typing can find me nearly anything on this entire PC in seconds flat, far faster than my hunt and click search can do, even if I know implicitly where the file(s) I'm looking for are located.

It just works, simple.
They put it there because a few hundred thousand customers using Vista asked for a simpler way to be able to change their resolution almost on-the-fly so Microsoft made it happen, hence the Screen Resolution option which is now the default on the Desktop context menu handler.

My point exactly.

They are catering to those who either never use a computer that often or have some knowledge but not enough to do damage.

So they can bury it away in the UI that nobody finds it and provide a quick link to it and EVERYONE ... most .. is happy.

That is laziness to me.
Technically speaking, the ability to change the screen resolution is in the exact same place it's been since Windows 95, so I really can't see what you're going on about. They've given people a variety of methods to get to it, but the right-click on the Desktop was and still is the most common way, and even that pre-Windows 7 still required 3 or 4 clicks: one click for the context menu, second click to select Properties, then a third to get the Display tab or dialogue page visible.

Now it's two clicks. Is that better? I think most people would say "Hell yes" without issue... and Windows is written for most people because they can't write an entire OS based on the desires or wants of just one average Joe (not me, I assure you).

So welcome to the party, pal. Get in line like the other sheeple and make the best of it...

Or go get Linux From Scratch and build your own perfect OS from the ground up, literally.
They put it there because a few hundred thousand customers using Vista asked for a simpler way to be able to change their resolution almost on-the-fly so Microsoft made it happen, hence the Screen Resolution option which is now the default on the Desktop context menu handler.

I don't see why the average user that browses the net and checks his email feels the need not only to change his resolution, but change it on the fly. This one really baffles me, especially in this LCD/native resolution era. What are people doing? Trying to change their resolution instead of Ctrl + scroll in MS Word??? :eek:

Before the resolution was in Properties > Settings > Advanced > Monitor

They could have just added a tab in Properties ffs!
I don't know why some of you have a hard time accepting that someone prefers the classic menu style. You have this elitist attitude to those that aren't as progressive and open-minded as you.

"Change" is a platitude.
Also keep in mind that there isn't much reason for an OS to change even 90% of the GUI in order to get a better infrastructure. Who cares what the GUI is? If one iteration of the GUI has little widgets that make some things easier, great. If grandma wants to keep with the GUI she knows, but wants an OS that's more stable/secure/feature rich/etc, then dammit, grandma should be able to skin the OS how she likes!

If someone likes green, and you prefer blue, are you going to call them stupid?
I don't know why some of you have a hard time accepting that someone prefers the classic menu style. You have this elitist attitude to those that aren't as progressive and open-minded as you.

"Change" is a platitude.

maybe because it may not be easy from a programming standpoint to accommodate both types of menus?
maybe because it may not be easy from a programming standpoint to accommodate both types of menus?

If programmers had to accommodate the "old" everything, can you imagine how bloated software would be? Yeah, some people prefer 80's clothing, but most B&M retailers don't stock it these days... I'm not dinging preferences, I'm dinging the consequences of expecting preferences to always be honored in the name of "diversity" or "we all can like different music" analogies.
maybe because it may not be easy from a programming standpoint to accommodate both types of menus?

Considering the number of apps and OS with skins out there, and the fact that I'm a programmer, I have to respectfully disagree.