Windows 7 Windows Explorer Refresh


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2008
Hey guys-

I've been noticing in Windows 7 windows explorer, that the windows don't seem to update as quickly/often as I am used to. I've noticed at times that when I create a folder, the new folder doesn't show up till I hit refresh or do something to cause the window to refresh. Anyone else noticing anything like this?
Just tested a few file types in a few folder locations and everything comes up immediately. Are you on the official 7100 RC? Do you have the new WHQL red/green video drivers?
My install has recently developed the same problem. While it's nothing big it's annoying as hell.
Same here, I'm on the official RC build too. I've noticed that deleteing files, moving them, creating folders, all that doesn't actually update in real time and always requires a refresh for me. Kind of annoying the first couple of times I moved files because I thought it was just creating shortcuts in the folder I would drag to, then I'd cut and paste and it would tell me it couldn't find the file because it turned out it did move it, it just didn't disappear from the folder view.
This fixed it for me so far: Go to Regedit then HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer then add a string with the name Max Cached Icons and value 12000.