Windows 7


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2003
With Microsoft releasing the Windows 7 beta to the public, has anyone with access to it tried it on a Mac yet? I'm still waiting on my new MBP to get shipped so I haven't had a chance to mess with it personally yet.
Hmm I hadn't even thought about Boot Camping with Windows 7. I'd be curious to see what people have to say.
I just found out they posted the beta to MSDN and TechNet... I'm downloading both versions to play with. As soon as I get my MBP next week I'll slap it on there and report back.
I was going to try VM'ing it first - but I may just bootcamp it once it's public on Friday
"both versions"? is there a difference between the two? I was gonna get it on TechNet.
Installed (Boot Camp) and running on my Ali MB Pro.

Touchpad support not great even after update from the apple site (which does improve things).

Did you download the iso file and burn to a dvd? I did that but when i run boot camp it doesnt recognize the install disk....
cool it goes on my new MBP.

What kind of drivers are required on the leopard disk?
..this is working....FTR it didnt work when I used finder to burn the image because it burned it as data not copy the disk image onto the dvd.....

Disk Utility worked great
..this is working....FTR it didnt work when I used finder to burn the image because it burned it as data not copy the disk image onto the dvd.....

Disk Utility worked great

Sweet - glad it's sorted :)

If you just stick your osx disk in once the win7 install has finished and run the setup from the bootcamp directory - sorts out sound, graphics mouse etc, etc, n/w supported out the box with win 7.

I also got the new touchpad driver for vista from the apple site and will be going back shortly to see if there is anything else there that i need.
One thing I will say is that it's made my macbook as hot as it's ever been (except when playing football manager) and I'm just surfing
yea ive noticed it running fairly hot also. Finally got the trackpad to right click. 7 Seems to run decently fast...soon Im going to try and do some Flight Sim X and see how it performs. powerful as the MBP could not run windows screen savers because it didnt have some 3d generator or somthing...not sure exactly what but it returns and error.

Any reason to leave the Bootcamp partition mounted on my apple desktop?

I am going to try to read from the OSX partition and open iTunes while running W7...
7 Seems to run decently fast...soon Im going to try and do some Flight Sim X and see how it performs.QUOTE]

Hi Falconman,

I too have a new MBP and am interested in how FSX runs on Windows 7 via Bootcamp. What are your MBP's specs? Have you been playing FSX on your MBP using XP or Vista? How good is it? (I'm waiting for an XP Home SP3 disc to arrive in the mail)

7 Seems to run decently fast...soon Im going to try and do some Flight Sim X and see how it performs.QUOTE]

Hi Falconman,

I too have a new MBP and am interested in how FSX runs on Windows 7 via Bootcamp. What are your MBP's specs? Have you been playing FSX on your MBP using XP or Vista? How good is it? (I'm waiting for an XP Home SP3 disc to arrive in the mail)


I have been running it throughout the day and it has no problems. The mouse isnt as good but theyll fix it. I havent done FSX on it yet but i suspect itll run well. I have never tried vista but xp worked well enough i didnt switch.

My MBP is Core 2 Duo 2.8 Ghz with 4gb and the smaller faster 7200 rpm 250gb HD. 512mb 8800 nvidia card.

You should definately try windows 7 beta while its free. Microsoft announced they werent going to limit the downloads for the next two weeks...
Thanks. Our MBP Pro specs are the same with exception to the GPU, mines a 9600 GT 512memory. I didn't know MS was gonna put the kabosh on free Windows 7. If I'm gonna do it I better do it now.
Have it running via bootcamp on my mbp, took a little work to get the integrated sound working but it runs well.
Well, I finally was able to download it, so sometime this week I am going to attempt to install it on my mac mini.

I have played with it though at work on a Dell, and so far I like it... but that's beyond the scope of this thread.
I think the final release would be a definite buy. Right now its a little slower but there are several kinks that im sure will be worked out.