Windows 8.1 with secondary touchmonitor - touch loses fullscreen focus on primary


Limp Gawd
May 15, 2007
Hey guys,

I recently picked up the Dell S2240T Touchscreen monitor to use as my secondary display. I got my system updated to windows 8.1.

I'm glad to see they have made it so Metro now stays static if you mess around on the primary monitor. It's almost to the point on how I envisioned using it.

However I ran into an issue playing games on my primary monitor (non touch) at fullscreen. Whenever I would fiddle with the metro on the secondary touch it would minimize the fullscreen on my primary monitor. Is there any way to prevent that from happening? This was the main reason I upgraded to 8.1 and got the monitor so I could manipulate apps on the secondary touchscreen while playing a game on the primary fullscreen.

And also if anyone knows how I can redirect the windows button to pull up metro on my secondary touchscreen instead of the primary monitor. Thanks!
You would need to run your games in borderless windowed mode. It's not just a Windows 8 limitation, it's a limitation of every Windows OS, and most likely a limitation based on how fullscreen programs work.

I'm not sure if there is a native option inside Windows to lock the Start Screen to a particular screen, but DisplayFusion might have what you want.
You would need to run your games in borderless windowed mode. It's not just a Windows 8 limitation, it's a limitation of every Windows OS, and most likely a limitation based on how fullscreen programs work.

I'm not sure if there is a native option inside Windows to lock the Start Screen to a particular screen, but DisplayFusion might have what you want.

So something like this script maybe?

Thanks for the recommend. I'll look into displayfusion
I tried borderless windowed mode and sadly it's still a mediocre experience. Every time you do an action on the metro with the 2nd touchscreen the game just freezes and you have to reengage focus on the game for it to proceed.

I can't believe they didn't get this right in windows 8.1. Kind of disappointing. I wish they kept the touch inputs isolated to the 2nd monitor (since it is the touchscreen afterall) without affecting what's going on in the primary.
I tried borderless windowed mode and sadly it's still a mediocre experience. Every time you do an action on the metro with the 2nd touchscreen the game just freezes and you have to reengage focus on the game for it to proceed.

I can't believe they didn't get this right in windows 8.1. Kind of disappointing. I wish they kept the touch inputs isolated to the 2nd monitor (since it is the touchscreen afterall) without affecting what's going on in the primary.
This isn't a Windows thing. Games pausing when they lose focus is 100% up to the game. This happened on Windows 8, and 7, and Vista, and XP, get the point. The PROGRAM is entirely in control of this behavior.
The touchscreen acts as a mouse. It's a limitation that's really built into Windows and how Windows is designed. It's for this same reason that having two mouses plugged into your computer doesn't work.

I suspect that it would require some significant reworking of the code to get that kind of functionality working. Then again, it is a niche usage for the most part, and won't get much attention unfortunately.
The touchscreen acts as a mouse. It's a limitation that's really built into Windows and how Windows is designed. It's for this same reason that having two mouses plugged into your computer doesn't work.

I suspect that it would require some significant reworking of the code to get that kind of functionality working. Then again, it is a niche usage for the most part, and won't get much attention unfortunately.

yeah I figured as much for the most part. When the secondary touchscreen is In metro it doesn't move the mouse cursor over to the secondary screen but it does. So it works pretty decently on normal desktop tasks on the primary. When the 2ndary monitor is on desktop it does move the mouse cursor if you touch it.

It's a shame. I kind of wish I stayed with windows 7 and didn't buy this monitor.