Windows 8 Consumer Preview Is Ready for Business

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
In his CeBIT keynote speech today, Kevin Turner, chief operating officer at Microsoft Corp., showed how Windows 8 will bring together the potential of a tablet with the power of a PC. He also invited IT professionals around the world to test the recently released Windows 8 Consumer Preview. The Windows 8 Consumer Preview offers a more robust experience for testing the world’s most popular operating system and is available to the widest range of people yet following the initial release of the Windows 8 Developer Preview late last year.
What this actually means is that Windows 8 needs to be beta tested on the general IT public, and wont be stable until Service pack 2.

I just hope W8 isn't like the great leaps forward like Windows Millennium Edition and Vista were.

W8 sounds a whole lot like WAIT. Is MS trying to tell us something???
I just hope W8 isn't like the great leaps forward like Windows Millennium Edition and Vista were.

W8 sounds a whole lot like WAIT. Is MS trying to tell us something???
Nah, it is even better. More like a Microsoft Bob leap forward.
Open for business, as soon as they fix that whole "Where the hell is the start button" and that other " how the hell do I shut this thing down" issue it seems to have when you put the average person in front of it. :rolleyes:
I don't think metro on the PC will work until you can have a metro app in a window. Many times i need to have several applications in window mode. Apps would be nice if they worked on the desktop, like you could have some utility app measuring the temps of your cpu while running prime95.

There are just times when you need more than one thing visible at the same time, and that's impossible with metro.
Oxymoron of the day is done by putting "Windows 8" and "business" in one sentence.
Oxymoron of the day is done by putting "Windows 8" and "business" in one sentence.

Well said :D how on earth will Windows 8 work for businesses, i cant even stand the damn thing at home let alone at work, what the hell is M$ doing with this release!
With Windows 7 working just fine, I'm thinking that if they don't fix Windows 8 I'm not going to miss it.
That blog is just a bunch of non-nonsensical rambling. There is no denying Metro's main use will be in the mobile market.

To solve all its problems here is what you do:

1. Find Desktop Tile
2. Click.

I'm one of the biggest supporters of Metro, but even I have some issues with it. I installed VS2011 & 2010. I now have a couple dozen icons in the Start screen. I'd like to be able to organize those like with the Start Menu (or have it "auto organize") to keep it clean. That is the biggest thing I have against Metro. I hear others, and they make sense, too (being able to see taskbar for other notifications, temps, messaging, etc.).
Well, I like Windows 8, but when I showed it to my boss using a spare computer, she said wow, it's nice, but no thanks - not until we get rid of everyone over 50. lol.
Well, I like Windows 8, but when I showed it to my boss using a spare computer, she said wow, it's nice, but no thanks - not until we get rid of everyone over 50. lol.

Haha, awesome boss quote.

Win8 is on my dv6 and running fine, think I prefer win7 but who knows, maybe ms will give us a desktop back?
Haha, awesome boss quote.

Win8 is on my dv6 and running fine, think I prefer win7 but who knows, maybe ms will give us a desktop back?

As far as I'm concerned, as long as they keep pin-to-taskbar in, desktop hasn't gone anywhere. I don't use much. Excel, Word, Chrome, Steam, Outlook - they're all pinned to taskbar, so I'm on my desktop 99% of the time. Everything else is in Metro and it takes a couple seconds to fetch it and I'm back on my desktop again.
Open for business, as soon as they fix that whole "Where the hell is the start button" and that other " how the hell do I shut this thing down" issue it seems to have when you put the average person in front of it. :rolleyes:

Isn't there usually an option to take a virtual tour or general walk through of features in the final version?
Yeah windows 8 has a desktop but its obvious they want to phase out the desktop overtime why else have metro on the PC. Metro takes the windows out of windows. Now if metro apps could run in their own window then people could make utility apps, like processor temp, prime95, gpuz, etc. And you could have those open all at the same time.

And yes I hope a majority keep using the desktop on windows 8. This will make microsoft rethink how metro should work for the pc. I don't mind metro as a start menu. Its just metro is not true multitasking.
With Windows 7 working just fine, I'm thinking that if they don't fix Windows 8 I'm not going to miss it.

I'm working an a Star Trek type force field around my W7 disc. Looks like I'll be using it for quite a while...
Open for business, as soon as they fix that whole "Where the hell is the start button" and that other " how the hell do I shut this thing down" issue it seems to have when you put the average person in front of it. :rolleyes:

Im not sure why so many people are having trouble figuring out how to turn it off. You just open the right-hand menu and click options.

Win8 is boring and lame, but the crying over how to turn it off is even lamer.
I just hope W8 isn't like the great leaps forward like Windows Millennium Edition and Vista were.

I don't recall ME being a giant leap forward; more like a stop gap for the home user when the whole Neptune/Odyssey thing fell through.

Oh wait, you meant "great leaps forward" as in "festering pile of crap." Gotcha. :rolleyes:
Im not sure why so many people are having trouble figuring out how to turn it off. You just open the right-hand menu and click options.

Win8 is boring and lame, but the crying over how to turn it off is even lamer.

If you don't buy it, you won't have any trouble with it. Don't buy crap you don't need, don't want or can't use. W8 fits nicely into that category. Just leave it alone. Let the OS dinks fuk with the shyt.
That blog is just a bunch of non-nonsensical rambling. There is no denying Metro's main use will be in the mobile market.

To solve all its problems here is what you do:

1. Find Desktop Tile
2. Click.
Except if you do this, then what exactly is the point of metro on the desktop? :rolleyes: