Windows 8 - Incorrect folder Icon


May 1, 2007
I have a problem with the icon used for folders, the problem only occurs on my wife's login on one computer, but nothing I've tried so far has helped.

What I see on my login (And also the admin login):
What she sees on hers:

I've tried:
Deleting the icon cache,
Deleting thumbnail files,
Reseting a folder to 'default'
Changing the desktop theme,
Ran a full AV & Spyware scan.

No joy. I suspect deleting and then re-creating the profile would work, but I'm saving that as a last resort.

Any ideas?
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Has it always been this way since the account was created or just something new?

In Windows 7 you can go to this setting:


Make sure it's unchecked and it'll add previews for file types supported by Windows and to the folders. I would post an image of the differences but my folder waz pr0n lol.
Hey jerk, please do not ever show that stuff here again, thanks.
meh.. kittens and those hideous color schemes.. HEY YO WIFEY, THAT HAPPENED BECAUSE YOUR HUSBAND HAD A FUCKTON OF PRON IN THAT FOLDER BEFORE! (heheh im so fucking evil! :D)
hey, is that duct tape in her mouth??

super huge image removed - odoe
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LMAO I didn't even notice that. Days like this is why I love the Internet.

brb emailing the FBI Hotline. I think we got a rapist on our hands ;)
Has it always been this way since the account was created or just something new?

In Windows 7 you can go to this setting:

Make sure it's unchecked and it'll add previews for file types supported by Windows and to the folders. I would post an image of the differences but my folder waz pr0n lol.

Thanks but no, that just makes all folders look like the 'empty folder'. It does have the image thumbnails on image folders, but they're hidden behind the strange 'upside down printout' icon its decided to use.

This is something that happened in the last week.

The rest of you... you do realise those folders were specifically set up as a joke to demonstrate the problem right?
The rest of you... you do realise those folders were specifically set up as a joke to demonstrate the problem right?

I honestly got the joke.

As for your issue, I've gotten a similar issue with Windows 7 before, so I know how it's like having a blank icon for a folder. It somehow doesn't surprise me that such an issue hasn't been fixed in Windows 8 by now.

As for a fix, there were a few I've tried when checking Google. One suggested clearing an icon cache of sorts, another is deleting a registry key that handles icon settings in general. I forgot which of the fixes I've tried worked, but it was either from the sevenforums or from a site I found off Google.
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Ok, I know it's in fun and all, but I turned that image to a link instead. No need to show pics like that in the on-topic forums. I also removed that huge pic, mostly because it was too big.
Ok, I know it's in fun and all, but I turned that image to a link instead. No need to show pics like that in the on-topic forums. I also removed that huge pic, mostly because it was too big.

I'll go one better. I edited the offending folder out of the screenshots. Sorry if it upset anyone, I didn't think anyone would mind since there was no nudity.
NVM I fixed it...

Just kidding, I hate it when people do that.
I never figured out what caused it, but Icon Packager from Stardock seemed to fix it. Installed the trial then told it to reset the icons to default. Took another cache clear and restart for it to fix everything but it seems to be working now.

Most likely a shell extension was installed that does that.

Try snooping around with

Thanks, I did have a look at that, although I couldn't figure out what it was telling me. It did have some 'icon handler' entries against Microsoft Office Sharepoint which I thought might be related. Uninstalling that would have been the next test step if Icon Packager didn't work.

Thanks to those who tried to help.

EDIT 19/02/13

Well the problem came back not sure why it didn't come back right away. I can say that I DO NOT recommend installing iconpackager. I had no end of problems un/re-instaling it trying to get default icons back. In the end the only thing that seemed (so far) to have fixed it is:
deleting desktop.ini
deleting the contents of "C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" (From another user account to get around file locks)
Fingers crossed this time it will stick.
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